情感识别 subject-independent 可以么

作者&投稿:油侵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
偏态分布可以用independent t-test么~


Campus culture is the spirit of school has a specific environment and culture atmosphere, it includes campus architecture and design, campus landscape, beautify the materialized form of content, including schools of traditional, school spirit and style, interpersonal relationship, the collective opinion, psychological atmosphere and school rules and school members in joint activity the relationship formed expressly standard code of conduct. Healthy campus culture, can cultivate students' sentiment, enlighten students' mind, to promote the all-round development of students. Campus culture is the school itself the formation and development of the material culture and culture combined.

School without a thousand flourishing students, no matter how wise leadership groups how solid hardware facilities is how strong teachers could not make a school campus has strong vitality. The specific to campus culture, especially in the university campus culture, the same ideas, college students peculiar ideas, psychological quality, value orientation and thinking mode etc is the core of campus culture, its essence is a kind of humane environment and culture atmosphere. In this by college students themselves as subject build humanistic environment and cultural environment, characteristic of campus interpersonal relationships, life style and by college students to participate in the newspaper, lectures, community and other scientific culture and sports activities and all kinds of cultural facilities will work as the main characteristics of campus culture filled with all aspects of the university campus construction, thus make the university campus more rich vitality and vigor.

Campus culture in current higher education should play an important role, campus culture is often new, but is able to keep eternal charm, is can arouse the young heart, it is able to inspire young students passion, is can arouse the young noble, independent personality pursuit and noble moral pursuit.

Campus culture is an atmosphere, a kind of spirit.

Campus culture is the soul of the development of the school, is cohesive, display school image, improve school civilization degree of important embodiment. Campus culture on students' outlook on life, the values from the profound influence of the subtle, and this effect is often unmatched by any courses. Healthy and upward, rich campus culture on students' character formation of permeability, durability and selectivity, to enhance students' humanistic moral qualtity, broaden the classmates vision, trans-century talents of far-reaching significance.

The construction of campus culture can greatly increase school culture grade.

The ancients cloud, "the Wolf will learn to howl." The school JiaoRong JiaoMao, show a whole school spirit, is the value orientation of the education resources with guiding function. Campus culture as a kind of environmental education power, to student's healthy growth has great impact.

The ultimate goal of campus culture construction is that create an atmosphere and to raising students sentiment, build healthy personality, and to enhance the students' quality.

Campus culture is a school comprehensive strength for reflection.

The construction of campus culture including college of material culture, spirit culture construction and system culture construction, these three aspects construction of comprehensive, coordinated development, will establish complete for the school of cultural image. Campus culture is a school, the comprehensive strength of campus culture reflect core competence mainly displays in cultural cohesion and creativity, the outstanding campus culture can give teachers and students independent personality, independent spirit, and encourage teachers and students of continuous introspection, constantly beyond. Therefore, the construction of campus culture is an important guarantee of the development of the school.

Campus culture characteristics

First, interactivity. Campus culture is the school teachers and students together to create. Here the role of teachers, the school leadership role, i.e. teachers' the role of teachers is the key. The school idea, leader of running consciousness and behavior of students and faculty to cannot be underestimated, the influence of the role of campus culture construction is huge.

Second, permeability. Campus culture, like the spring breeze of the same, and xian scattered on the campus drift into every corner, teachers, students, staff's concept, words and deeds, in their manners in, permeability of teaching, scientific research and study, work attitude and feeling.

Third, heredity. School spirit in the teaching and learning, academic tradition, ways of thinking, but form, not a generation generations of people or several generations of consciously or unconsciously create, and has been passed on from generation to generation, yao. There seems to be a genetic factors.

Any kind of campus culture, once forms, will pass after, not by the age, society system, of course will disappear different and some profit and loss. However the spirit is sustainable, eternal life.

The function of campus culture

1. Promote character

First is promoting scientific and cultural qualities of teachers and students, staff and ideological and moral quality continuously improve. Quality, not complete ascension from outside the classroom, classroom activities, including the necessary social practice, social investigation and social public welfare activities is to promote the quality of the important channel.

2. Molds good moral sentiment

Second is molded good moral sentiment. The students' own organization club activities, such as sports competitive matches, mountaineering, swimming for training the benefits of physical fitness, enhanced physique of needless to say, on cultivating teamwork and cooperation consciousness, indomitable willpower, fighting spirit, is the indispensable means and ways.

3. Cause positive culture atmosphere

Again, through all kinds of literature and art, sports, military training, academic report discusses, cause a kind of vitality, positive culture atmosphere.

Students involved in this kind of environment and under this spirit influence, and are exposed, subtle, as time passes, it will become a knowledge, polite, aggressive, have good temperament, day day up.



如何辨别词语的感彩 进入小学高年级,同学们陆续地接触到了词语的感彩。《语文课程标准》中明确提出了小学高年级段要能辨别词语的感彩。在苏教版国标本第十一册第二课《郑成功》和第十二册第五课《卢沟桥烽火》中都出现了辨别、体会词语的感彩的习题。那么如何准确地辨别出词语的感彩呢? 首先我们要了解词语的感彩是指什么。《现代汉语》中指出:“有些词语除了它们的基本意义外,还具有褒奖或贬斥的感情。”“词语的感彩反映了人们对事物的爱憎感情和褒贬评价。一般来说,表示对人或事物的赞扬、喜爱、尊敬等感情,要用褒义词;表示贬斥、憎恶、鄙视等感情,要用贬义词。” 根据这个定义,我们就可以知道语文课本中常常使用的赞扬人物优秀品质的词语,如乐于助人、舍己为人、镇定自若、临危不惧、奋不顾身、大公无私、两袖清风等显然是褒义词无疑。至于贬斥、批评人的词语,如自私自利、贪生怕死、损人利己、忘恩负义、贪赃枉法等则显然是贬义词。 但是有些词语的感彩是非常丰富而细微的,只有仔细推敲、体味、比较,才能区别出词语的褒贬色彩。 一、找反义词 词语的褒贬色彩在反义词中表现得最明显,因此通过找反义词的方法来辨别是一个好方法。例如: 聪明——愚蠢 勤奋——懒惰 勇敢——怯懦 善良——凶恶 美好一一丑恶 纯洁——肮脏 高尚——卑鄙 谦逊——傲慢 通过两相比较,我们不难发现哪个是褒义词,哪个是贬义词。 二、看同义词 同义词中有些也带褒义或贬义。例如 “深思熟虑”和“蓄谋已久”都表示经过长久深入的思考谋划,是同义词,但“深思熟虑”用于思考谋划做好事,是个褒义词;而“蓄谋已久”意在思考谋划做不好的事,是个贬义词。又如: 揭发——告密 赞扬——吹捧 果断——武断 牺牲——完蛋 团结——勾结 鼓励——怂恿 义正词严——强词夺理 神机妙算——诡计多端 它们的意思是一样的,但前者是褒义词,后者是贬义词。 三、造句辨析 因为褒义词常用于赞扬好人,贬义词常用于形容坏人,所以我们可以通过造句的方式,结合具体的语言环境来判断运用是否得当。一般需要造两个句子,一个用于形容好的方面,一个用于形容坏的方面。 例1:守株待兔 好的方面:1、叔叔蹲伏了三天两夜,守株待兔,终于将3名窃贼抓获。 坏的方面:2、有的人整天只想着守株待兔,而不去努力进取,是永远不会有所作为的。 “守株待兔”用在敬业、正义的身上,显然是不恰当的。它只能用来形容坏的方面,表示批评、贬斥,是个贬义词。 例2:载载舞 好的方面:郑成功收复了,人们载载舞,欢庆胜利。(《郑成功》) 坏的方面:敌人侥幸打退了我军,他们载载舞,开心不已。 在这里,“载载舞”形容人们打了胜仗后又唱又跳舞的情景是很恰当的,但用来形容敌人,显然不够恰当。所以“载载舞”是褒义词。 例3:骄傲 好的方面:小明去里参加作文竞赛,得了一等奖,我真为他骄傲! 坏的方面:小红期末考试数学得了98分,就骄傲的不得了。 在这两句话中,骄傲既可以用于好的方面,也可以用于坏的方面,我们把这类词叫中性词。 例4:惊恐万状 好的方面:同学们看见了一条水蛇,吓得惊恐万状。 坏的方面:敌人惊恐万状,敌军舰队乱作一团。(《郑成功》) 例5:喜出望外 好的方面:同胞听说郑成功的军队到了,个个喜出望外。(《郑成功》) 坏的方面:小偷们发现偷来的钱包里有不少钱,不禁喜出望外。 例4的“惊恐万状”和例5的“喜出望外”既可以形容好的方面,也可以形容不好的方面,都是中性词。其实汉语中大量的词都是不带褒贬的感彩的,如“担心”“害怕”“发动”“保护”“结果”“桌椅”等。 所以我们今后使用词语,不仅要弄清词语的意思,对带有感彩的词,还要分清是褒义词还是贬义词,根据表达的需要来选用,这样才能把自己的思想感情准确、鲜明地表达出来。尤其是在描写敌我双方时,恰当地选用这类词语,会产生鲜明而强烈的表达效果。 例如:1、年7月7日深夜,星光暗淡,万籁俱寂。一支全副武装的日本军队,偷偷地向卢沟桥摸来。(《卢沟桥烽火》) 2、当天晚上,大刀队员们手握大刀,腰佩手榴弹,又悄悄地向卢沟桥进发。(《卢沟桥烽火》) 同样是写部队偷袭,但在描写敌我双方时选用了不同的词语,强烈地表达了作者的爱憎情感,收到了很好的效果

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