银色世界用英语怎么说 银色世界英语翻译?

作者&投稿:罗哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 银色世界的英语是”silver grain”,还可以翻译为silveri,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到15个与银色世界相关的短语释义和例句。
1. A silver SUV in the alley outside.
2. And the sky was streaked with white
3. The silver dress you’re wearing?
4. The Argent Dawn is finished!
5. He was wearing a silver-colored suit.
6. – She looks good in silver.
7. A silver car, like a sports car?
8. A silver tie meant that i’d forgotten my roots.
10. it might have been a yellow balloon.


the world of colour

我们生活在一个色彩缤纷得世界里 英语
we are living in a colorful world

brilliant world expressed by colour

有灰暗意思的话可以用 gloomy world 单纯强调颜色直接the world in gray就可以了

英语翻译 1.冷色的世界 2.让时间永远停在此刻,倾听大自然的生息._百度...
1.Cool in the world 2.To allow time for the permanent closure of the moment,listen to the live nature.

暮色森林英文是:The Twilight Forest。相关短语:twilight zone:城市衰败地区;边缘地区;过渡区域;弱光层;险恶地带;危险区域。twilight of the gods:众神和世界的毁灭。twilight sleep:朦胧麻醉;半麻醉。twilight home:养老院。morning twilight:晨光;清晨微光。twilight world:黄昏世界;朦胧的世界...

看到你 世界开始有了颜色 英语怎么说
watching you,the world becomes colorful .

颜色让世界变得漂亮 英语作文
White, in the poor people's eyes is hope; in the eyes of the world are bringing a moonlight; in the patient's eyes is sacred to the doctor.Blue, farmers in the eyes as well; in the eyes of a child is the blue sky; in the eyes of the sea.Some people, feel the ...

您是不是要找:subscribe handset 在这个充满名利声色的世界 In this world full of sensual


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