
作者&投稿:于功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I wanna kiss you outside on the balcony with all my love, witnessed by everyone, just like William and Kate, Will you marry me?

We thank you for your help.

He pretended he was innocent.

You are like I told you to do?

The river winds to the oceans.

Many people pass, a road formed in the field.

A dinner later, they hurried away.

They in tents slept soundly when it was raining heavily outside.

My arrival at the office, he got the news.

The owner of this house is an ancient myth believers.

That woman is my teacher, his daughter had in the Olympic Games win awards.

My advice to he doesn't have any effect.

Liu qian said he could put stones into flower.

On her way to work, my car has trouble.
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(1)hjggbeui ufigh ghuv my hguh htue ugfeg ibnjf usyfge jeguer my.

He Zhikang

wherever you are now and whatever the reasons you are busy for, i don't mind all of them. what i know only is i will always be here to wait for you.

翻译如下 All is just a dream, why sorrow like this?乐意为您解答! (*^__^*). 不明白欢迎再问 满意请及时采纳!不枉答题人之心血也

1、... 计划1月到6月完成。... is scheduled to start in January and be completed by June.或者 ... is scheduled to start in January and end by June.*例如:The distribution is scheduled to start in January and end by July 2008. 供应计划自2008年1月开始至2008年7月完成。The...

wps有翻译功能吗?这个只有你自己弄。alt +enter键换行然后翻译。

回答和翻译如下:I like do exercise . I like playing basketball . I think that it was so interested .There are two footballs , but I don’t like play football . It was very difficult to me .So boring . My sister and me were stay in the same class at scho...

translate与translation的区别,及各自的用法. 英文
这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下: 【含义】 1、translate 英[trænzˈleɪt] 美[trænzˈleɪt] v. 翻译; 译; 被翻译; 被译成; (使)转变,变为; (以某种方式)理解; 2、translation 英[trænzˈle...

手工翻译如下:1 Beijing is a beautiful city which is endowed with colorful cultures, many famous historical sites (e.g. the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, etc.) and a lot of gourmet foods.2 I like to eat the Beijing Duck which is meticulously roasted, its juicy meat makes ...

你好 今天是我的生日, 我正在举办一场生日聚会, 我的朋友东东正在吹唢呐, 我们都很开心。把这段话翻译成英语, 译文如下, 满意希望采纳。Today is my birthday. I'm having a birthday party. My friend Dong Dong is playing the Suona. We are all very happy. 另外, 一些如解释和...

回答:你好翻译如下 爸爸妈妈我要对你们说声谢谢,没你们也没有今天的我…… My dear mom and dad, I want to say thank you to you. Without you, I will never achieve what I am today My dear mom and dad, I want to say thank you to you. If it is not for your thoughtful...

美兰区14717262905: 如何把下列句子翻译成英语:我有5个香蕉,爸爸又给了我3个香蕉,一共有几个香蕉? -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] I have 5 bananas,father gives me three bananas again

美兰区14717262905: 请大侠帮我把以下几个句子翻译成英语,谢谢! -
雕佩玉屏: 1.Our house was built in 1969.2.My car has been fixed.3.The house will be pulled down next year.4.He will be surprised when he comes.5.It is peculiar to someone...

美兰区14717262905: 英语翻译求个大神帮下忙翻译下几个句子 由中文翻译成英文 1他被认为是我们学校最好的老师2在你做决定之前,请在考虑一下3我以低价买了这块手表4我... -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] 简单,如下 1. He is regarded as the best teacher in our school 2. Please reconsider before you make up your mind ...

美兰区14717262905: 汉语翻译成英语句子如下 作为午餐我喜欢鸡肉和水果 翻译 -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] I like chicken and fruit for lunch

美兰区14717262905: 把下列句子翻译成英语 -
雕佩玉屏: 1.衣橱里有许多衣服. There are a lot of clothes in the closet. ( a lot of = lots of = many ) 2.盘子里有一些奶酪. There is some cheese on the plate. 3.桥上有小汽车吗? Are there any cars on the bridge ? 4.房子前面有一把椅子.There is a chair in ...

美兰区14717262905: 英语翻译请问如下这句话如何翻译成英语:这个小男孩就是后来大名鼎鼎的发明家爱迪生.(关键是其中的“后来”一词不知如何翻译) -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] Later the little boy is the famous inventor Thomas Edison

美兰区14717262905: 求英语翻译如下几个句子!
雕佩玉屏: If you get up early, you wouldn't be late! 2: I can't and he did as fast! 3: I changed my plan, as you suggest that! 4: keep clean the room every day is important! 5: I hope I can speak good English!

美兰区14717262905: 用英文翻译如下句子:上个星期,我们去了迪尼斯玩耍,非常高兴,我们看见了唐老鸭和米老鼠. -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] Last week,we all went to the Disneyland and had a fantastic time there,what made us most happy was that we had saw the MacDonald duck and Micky mouse.

美兰区14717262905: 英语翻译请问如下句子如何翻译:然而,对这个问题的研究迫在眉睫,不仅由于原因A,还由于原因B. -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] However,this study what so imminent is not only reasons A,also due to the reasons for B.

美兰区14717262905: 英语翻译句子如下:“我非常荣幸在一位新同学面前做演讲”译成英文~ -
雕佩玉屏:[答案] I am very much honoured to deliver a speech in front of a new classmate.

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