country 和countryside 的区别

作者&投稿:勾峡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


例句:I like my country.我爱我的国家
in the western countries在西方各国
Which do you prefer to live in a city or in the country ?你欢喜住在城里还是住在乡下?(这里根据场景判断country指的是乡下)
I like listening country music.我喜欢听乡村音乐(country作为形容词使用)
I'm from countryside.我来自农村

具体来说,countryside 常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民。例如:
the countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美。
i bought many pictures of the chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片。

country 作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下。例如:
they are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了。
i am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country. 我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假。


A "countryside" refers to rural areas that are open. Forest, wetlands, and other areas with a low population density are not a countryside.
The "country" areas are rural areas - farms and small villages.

hope it can help.

例句:I like my country.我爱我的国家
in the western countries在西方各国
Which do you prefer to live in a city or in the country 你欢喜住在城里还是住在乡下?(这里根据场景判断country指的是乡下)
I like listening country music.我喜欢听乡村音乐(country作为形容词使用)
I'm from countryside.我来自农村
具体来说,countryside 常用来泛指一切乡村地域或居民.例如:
the countryside is the most beautiful at this time.此时农村景色最美.
i bought many pictures of the chinese countryside.我买了许多有关中国农村的图片.
country 作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下.例如:
they are leaving the country and moving into the town.他们离开乡下搬到城里去了.
i am going to spend this summer vacation with my grandmother in the country.我准备今天和祖母在乡下过暑假.
A "countryside" refers to rural areas that are open.Forest,wetlands,and other areas with a low population density are not a countryside.
The "country" areas are rural areas - farms and small villages.
hope it can help.

例句:I like my country.我爱我的国家
I like listening country music.我喜欢听乡村音乐
I'm from countryside.我来自农村

country(1)国家,国土How many countries are there in Asia?
(2)与the 连用,表全国人民。The whole country is opposed to the war.(3)不可数名词,与the 连用,农村,乡村Where do you prefer to live ,in a city or in the country?

countryside不可数名词。Scotland has many lakes and mountains,and is famous for its beautiful countryside.


尉犁县13154079816: country的复数形式? -
占支凡林: 以y结尾的分两种:1.“元音+y”结尾的,要在词后直接加s,如 boy- boys2.“辅音+y”结尾的,要把y变i,再加es,如country- countries

尉犁县13154079816: country和countryside和village的区别 -
占支凡林: countryside是指“与城市相对而言的农村”,不是指某个具体的村庄;而village则是指具体的村庄.还有一点要注意,就是countryside要带定冠词,现在我们一起来看看例句,如: The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋...

尉犁县13154079816: country的意思到底是国家还是乡村 -
占支凡林: country的意思 、可一指国家也可以指乡村 从历史的发展角度,肯定是先有农村的,国家的概念也是农村、土地的范畴,到了商代,手工业发达后,商业交换频繁,才使得一部分商人和相关行业走入相对聚集的城镇.所以在词汇产生的源头上,country既有农村,又有国家的概念,但现在说农村,一般用:rural area/district 表示乡下时前面基本上会有定冠词.比如:in the country. 表示国家时有时候有有时候没有,看上下文

尉犁县13154079816: country是什么词性? -
占支凡林: country是名词 [英] [ˈkʌntri] [美] [ˈkəntri] n.国; 国家; 乡村; 乡下; 地区; 区域; 人民; 祖国; 国民 [例句] The Times reported a secret programme by the country to build nuclear warheads. 《泰晤士报》报道了该国制造核弹头的秘密计划. [变形] 复数:countries

尉犁县13154079816: country与countryside的区别 -
占支凡林: countryside是名词,只有乡下,农村的意思; 而country作为名词通常是国家的意思,但在某些场景中也有农村的意思,要根据上下文来判断;country还可作为形容词使用,指国家的,农村的. 例句:I like my country.我爱我的国家 in the western...

尉犁县13154079816: country是什么意思 -
占支凡林: country释义:n.国家; 乡下; 国民; 地区.读音:[英][ˈkʌntri][美][ˈkʌntri].例句:1Do you know what this duel means for our country?你知道这次决斗对我们国家意味着什么吗?2What country are you from?你从哪国来?3Do you like country music?你喜欢乡村音乐吗?4Do you like the country?你喜欢我们的城市吗?5Which country do you belong to?你到底是哪个国家的?

尉犁县13154079816: country有乡下和国家两种意思,那它们的用法有什么区别? -
占支凡林: 基本没有什么的.看你用在那里而已.代表国家也不用开头大写.也没有规定哪个不能加the的.还是看上下文具体用法. nation是更倾向于民族性,联系到地理的时候是用country的. country用于国家的时候通常都有特指哪个或哪些或怎样的,而用于乡下的时候很多时候都是泛指(如I'm from the country,当然这句话也可以指国家但是要有其他修饰或上下文指定哪个国家),特指的时候通常用countryside或其他的字(如 I'm from the countryside of the country)不用担心混起来的,用的环境都会有解释. 自己的理解希望有帮助

尉犁县13154079816: country和countryside的区别和用法 -
占支凡林: country :农村、乡村countryside:1. 乡间,农村2. 乡下某地区的全体居民(countryside要带定冠词) 例句: 1、The American countryside looks beautiful in autumn. 美国的乡村秋天景色很美. 2、What are the advantages of living in the countryside? 住在农村有什么优点呢? 这两个词均表示“农村”之义,但有所区别

尉犁县13154079816: country的两种意思是什么 -
占支凡林: 1,国家2. 农村、乡村 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)

尉犁县13154079816: 国家和地区英语怎么说 -
占支凡林: country country 英[ˈkʌntri] 美[ˈkʌntri] n. 国家; 乡下; 国民; 地区; [例句]Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.印度尼西亚是世界上第四大人口大国.

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