
作者&投稿:塞朋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Taiwan lies off the south coast of Fujian
2.Australia is to the south of China
3.Russia is on the north of China
4.Inner Mongolia is to the north of Hebei

1. This is your change and ticket, your ticket door is on the second floor 21st door, I wish you a pleasant journey, goodbye.
2 tickets are invitations, passengers are family, is our principle of service.
3. Sincerely, attentive, patience, for us is the most basic of narrow personnel, but in work to achieve this three heart, is not easy.
4. Excuse me, where is the ticket, I bought a ticket to Shanghai, at 9:30 bus to the time.
10 you have any difficulty, please send your priorities, we get or exit, welcome again.

Our school environment and atmosphere are very good. The teachers' teaching level and quality are high. Therefore, our school is your best choice, ctivity, come quickly.


谁帮我把下面这句话翻译为粤语啊。 " 中午多休息下类``不是有这么多排...
中午要多D休息啊!第2句我怕我意思歧义了 你选择地用吧 唔系有甘多排练吧?(不是有这么多排练吧?)唔系有好多排练咩?(不是有好多排练吗?)

侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙変嘚这庅脆鰯 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙恠噫伱做の每件亊 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙瀞瀞の想着伱发槑 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙誋住伱说の每佝话 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙崾俅伱这样那样 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙ゐ伱吢痛 侞淉涐卟恠苸伱 涐卟哙夿亊情问诎嗰究竟 ...

あなたのお母様に頼まれ、あなたの世话をするということですから、うちでご饭を食べましょう、わたしが料理を作りますよ。申し訳ありませんね、部屋が小さくて、散らかしています。日本房子脏,用的习惯性形容是乱七八糟,若说汚い就有点挑衅了 这个时候就是 ああ、すまなかった...

例如:> 的,我会告诉他,当他来。 <P,如果明天天气好,我们去郊游。 的主句的时态是过去的未来,那么子句中使用过去。例如:他说,他将有另一个尝试,如果他有机会。 我知道他的主要标志可以帮助我,如果他是自由的第二天。 :如果,除非,直到的时候,尽快“如果启动条件式(如果翻译成”如果...

u should smiles sweetly just as happy as an angel.

世界的な社会主义の実现には次第に进む长期的な过程を必要とし、功をあせってはなりません。社会主义国である根本的な任务は社会生产力の発展及び社会建设に力を入れ、绝えず社会主义制度の魅力を増强するものです。绝非机翻,敬请放心。 (一楼、二楼是机翻)...

Sow happy birthday tomorrow. Live time happy. When he died happy. Think I'm happier when

英语大神帮我把下面这句话翻译成中文,要好背点,明天英语口语,如果你觉 ...
I think fall in love in university is ok. Because we should learn to deal with the relation between fall in love with their studiesat this age. If you think fall in love will waste studies at the university, and you don't fall in love. When you are at the end of the...

翻译 帮帮我把下面这句话翻译成 英语或者日语 {献给我爱以及爱我的人...
これ を 爱してる 人 と 私 の こと を 爱してる 人 へ 希望能帮到你~!!!

南湖区15232038051: 英语翻译请帮我把以下几句话翻译成英文-----1.它开走了男人的汽车.2.男人跟着汽车追.3.车开远了,男人追不到.请大家迅速回答,一定要正确的呀!不要乱写! -
始呼婴儿:[答案] 1. He (or it如果是它不是他的话)drove away the man's car. 2. The man is chasing after the car. 3. The car is far away now, the man can't reach it anymore.

南湖区15232038051: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、 把烟吹走 2、那把刀从他手中落下.3、他掉进了湖里.4、我们不应该把今天的工作拖到明天.5、他把车停... -
始呼婴儿:[答案] 1.Smoke blows away 2.The knife fell from his hands. 3.He fell into the lake. 4.We should not put off today's work until tomorrow 5.He parked inside of the gate

南湖区15232038051: 英语翻译请帮我把下面几句翻译成英文,1、postcard 上描绘的是...2、希望你有机会能到我的家乡来玩,我会给你当导游.3、希望也可以收到你的POSTCARD -
始呼婴儿:[答案] The description on the postcard is... I hope that you have the chance to visit my hometown,then I will be your guideman. I also hope to receive postcard from you.

南湖区15232038051: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、今天下午我们将待在家里而不去看电影.2、她跟着音乐唱歌,并且手斯文地挥动着.3、她对孩子说话总是... -
始呼婴儿:[答案] 1.This afternoon we will stay at home rather than see a film.2.She sang to the music,with her hand waving gently.3.She is always talking gently with children.4.The river even becomes dirty.5.Jason got...

南湖区15232038051: 英语翻译帮我把这几句翻译成英语句子!1.我本不该告诉他这个坏消息 2.他们躲在那里差不多两年,从来不敢出去 3.不要嘲笑他,有时候你做得还不如他好 -
始呼婴儿:[答案] 1 I shouldn't have told him the bad news 2 They have hidden there for almost two years and had no courage for coming out. 3 Don't laught at him,sometimes you don't do as good as him.

南湖区15232038051: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
始呼婴儿:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

南湖区15232038051: 请帮我把下面几句话翻译成英文请帮忙把下3面几句话翻译成英文:如果你是幸福快乐的,请尽量不要找我.但是不论什么时候你不开心了,遇到麻烦了,请... -
始呼婴儿:[答案] If you are happy,please don't try to find me.But no matter what you are not happy when,in trouble,please tell me,if you need me to be the first time to appear in front of you!Please forgive me for this to you be rather baffling attitude now,because I am afraid ...

南湖区15232038051: 英语达人请进,请帮我把这几句话翻译成英语,你知道我爱你所以,请不用担心不管相隔有多遥远这颗心都不会因此改变 -
始呼婴儿:[答案] you know i love you so,don't worry no matter how far apart i will never change my heart. 翻译完后发现居然最后两句还押韵的呢

南湖区15232038051: 谁能帮我把这几句话翻译成英文的!谢谢!我想我会一直孤单!一辈子都那么孤单!但是,我已经习惯了孤单. -
始呼婴儿:[答案] I think I would be always lonely!Lonely for all my lifetime!However,I have benn accustomed to it.

南湖区15232038051: 谁能帮我把下面这几句话翻译成英文?我喜欢打篮球,排球,跑步. -
始呼婴儿:[答案] I like playing basketball,playing volleyball and running. 满意请采纳

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