
作者&投稿:江歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mr.Li was in a hurry to go to walk, so he didn't notice him who was beggaring in the road.

"Each day about 5 to 6 pails of food are wasted in the first floor. If each pile of food sell as its normal price, it can sell at least 200 yuan. Each day the first floor's average income is ten thousands yuan, the waste part worth one thousand yuan, the scale of it is 1/10(one over ten). And count in the second floor and the third floor, this restaurant are wasting 11 to 14 piles of food each day. " This is what a university student discovered when he investigated the restaurant.




We all need to dream," some scientists say.我们每个人都需要做梦,一些科学家说。Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. 做梦约占我们睡眠时间的四分之一。People have several dreams each night.人一晚可以做几个梦。 Dreams are like short films. 梦就如同电影短片。They ...

求英语翻译啊 谢谢了要正确的哦
With certain reading skills, you can better cope with reading the material.3. According to the rules, both of them can participate in the competition..4.Some people assume that every Japanese word has an equivalent word to Chinese.100%纯手工翻译,非XXX翻译软件。。望采纳啊 ...

We are Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College students, we are to conduct a survey on the Yiwu Small Commodity Market, need to bother you a few minutes, I hope you can meet us to complete the survey. Thank you!1, through what channels do you know, Yiwu Small Commodity ...

Now we succssed enter into the information age which we need computer badly. And now the internet is common in daily life. With the drive of telephone, search engine, on-line games and video, the equipment with internet are more and more important in the future. So the ...

跪求翻译,很急 在线等,希望能帮忙下谢谢,请不要直接软件复制
Protecting minority cultures 保护少数民族文化 Zhou Xiaoting and Zhou Xiaole are two sisters of the Jinuo minority group from the Jinuo Mountain in Yunnan. 周晓婷和周晓乐是在云南基诺山的基诺族的两姐妹。Zhou Xiaoting, 18, recently graduated from a vocational school where she learned some ...

现在才发现,越长大就越孤单,没有人懂我们,也许只是自己需要一个成长的空间 吧。Only now discovered, grow more the more lonely, nobody knows us, maybe you need a space to grow.以前的我们,是多么快乐,望着每天升起又落下的太阳,看着小伙伴们脸上洋溢着开心的笑容,似乎没有一点忧虑和不...

宋濂相貌丰伟, 满脸美髯, 眼睛近视却很明亮, 能在一粒黍子上面写几个字。从少到老, 没有一天离开过书籍, 对学问无所不通。宋濂文风淳厚而飘逸, 可与古代作者媲美。在朝时, 凡郊社宗庙、山川百神之典, 朝会宴享、律历衣冠之制,四裔贡赋、赏劳之仪, 旁及元勋巨卿碑记刻石之辞, 都委托给宋濂...


Chinese and English that all kinds of different colors or color the words are very rich. We not only need to pay attention to their own observation of the basic meaning, they must carefully Shenguang meaning of the symbolic meaning, because of their symbolic meaning in different ...

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辽源市19846385087: 我的论文摘要 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下 不要软件翻译的 谢谢 了 越快越好 高分奖励哦
盖贱利胆: In order to improve the teaching effect and efficiency , use of the teaching method is the key to master English well .In the middle school English teaching to recognize the language knowledge and the relationship between the ability of using ...

辽源市19846385087: 跪求一等奖学金 二等奖学金 三等奖学金 优秀奖学金的英文翻译 急急急 谢谢啦 -
盖贱利胆: 一等奖学金的英文:first level scholarship;二等奖学金的英文:minor award;三等奖学金的英文:third-class award;优秀奖学金的英文:Excellence Scholarship award 读法 英 [əˈwɔːd] 美 [əˈwɔːrd] 1、n.奖;奖品;奖金;奖状;(收...

辽源市19846385087: 韩语帮忙翻译下,谢谢哦 -
盖贱利胆: 품번:商品号 호칭:商品名称 가슴둘레:胸围 섬유의 조성:纤维的组成 겉감 아크릴:表料:腈纶 모:毛 希望会对你有所帮助.......

辽源市19846385087: 英语高手帮我翻译,不要翻译器,谢谢,文章在补充里,翻得好我会奖励300分
盖贱利胆:两名男子,莱西和巴恩斯,待在他们的汽车里,距离大房子约四分之一英里.他们坐在那里,在黑暗中,吸烟,几乎没有说话.一切都是安静的,除了大时钟刚刚击中12. 最后,他们看到了在楼上的窗口之一.它闪现一次,两次,三次. “这...

辽源市19846385087: 求助在线翻译,高分奖励(要人工翻译,不要机器翻译!!!)
盖贱利胆: The economic globalization has become now the world economics mainstream, international poor easy also to present the globalization as world economics' important component the characteristic. Regarding the developing country, the trade very ...

辽源市19846385087: 英语高手帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器,谢谢好的话追加奖励70 - 100分谢谢,文章在补充里
盖贱利胆: 楼主怎么不停的在发新问题啊.看看你之前的提问,已经有人回答了啊 哦,好吧.换了一段了. 格瑞和杰瑞是两个笨贼.每天他们都在寻找可以抢劫的地方.一天早晨,他们路过一家服装店.令他们难以置信的是,一大叠钞票在商店窗户里堆...

辽源市19846385087: 再次跪求一些大学课程的英语翻译(成绩单英语翻译)谢谢哦!对不起哦 我的财富没有了 希望能得到你的帮助 -
盖贱利胆: ps.那位同学机器翻译的影子很大诶~【谢谢楼主的信任求助,我终于翻完了,手工+资料,没有机器翻译..每一个...

辽源市19846385087: 英语的奖金怎么翻译
盖贱利胆: 就回答奖金的翻译吗? a prize; a reward; an award; a bonus. 希望LZ可以采纳~~ ^ ^

辽源市19846385087: 请帮我翻译以下文章!奖励50分!! -
盖贱利胆: (1) strange type of literature about the initial development of Japan's Edo period are from AD 1603 to AD 1867, the Tokugawa shogunate families sit Zhenjiang (now...

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