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A garden in Suzhou Jiangnan; Lion A rockery garden maze. Lion is known to rockery mountain area of approximately 0.15 hectares. It can be said, Lion is a Chinese garden rockery rockery's only remaining large-scale who have important historical and artistic value. Lion rockery peaks of ups and downs, forceful peaks and rocks, exquisitely carved. Rockery group of nine routes, 21 holes. Horizontal his best twists and turns, ups and downs of vertical circle sought. Visitors holes, circled around, and sometimes board the hilltops, sometimes sink bottom, they will look everywhere Diego cliff, overlooking the slope surrounded by poor, such as into the mountains and peaks. Strange cave, next minute, cheerful, and sometimes of deep, Deng Dao mixed, or flat,
Or Xianai to visitors bring a mystical trance fun. "Potential across the stone shade, turn back now suddenly pass. Like wearing nine beads, convolution potential embedded space. If every 8 Diagrams, change shape infinite. Forget it way out of the new technique Seton fans. With the tour even dispersion, sound celebrity not closed. changing open to connections, marvelous wins Tiangong "and" humanity my home city, I suspect are in mountains in the "Lion is a true portrayal.
Lion of the rockery, through simulation and stories about the human body, lion-shaped, like other animals, in which Yu Buddhism in order to achieve the purpose of rendering the atmosphere of Buddhism. This practice has been misused generations, evolved with the image of a pile of some animals for the harmony, which produces some of the poor to make some garden experts believe that the techniques and effects of the eastern mountains are stacked back Ziranzhili. Its practice is not entirely based on natural cave cave modeled, instead of using the labyrinth approach, through serpentine twists and turns, intricate cave linked to increase visitors interested, so the mountain "feeling," "Fun" word summary more appropriate. Park Hill East stack of "interesting" for victory,
All stones piled up with Lake, and to Leo for the mimicry Buddhist style, abstract and exaggerated form Shifeng Lin Li, Kit Kat out of the "rockery kingdom." Mountain upper, middle, lower three floors, there is a cave 21, winding paths 9. Cliff gully tortuous, winding paths, visitors line to the meantime, like entering a maze, fun. Peak pinnacle of "with Hui", "vomit Dan", "Yuli", "Ang Xiao," "Lion" Peaks, each with demeanor, strange, reminiscent of dancing. Cooper mountains, ancient pines branches vigorous, the danger of forest rustic charm. Located west of this narrow strip of water rockery Stream, will the mountain into two parts. Cross-Stream and made Xiuzhu Court, Court Service imitate days
However, the shape of Cliff Cave, the rockery fused approach uniquely. Western and southern mountain gardens have waterfalls, dry Stream Road, Shi Deng Dao and so on, with the construction, wall and surface natural combination, together with the Magnolia grandiflora, Silver, camphor and bamboo and other plants, form a natural picture, so that visitors to visit gardens and enjoy the view while understanding "should be applicable to the forest interest, shall be deposited on the external conditions" of Zen.
Banding together in the water park. Polymeric main pool center pavilion stands, crooked bridges and even the booths, it seems like hours together, the water jump wave of red scales, Tsui Lau Fu Shui, clouds floating, really, "half an acre of Fang Tang a mirror opening, daylight clouds were hovering," . Water treatment is unique, deep in the garden rockery west, cliff-like rocks do. A living fountain stone by the lake Triassic, which dropped as Qin Ming valleys, clear and melodious, the formation of the classical gardens of Suzhou dramatic man-made waterfall. Garden water features rich streams Quan Liu, Dong He roundabout on peaks, between the lines in the forest among the last in the rocks hidden caves, deep changes, twists and turns rich.



假山 117),建艮岳于汴京(今开封),并命朱力用“花石纲”的名义搜罗江南奇花异石运往汴京。自此民间宅园赏石造山,蔚成风气。造假山的手艺人被称为“山匠”、“花园子”。明清两代又在宋代的基础上把假山技艺引向“一卷代山,一勺代水”的阶段。明代的计成、张南阳,明清之交的张涟(张南垣...


(清·乾隆《狮子林得句》) 居士高踪何处寻,居然城市有山林。(清·王赓言《游狮子林》) 鸥鸟群嬉,不触不惊;菡萏成列,若将若迎。 (蒋堂《北池赋》,北池为唐宋时代苏州官府园林) 懒云仙,蓬莱深处恣高眠……林泉爱我,我爱林泉。(吴西逸《殿前欢·懒云窝》,懒云窝为元代苏州宅园) 清风明月本无价;近水远...


而且,狮子林在明朝朱元璋统治期间更是佛家讲经说论的重要之地,由此,狮子林也是受到了当时许多文人的喜爱,并且一直沿袭至今。在乾隆皇帝统治期间更是六次亲自游狮子林。景观介绍 狮子林出了有许多假山之外,还又着浑若天然的洞穴,这些洞穴看似互不相关,却又暗自相连左右盘旋仿佛让人身处迷宫,而狮子...

一般所说的狮子林都是在苏州的狮子林 狮子林为苏州四大名园之一,至今已有650多年的历史,为元代园林的代表。位于江苏省苏州市城区东北角的园林路23 号,平面成东西稍宽的长方形,占地1.1公顷,开放面积0.88公顷。1982年被定为江苏省文物保护单位。园内假山遍布,长廊环绕,楼台隐现,曲径通幽,有迷阵...


前面就是由湖石假山堆砌成的九狮峰,细心寻找,会发现不同形态的九只狮子,憨态可掬,天真可爱。狮子林共有大小不同、形态各异的狮子五百头,我们以后还能见到不少狮子。” 听了我的介绍,你们是不是很想来狮子园林细细观赏呢? 苏州狮子林导游词8篇5 大家好,我是导游小陈,这天我带大家游览的是苏州四大园林之一——...

潞城市13818794856: 急需苏州园林英文翻译问题 -
钭霭酒石: 0812翻译:苏州园林(叶圣陶) Translation: Suzhou Garden (Ye Shengtao) (translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)苏州园林据说有一百多处,我到过的不过十多处. Allegedly there are over one hundred gardens in Suzhou, but I have ...

潞城市13818794856: 苏州园林用英文讲 -
钭霭酒石: 苏州园林Suzhou gardens 狮子林Lion Grove Garden 怡园Joyous Garden 留园lingering Garden 拙政园 Humble Administrator's Garden 沧浪亭 Garden of Surging Wave Pavilion

潞城市13818794856: 帮忙用英语翻译下,急用,多谢了拙政园沧浪亭留园狮子林网师园讲究亭台轩榭的布局对称的建筑是图案画讲究假山池沼的配合假山的堆叠,是一项艺术而不... -
钭霭酒石:[答案] 拙政园Clumsy political garden 沧浪亭Green pavilion 留园Keeps the garden 狮子林Sizi Lin 网师园Net Shi Yuan 讲究亭台轩榭的布局Is fastidious the pavilion porch pavilion layout 对称的建筑是图案画 The symmetrical construction is 讲究假山池沼的配...

潞城市13818794856: 拙政园,虎丘,狮子林,寒山寺,用英语怎么说? -
钭霭酒石: 1、“拙政园”的英语翻译:Humble Administrator Garden 例句:The western part of the Humble Administrator's Garden is only half thesize of the central part, and is also an area of mainly water scenery. 译文:拙政园的西部只有中部一半的大小...

潞城市13818794856: 虎丘等景点的英语怎么讲? -
钭霭酒石: 1 虎丘 Tiger Hill 2 留园 Lingering Garden 3 北寺塔 North Temple Pagoda 4 狮子林 Lion Grove Garden 5 观前街 Guan Qian Walk Street

潞城市13818794856: 狮子林的英语简介有没有? -
钭霭酒石: The Sizi Lin is Suzhou one of four given name gardens, until now the Sizi Lin is Suzhou one of four given name gardens, until now already More than 50 years history. Yuan Dynasty to two years (in 1342), Yuan Moming monk day like Zen master ...

潞城市13818794856: 狮子林的园林特点 -
钭霭酒石: 狮子林以假山著称,山占地面积约0.15公顷.狮子林假山是中国园林大规模假山的仅存者,具有重要的历史价值和艺术价值.狮子林假山群峰起伏,奇峰怪石.假山群共有九条路线,21个洞口.横向极尽迂回曲折,竖向力求回环起伏. 狮子林...

潞城市13818794856: 急需苏州园林英文翻译问题留园拙政园狮子林沧浪亭请那位高手把这几个园林的英文翻译给我,谢谢了带上它们的英文介绍,谢谢了,急需 -
钭霭酒石:[答案] 狮子林 《Lion Grove Garden 》is located on 23 Yuanlin Road,in the northeast of Suzhou-a city with profound cultural background and convenient developmental advantages.Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens...

潞城市13818794856: 导游怎么介绍狮子林假山?
钭霭酒石: 狮子林以玲珑剔透的太湖石假山众多而著称.由湖石假山堆砌成的九狮峰,是全园诸峰之首,细心寻找,会发现不同形态的九只狮子,憨态可掬,天真可爱.狮子林共有大小不同、形态各异的狮子500头,有待游人慢慢发现.整个狮子林湖石玲珑,洞壑宛转,曲折盘旋,如入迷阵,有“桃源十八景”之称.;假山中盘路弯曲,存时近在咫尺,却+能相近;有时才分手数步,丨已在山上山下.

潞城市13818794856: 急~~~苏州园林英语导游词
钭霭酒石: Now we are coming to ~~ ~~ already has more than ~~ years history,and it is one of the most famous garden in Chian.Along this way, you can see... and on the north is ... on the west is ... Have a good time!

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