
作者&投稿:子车妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   卓越[zhuō yuè]


  outstanding ; brilliant ; remarkable ; excellence ; predomination

  网 络excellence;joyo;outstanding;transcendence



  Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.


  There has been a steady flow of superior products.


  Everyone would have excelled in something if he had known his strong point.

  He made an outstanding contribution to science.


  She was conspicuous by her brilliant merits.


  Her superiority made her a very superior kind of women.


  This hotel is in a fabulous location and has returned to excellence.


  Epitropic fibre has excellent resistance to reducing agents.


  It may be possible for a warlock to steal one of these fine beasts.

  1. I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service. 我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。

  2. She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician. 她是个充满激情、才华卓越、毫不妥协的知识分子和政治家。

  3. This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays. 这项卓越技术的清晰度比常规的X光高得多。

  4. Abraham Lincoln achieved greatness. 亚伯拉罕·林肯成就卓越。

  5. The medal bears the inscription "For distinguished service". 奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。

  6. I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors. 我有幸与一些卓越的主管人员共事。

  7. The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talentedyoung musicians. 每年一度的比赛造就了若干卓越的年轻音乐家.

  8. He moulded a talented amateur into a brilliant actor. 他将一个有才华的业余艺术爱好者培养成了卓越的演员.

  9. The year went out, with great achievements on all fronts. 这一年以各阵线都获得卓越的功绩而结束.

  10. She was strongly committed to her job, a policewoman by eminence. 她非常忠于职守, 一位卓越的女警察.

  11. My computer is a desktop computer of excellent quality. 我的计算机是品质卓越的台式计算机.

  12. This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee. 这位外交官具有卓越的应对才能.

  13. He was a distinguished publicist. 他是一位卓越的宣传家.

  14. He played with great brilliance. 他的演奏显示出他卓越的才华.

  15. The quality of his character and the caliber of his accomplishments produced a lasting influence. 他的优秀品格和卓越成就影响深远。

  16. I had the car for two years and much enjoyed its excellent
handling, quietness and silky gearchange.

  17. I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious
award in recognition of our company's achievements.

  18. The medal bears the inscription 'For distinguished service'. 奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。

  19. Obey standards unless there is a truly superior alternative. 除非有真正卓越的替代方案,否则必须遵守标准.

  20. To such a professional body Roger Chillingworth was a bri lliant acquisition. 与这样的一种职业团体相比,罗格、齐灵窝斯便成了一个卓越的名家.

越想得到的东西,越容易转瞬即逝。 英文怎么写?
越想得到的东西,越容易转瞬即逝。 英文怎么写?the thing that you are more easier to get it, it will be more easier to be lost.if you accept it, please give me a thumbs-up, thank you.满意请采纳关注我哦。

环境污染变得越来越严重的英语表达是:Environmental pollution is becoming increasingly severe 拓展:环境污染已经成为了全球面临的严重问题之一,随着工业化、城市化和人口增长的快速发展,环境污染的规模和影响正在逐步加剧。在人类的日常活动中,人们产生了大量的废弃物和排放物,这些废弃物、化学物质和污染...

超越:1.to surpass 2.to exceed 3.to transcend Relative explainations:Examples:1.掌上型个人电子助理制造商Palm周一公布财政年度第一季的财务报告,营运收入与获利均超越华尔街分析师的预估一倍以上。Palm Inc,the No1 maker of hand-held electronic organizers,on Monday reported fiscal first-quarter...

如果按照语法讲,应该是:“the simpler the better!”不过现在口语中一般讲“simple the best”。成为一中类似于谚语的表达方式。

友谊如美酒,越陈越醇厚 Friendship is like wine -- -the older the better

我名字是越,怎么起英文名 要音译的
joy 俩个音素连在一起读很有Yue的味道 含义欢快愉悦,也不会太复杂导致别人记不住吧?So,这个简单明快给人印象好的英文名是个不错的选择!

Wish mom to be prettier each day.Wish mom to be more and more beautiful.都可以^^

楼上失误了吧,应该是:The harder you work, the luckier you will be.lucky的比较级不用more

Tien Giang 美 My Tho 宣光 Tuyen Quang 宣光 Tuyen Quang 茶荣 Tra Vinh 茶荣 Tra Vinh 永隆 Vinh Long 永隆 Vinh Long 永富 Vinh Phu 越池 Viet Tri 安沛 Yen Bai 安沛 Yen Bai 直辖市 河内 Hanoi 胡志明市 Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh \/ Ho Chi Minh City 海防 Hai Phong \/ Haiphong ...

春:Spring is warm,with soft rain coming.夏:Summer is hot,raining heavily sometimes.秋:Fall is cool,neither too hot or too cold.冬:Winter is cold,snowing from time to time.I have tried my best,not writing the kind of sentences for a long time....

麻栗坡县13113953772: 卓越用英语怎么说?
蒋步德宝: exceptional a. 卓越的

麻栗坡县13113953772: 卓越英语听力 卓越用英语怎么说 -
蒋步德宝: 卓越 [词典] excellence; outstanding; remarkable; brilliant; predomination; [例句]我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋. I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service.

麻栗坡县13113953772: 英文的 传统 荣誉 记录 卓越 怎么写、 -
蒋步德宝: tradition 传统honour荣誉record记录excellence卓越上面都是名词

麻栗坡县13113953772: 中英文翻译
蒋步德宝: excellence

麻栗坡县13113953772: 卓越用英语怎么说~?学校生活即有苦事也有乐事用英语帮我翻译一下``谢谢了啊~`` -
蒋步德宝:[答案] excellence superexcellence predomination preeminence salience transcendence ect.

麻栗坡县13113953772: “兰斯卓越”英文怎么写?
蒋步德宝: 兰斯卓越:Lance Excellencelance:n. 兰斯;n. 1.长矛...excellence:n. 优秀、卓越、杰出...

麻栗坡县13113953772: “全球卓越”英文怎么说???? -
蒋步德宝: 全球: global 卓越: excellent,splendid

麻栗坡县13113953772: “兰斯卓越”英文怎么写? -
蒋步德宝: lance excellence 参考http://blog.sina.com.cn/lanceexcellence

麻栗坡县13113953772: 超越自我追求卓越英文怎么说,请告知, -
蒋步德宝:[答案] go beyond oneself 超越自我 to pursue brilliance/excellence 追求卓越 楼上的你语法错误

麻栗坡县13113953772: 超凡用英语怎么说 -
蒋步德宝: 楼主,您好transcendency(名词)extraordinary(形容词)谢谢采纳!

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