“such as”后面可以跟句子吗?

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such as后面可以跟句子吗~

不可以,for example 可带句子,而such as 不行.
det. 这样的;那样的
pron. 这样,如此程度
adj. 这样的,如此的
adv. 如此;非常,这么

词根: such
suchlike 诸如此类的;上述一类的;同类的
suchlike 这一类的人

such as后面接什么

for example 可带句子,而such as 不行.
l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末.如:
Many people here,for example,John,would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡.
There are many kinds of pollution,for example,noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染.
2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号.如:
I have travelled many cities such as Bei jing,Shang hai,and Guangzhou.

such as 的七个用法
1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如:
There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。
Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。
Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。

(1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如:
I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。

(2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如:
Don’t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。
Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。

(3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。

(4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如:
正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。
误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。

(5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如:
They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。
They export a 1ot of fruits,such as oranges,lemons,etc. 他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。
2. 表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的 as 换成like。如:
He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。
Such men as he (is) are rare now. 现在像他这样的人很少了。
3. 表示“凡是……的人(或事物)”、“所有……的人(事物)”,其意相当于 everything that, all those, those that (who)等。其中的 such 为先行词,as 为关系代词。如:
Take such (things) as you need. 你需要什么就拿什么。
You may choose such as you prefer. 你可挑选自己想要的东西。
Such (people) as have knowledge and skill will not want to work. 有知识和技能的人不愁没有工作。
4. 有时 such as 整个儿用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:
We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们本来希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。
Then I left it,feeling a weight at my heart such as I had never had before. 然后我离开那里,心头感到一种前所未有的沉重心情。
5. 用于 such…as to do sth,表示结果,其中的such为限定语,as to do sth 表示结果。如:
It was such a loud noise as to wake everybody in the house. 声音很大,屋里的所有人都被吵醒了。
You shouldn’t put such high prices as to frighten your customers off. 你不应该要价这么高,以致把顾客都吓跑了。
6. 用于such as to do sth,表示程度或结果。其中的such是代词,as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。如:
Her illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 她的病不是很重,不必担心。
The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。
7. 用于such as it is构成习语,表示让步,意思是“尽管不怎么好”“尽管不一定正确”“尽管没什么价值或重要性”。如:
The food, such as it is, is plentiful. 食物不是很好,但量很多。
You may use my bike, such as it is. 尽管我的自行车不好,你可以将就着用吧。
You’re welcome to join us for supper, such as it is—we’re only having soup and bread. 欢迎你和我们一起吃晚饭,只是没什么好吃的——只有汤和面包。

二、such as 与其他相似结构的区别

1. such…as与such…that
I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲那样的故事。
It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street. 天气很冷,街上没有一个人。

He is such a good teacher as we all respect. 他是一位我们大家都尊敬的好老师。(as引导的是定语从句,as 在该定语从句中用作respect的宾语)
He is such a good teacher that we all respect him. 他是那样一位好老师,以致于我们大家都尊敬他。(that 引导的是结果状语从句,that在该状语从句中不充当句子成分,另外注意句中的respect带有宾语him)

2. such as 与 as such
(1) 表示“按照某词通用的词义”“根据某词严格的词义”。如:
It’s not an agreement as such, but it will have virtually the same effect as one. 就协议的词义而言,它算不上是协定,但实际上起到了协定的作用。
I can’t call my book a best seller as such but it’s very popular. 我不敢说我的书是畅销书,但可以说很受欢迎。

(2) 表示“就本身而论”。如:
Money as such will seldom bring happiness. 金钱本身很少带来幸福。
Money, as such, does not bring happiness. 金钱本身并不给人带来快乐。

(3) 表示“以某种身份(或资格)”“像所指的人(或事物)那样”。如:
She is a kind woman and is known as such. 她是位好心肠的女人,这是大家知道的。
He is the author of the article, but he does not desire to be known as such. 他是文章的作者,但他不想让人知道他是作者。

龙川县17831851146: Such as 后跟句子还是词组 For example 呢? -
油妍今君:[答案] 从结构上看,for example与后面常用逗号隔开,而such as 则不用.另外,for example所举的例子不仅可以是词组,而且也可以是句子,而such as中由于as是一个介词,因此它所举的例子只能是名词词组,不能是句子.

龙川县17831851146: such as后面可以跟句子吗 -
油妍今君: such as 后面多用于举例一下单词 词组等 for example 后面可以跟句子更多英语翻译学习可以下载app小尾巴翻译官 谢谢

龙川县17831851146: such as 后面可以接句子吗?十万火急!到底可不可啊!现在等于没说嘛! -
油妍今君:[答案] 不可以.For example 才可以.它只可以加名词或者动词ING

龙川县17831851146: such as 后面可以接句子吗?急急急急!十万火急! -
油妍今君: 不可以...For example 才可以...它只可以加名词或者动词ING

龙川县17831851146: such as 可以加句子吗 -
油妍今君: for example就把他当成是插入语,句子结构不回受到这个插入语的影响,而such as可你把他理解成一个介词的作用,介词后面接名词,动名词.For example, BBC broadcasts English programmes for China with explanations in Chinese. 例如,...

龙川县17831851146: such as后面可以跟句子吗 -
油妍今君: 不行,后面接名词或者动名词之类的,要接句子的话,可以用like

龙川县17831851146: such as 和 for example 用什么不同?哪个后面是加短语?哪个后面是加句子?. 要详细 -
油妍今君:[答案] such as名为举例、它后面可以加系列的名词、适用于举多个例子;而for example只能确切的举一项例子、它后面是加句子、

龙川县17831851146: such as 后跟单数还是复数 例如such as football and basterball is interesting还是are interesting啊? -
油妍今君: such as 后面一般跟名词性短语吧,如果是一个句子,应该用for example.谓语动词就近原则,看前面的名词是单数还是复数,这里是basketball,用is

龙川县17831851146: for example与such as在举例时,究竟哪一个后面只跟一个例子 -
油妍今君: 是 for example. for example (这里 example 要用单数) 中文的意思就是 “举个例子”. 如果你有两个或以上例子, 英语要说 examples are ... 或 examples include ...

龙川县17831851146: 第6题,such as 后加短语或词,for example 后加句子吗?为什么选c -
油妍今君: 这个很简单,such as 后面紧跟a+b+c...而for EP后基本上是绝对加逗号然后接a+b+c..所以这题选C由于逗号的存在,for example 后是可以加句子的!逗号就是一个新句子的开始

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