
作者&投稿:柏瑗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.run (“ing”形式) ­­­___running______ 2.cook(过去式) ­­­______cooked_______________

3.saw(动词原形) ­­­__see____ 4.dance(过去式) ­­­_________danced____________

5.board (同音词) ­­­___bored___ 6. go (第三人称单数形式) ­­­_______goes______

7.thin (比较级) ­­­_____thinner____ 8.funny(比较级) ­­­_____funnier________________

9.make(“ing”形式) ­­­____making___ 10. watch(第三人称单数形式) ­­­_____watches_____


Chen Jie is a student in a primary school. She usually ____does______(do/does) morning exercises every day. So she is ____taller_______(tall/taller) than her classmates. She likes ___collecting_______(collects/collecting) stamps. Yesterday, she __got________(get/got) an American stamp from her American pen pal. She was happy. She is going to _____write______(write/ writing) more letters to him, so she can ____get_______(get/got) more American stamps.

( A )1.----_________heavy are you? ----I am 46kg.

A. How B. What C. How many

( B )2.----What are you doing? ----___.

A. I can wash the clothes. B. I am washing the clothes.

C. I am going to wash the clothes.

( B )3.----Did you read books last night? ----No,____________.

A.I did. B.I didn’t C. you didn’t

( C )4. I can’t see the bird in the sky. It’s too________.

A. nice B. big C. small

( C )5. I’m 160 cm and my sister is 165 cm. She is 5 cm than .

A. shorter, me B. tall, my C. taller, me

( C )6.---- What’s the matter , Mike?

---I feel ________ . Because I have a fever.

A. happy B. excited C. sad

( A )7. There is a football match _________Class One _____ Class Two.

A. between, and B. with, and C. between, with

( C )8.My hands are bigger than __________.

A. you B. your C. yours

( A )9.----__________ did you go on your holiday? ----I went to Xinjiang.

A. Where B. What C. Why

( A )10.---How did you go there? ----______________.

A. On foot B. See a film C. At 12:00

1. 上周末我去爬山了。(汉译英) I ___went_______ ______climbing___ last weekend.

2. 我喉咙疼。(汉译英) I have a ___throat_______ _____ache_____.

3. I water the flowers every day. (改为一般疑问句)

___Do_____ you ___water____ the flowers every day?

4. Is Amy doing the dishes? (作否定回答) _No______, she _isn't______.
5. 上周末你干什么了? (汉译英) What_______ did you do last ____weekend_______?



Columbus was born in Italy (意大利) in 1451. He moved to Spain in 1477. Columbus always wanted to visit China.

In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain with 3 ships. Columbus traveled for many months, but he did not land in China. He landed in Cuba. In 1493, he took a second trip. Columbus thought he landed on the islands near Japan, but he was on the islands in the Caribbean Sea. In 1498, he tried to go to China again, but he went to South America. Columbus didn’t see China.

1. Columbus was born in Italy. ( T )

2. He wanted to visit China. ( T )


3. On his first trip, he landed in China. ( F )

4. He traveled three times. ( T )

5. He couldn’t find China. (T )



Mark Twain was an American writer. One day he went to a city by train. He wanted to see one of his friends there. He was a very busy man. He usually forgot something.

When he was in the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked for his ticket here and there, but he couldn’t find it. The conductor knew Mark Twain was a famous writer. She said, “Show me your ticket on your way back. And if you can’t find it, it doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, but it does,” said Mark Twain. “I must find the ticket, if I can’t find it, how can I know where I am going.”

1. What did Mark Twain do?
He went to a city to see one of his friends.

2. How did he go to a city?
By train.

3.What did he want to do there?
Meet his friend.

4.Was he a busy man?
Yes, and he usually forgot something.

5.What did he look for in the train?
His train ticket. (His ticket)

对 对 错 对 对
1、He was an American writer.
2、He went to a city by train.
3、He wanted to see one of his friends there.
5、He looked for his ticket .


1.yes 2.yes 3.no 4.yes 5. yes

1. He is an American writer.
2. By train.
3. He wants to see one of his friends there.

第一个大题的 1,2 题打对。 3,4,5题打错 第二大题的2题填 by train ( 没时间了.. 不好意思哈. - - 前面几个都对了的吧)

1.yes 2.yes 3.no 4.yes 5. yes

1. He is an American writer.
2. By train.
3. He wanted to see one of his friends there.
4.Yes.he was a very busy man
5.He looked for his ticket.


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萧砌欣舒: 一、用动词的适当形式填空1. He _________ (live) in America two years ago.2. The boy ________ (listen) to the teacher carefully last week.3. We _______ (watch) a Japanese cartoon last Friday.4. Nancy ________ (pick) up oranges on the farm ...

甘泉县18546405672: 帮我解决一些小学六年级的英语作业,谢谢......急 -
萧砌欣舒: (1):bay waves piaying (2):see beach sea(3):get exercise everyday

甘泉县18546405672: 英语题目,帮我解决两道,六年级上册的 -
萧砌欣舒: 1,do,in2.A.cookthemeals

甘泉县18546405672: 帮我解决2道六年级的英语作业,谢谢......急 -
萧砌欣舒: 2.There are_five_circles on the Olympic flag,they are in different colours,they are_red_,_black_,_blue_,_yellow_,and_green_.

甘泉县18546405672: 请各位英语高手来帮忙解一道小学六年级英语题.谢谢了! -
萧砌欣舒: First,we are going to the zoo and see animals. Then we are going to eat at the restaurant .andthen,we are going to go home at two o'clock.

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萧砌欣舒:[答案] ( )1.A.name B.cake C.grape D.map ( )2.A.after B.happy C.class D.father ( )3.A.lesson B.she C.these D.we ( )4.A.kite B.fish C.like D.tiger ( )5.A.open B.go C.does D.sofa ( )6.A.bed B.red C.let's D.evening ( )7.A.good B.look C.room D.classroom ( )8.A....

甘泉县18546405672: 一道六年级的英语题,帮忙解答一下.
萧砌欣舒: Do you know pandas?They are from China.They can do a lot of things.They can climb trees and swim.They are black and white.And they are very cute.They eat bamboo and live in the mountain. 827667003

甘泉县18546405672: 小学六年级的英语题帮一下忙
萧砌欣舒: ·1.There isn't any water in the glass? . 2. were The people safe again? 3.What's you father usually do at seven? 4.favourite Journey 5.can't with 6.Nuwa wasn't a goddess. 7.Did she laike the person? 8.What time did she work for? 9.What 's the matter is Zhuge Liang ? 10.What does he like?

甘泉县18546405672: 求帮忙,六年级英语题,急! -
萧砌欣舒: 1,Where are (my books?)2, a schoolbag is 3, Where is 4, What is5, they aren't

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