
作者&投稿:亥贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. The sick man finally got______.A. good B. fine C. well D. more
2.Our city is _yours.
Aas bigger as B.as biggerthanCbiger than Das big as
3. Little Sandy is now much __ than he was 3 years ago.
 A. happy  B. more happierC. happier D. happier
4. The Huanghe River is not so ______ as the Changjiang River.
 A. longer B. long C. longest D along
5. Alice sings ______.She sings best in her class.A. well B. good C. better D. very better
6. There's ______ with the recorder. A. anything wrong B. wrong anything
 C. something wrong D. wrong something
7.______next time.
 A.More be careful B.Be careful more C.More careful   D.Be more careful
8.His sister is ____ than he.
 A.younger five years B.five years younger C.five year younger D.five younger years
9. It's summer now, the weather is getting ______.
 Ahot and hot B.hotter and hotterC hottest and hottest Dcolder and colder
10. We all agreed that he was stronger than______.A I looked B.I was looked C. he looked D. he was looked
11. He is ______ to me.
 A. friend   B. friendly C. friendship D. friendful
12. The old man lives alone. He feels ______.A. alone B. lonely C.lone D. alone
13. John gives me more help than______. A.Tom is  B.Tom has C.Tom does D.Tom gives
14.The play is ________ worth ________. A. very, seeing B.good, to see C.well, seeing D.well, to see
15.Steel is ____ iron.Adifferent B.different than C.different from D. different that
16. Mike is the oldest boy and is taller than ___ boy in the class.A. the other B. any otherC.eachD. all
17. The U. S.A. is one of ___countries in the wordA. richer  B. richest C. more rich D.the richest
18. I'm sorry. I haven't ___ to buy the book.
 A. enough money B. enough moneysC. some money  D. some moneys
19. Our room is ___theirs.A. as three big as B. as three times big as
 C. as big as three times D. three times as big as
c c c b a c d b b c b b c c c b d a d

小题1:transport 小题2:ruins 小题3:based 小题4:equal 小题5:qualities 小题6:straight 小题7:outdoors 小题8:recognized 小题9:recovering 小题10:persuaded 试题分析:小题1:transport 名词运输transport;该词还可以作为动词transport,只是发音不同。小题2:ruins 固定搭配in ruins成为废墟...

parking停车park公园 cook厨师cook烧 cleaned打扫clean干净的 milks挤牛奶milk牛奶 满意请及时采纳,有疑问请追问,谢谢

...根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式.小题1:The government ha...

故填electricity。【小题8】gradually 考查副词。空后是getting,应用副词修饰。【小题9】persuade 考查动词。题干中it是形式主语,to后的不定式是句子真正的主语,故填动词原形。【小题10】destroyed 考查动词。空前有was,句子的主语是destroy的动作承受者,故用过去分词。考点:考查单词的识记。

56. discount 57.apologized 58. persuaded 59. survived 60. voyage61. in the direction of 62. are responsible for 63. at a high speed 64. bring to conclusion 65. three times the size 略

【小题8】solve动词,解决 solve the problem解决问题。【小题9】type动词,打字。句意:今天下午我会把封信给你打好。【小题10】deserve vt.应受;应得;值得 考点:考查单词和短语的识记 点评:单词拼写考察实词居多,特别应注意名词单复数的变化,动词时态语态的变化,形容词和副词的变化。

单词拼写。根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单 ...
小题1:联系上下文及首字母可知考查短语pay attention to注意,故填attention,注意力。小题2:联系下文,可知句意为:一个有见识的人是一个知道许多东西的人。结合语境及首字母可知填形容词knowledgeable,知识渊博的,有见识的,作定语。小题3:句意:比起茶来,我的母亲更喜欢咖啡,但是我喜欢茶多一点...

1 smoke 烟 2 litter 垃圾 3 garden 花园 4 must 必须 5 name 名字 6 should 应该 7 July 七月 8 serpent 蛇 9 birthdays生日

1、age 后句话的意思是:他也许18岁,表明前面说的是我不知道他的年龄,因此是age。2、complete 完成,意思是在放学之前你要完成你的家庭作业。3、world travel around the world :环游世界。意思是:如果我有足够的钱,我想去环游世界。4、song 听!你能听见操场上传来的歌声吗 ...

1 northeast 2 winner 3 ride 4 sun 5 waiter 6 nearly 7 finally 8 push 9 cross 10 part

动力区14788359014: 根据所给单词写出相应的汉语意思. 1. people - __________________2. member - __________________3. only - __________________4. puppy - _... -
星砍来索:[答案] 1. 人 2. 成员 3. 只有;仅仅 4. 小狗 5. 看上去;看;瞧 6. 年轻的 7. 哇;哎呀;啊 答案不唯一

动力区14788359014: 用所给的字母组合单词,写出中文意思 -
星砍来索: stomach[ˈstʌmək] n. 1 胃 2 腹部 3 食欲, 胃口; 欲望couth[ku:θ] adj. 温文尔雅的; 有教养的; 有礼貌的

动力区14788359014: 用所给的字母组成单词并写出中文意思 -
星砍来索: 1. swign 痛饮;大喝2. jump 跳跃3. sleep 睡觉4. walk 散步5. fly 飞行6. kangaroo 袋鼠7. swim 游泳8. 不好意思 这个没想起来9. drink 喝酒;饮水10.blic11. run 跑步12. fight 打架;与...斗争

动力区14788359014: 用所给的字母组成单词,并写出它们的中文意思.急啊! -
星砍来索: 1.rain 雨2.stream 溪流3.wait 等待4.traffic 交通5.stop 停止6.watch 看7.dare 勇敢8.teach 教9.then 然后10.should 应当11.soil 土壤12.plant 种植13.seed 种子14.posture 姿势

动力区14788359014: 用所给单词的适当形式填空,并写出相应的中文意思.No - ___()here.We can't put our ear in the - ___().(park)Tom's mother is a good - __ - ().She can - __()very ... -
星砍来索:[答案] parking停车park公园 cook厨师cook烧 cleaned打扫clean干净的 milks挤牛奶milk牛奶 满意请及时采纳,有疑问请追问,谢谢

动力区14788359014: 根据所给字母组合写单词,并写出中文意思.(五年级水平) -
星砍来索: please 请 play 玩 brithday 生日 bridge 桥 green 绿的 grass 草 grape 葡萄 cry 哭;喊 black 黑的 blue 蓝色 clean 干净的 fridge 冰箱 fruit 水果 fresh 新鲜的 Friday星期五 【我做任务、请务必采纳我的回答、谢谢~】

动力区14788359014: 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确.小题1:When we - _________(到达) to the theatre last night, the performances had already started.... -
星砍来索:[答案]A)小题1:got 小题1:Hers 小题1:across 小题1:Hundreds 小题1:preparing B)小题1:leaves 小题1:twentieth/20th 小题1:searches 小题1: drier 小题1:pleasure 小题1:screaming 略

动力区14788359014: 根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里 -
星砍来索: beautiful,today,water,sweet,swingschool, home,takes, long,road,foot,hour,must,time,way,late

动力区14788359014: 几道英语题(没能力的别来)根据所给字母,组合单词并写出其汉语意思例:cipetur (picture 图画)1.iubnldig 2.glptgean3.irbdge 4.eocstl 5.arcitun 6.ormrri答对... -
星砍来索:[答案] picture照片 building建筑物 Friday星期五 eggplant茄子 bridge桥 closet衣橱 curtain窗帘 mirror镜子

动力区14788359014: 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整 Students need to learn how to - _______(获得)a balance between work and play. -
星砍来索:[答案] 答案:achieve

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