
作者&投稿:潭诞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ We tend to get caught up in everyday business and concerns and forget some of the things that are most important. Too few of us stop and take the time to say "thank you" to our mothers
With a letter to my mother on the occasion of Mother's Day, I'm going to take a minute to reflect. Feel free to use any of this in greeting your own mother on Sunday, May 10. Happy Mother's Day to all.
Dear Mom,
This letter, I know, is long past due. I know you'll forgive the tardiness, you always do.
There are so many reasons to say thank you, it's hard to begin. I'll always remember you were there when you were needed.
When I was a child, as happens with young boys, there were cuts and bumps and scrapes that always felt better when tended by you .
You kept me on the straight path, one I think I still walk.
There was nothing quite so humbling as standing outside my elementary school classroom and seeing you come walking down the hall. You were working at the school and I often managed to get sent outside class for something. Your chiding was gentle, but right to the point.
I also remember that even after I grew bigger than you, you weren't afraid to remind me who was in charge. For that I thank you.
You did all the things that mothers do --the laundry, the cooking and cleaning--all without complaint or objection. But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.
You let me learn the basics in the kitchen, and during the time I was on my own it kept me from going hungry.
You taught by example and for that I am grateful. I can see how much easier it is with my own daughter to be the best model I can be. You did that for me.
Your children are grown now, your grandchildren, almost. You can look back with pride now and know you can rest. As mothers are judged, you stand with the best.
God bless you, Mom.


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