
作者&投稿:秋诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you please send me the tracking number after the delivery of the expressage?
In that case, I can track it so as not to lose.

wo ke yi shishi .zhishi kan bu dao ti ya

Time is like a river, is unable to forget the left and right to grasp the memories are among the youth, the swift is dull sad young. We always want to catch the tail of the youth, youth is only lizard.

once there was a boy with the sound of nature. He loved singing so much and wanted to be a singer to sing for more people.Sooner, he got a chance to be a singer. However, his mutation came suddenly. When he heard his terrible voice, he cried hard, sat slumped and ...

William F Buckley Jr. 在社交上和他有来往,但是他从来没和Bolger一起工作过。补充,我没有翻译名字和剧场的名字。因为,我觉得反正翻译也没人知道,还不如不要翻译了。 如果你要的话,下面是参考:Ray Bolger:雷博尔杰 'The Wizard of Oz' : 绿野仙踪 Buddy Ebsen:巴迪埃布森 Where's Charley?

As per your request, we will ship the goods to you tomorrow. Would you like to pick up the goods at our Singapore warehouse, or have the goods delivered to the Malaysia warehouse of your company?What's more, please arrange the payment as follows. Thanks.您好,原文翻译如上,...

=1= In August 2006,I had do some reserch in YunShan Town and make a plan of YunShan Town Envirments acording to one year reserch work。The blueprint is : base on our economics advantage,though the leading of goverment,pay more attendtion to the zoology travel industry,impro...

9.He suicided in despair.10.They appealed to the government for seting political criminals free.11.He fell to the ground with his nose streaming.12.She longs for a chance to have a talk with him in private.自己翻译的,你可以用来参考。 个人觉得和上面两位比起来更地道更精准。

伴随着国家对于住房政策的不断变化,公积金管理中心作为主管的职能部门对于行业的政策变化、资金管理、行业监管以及业务服务等,都需要全面、快速的响应。住房公积金管理中心上设一个中心机关,下设十一个办事处,已经建立了核心业务数据库和公积金信息管理系统。Along with the continual change with the house ...

The hearts of every girl has their own fairy tales, have a castle of their own. Caso Loma is a castle in my mind that is full of dreamy colors castle.When the fairy tale castle in the emergence of true before my eyes, I was deeply attracted. It has a strong and solemn ...

the GEM is a place to provide allocate funds for the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises and high-tech enterprises that state in a small and startup condition, but have a good operation and with high growth. High rish is the outstanding feature of the GEM. for this kind of ...

Generally,I may know her ideal.I should go for my dream.One should go for his dream,at anytime.For the past,let it be the past.For the future,maybe we'll keep in touch all the way.For the future,maybe we'll pass by each other.For the future,maybe we'll be stranger...

守候在西城的每一条道路 and watch for in every road of Western City 随时给您提供帮助 to assist you at any time “欢迎您到北京来”welcome to Beijing 一句亲切的问候 a cordial greetin 架起了友谊的桥梁 set up the bridge of friendship “很高兴见到你”glad to meet you 一句简单的...

衡阳市18773655634: 需要翻译的一段话,请大家帮个忙!岁月就像一条河,左岸是无法忘记的回忆,右岸是只得把握的青春年华,中间飞快流淌的是年轻隐隐的伤感.我们总是想抓... -
望晨心通:[答案] Time is like a river,is unable to forget the left and right to grasp the memories are among the youth,the swift is dull sad young.We always want to catch the tail of the youth,youth is only lizard.

衡阳市18773655634: 请英语高手帮个忙,帮我翻译一段话,请不要出现语病哦,最好口译,谢谢!看了你的留言,我很报歉.我一直都认为我在你心中没那么重要,原来我错了.我... -
望晨心通:[答案] After reading your message,i felt so sorry~i should've made such a huge mistake that i thought i was not that important in your ... 木有主语额,应该用分词~后面love you ,love you 木有这么写的,重复,总给人感觉是翻译软件翻译的

衡阳市18773655634: 需要翻译的一段话,请大家帮个忙! -
望晨心通: Time is like a river, is unable to forget the left and right to grasp the memories are among the youth, the swift is dull sad young. We always want to catch the tail of the youth, youth is only lizard.

衡阳市18773655634: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
望晨心通:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

衡阳市18773655634: 翻译一段英文,请人工翻译,急需!12点之前需要,好心人帮个忙谢谢了.原文如下:Father, mother, you have been working so hard! I still remember, mother, ... -
望晨心通:[答案] 爸爸妈妈,你们工作那么辛苦,我仍然记得,妈妈,是你在我还是一个懵懂的孩子的时候陪我迈出每一步,从那时起,我知道了人生路上的不易.现在,我长大了,你的手却变得粗糙,你变得更忙更累.亲爱的爸爸,是你在我失败和迷失的时候用你那...

衡阳市18773655634: 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译以下这些句子,1.我非常想去美国留学,不过可能要等到我大学以后才行.2.我的英语不太好,而且词汇量有限,所以我有很多想说的... -
望晨心通:[答案] 我帮你译好了. 可是超过限制字数了耶.

衡阳市18773655634: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英语,我认为最重要的是合理地安排时间.每个人每天都只有二十四个小时,我们必须珍惜他们,同时合理地利用他们... -
望晨心通:[答案] I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must treasure them, utilize them rationally at the same time. First. Choice of the order. Want thing that do and want thing that make have ...

衡阳市18773655634: 英语翻译请帮我用英文翻译一段话,具体内容是这样的:请你以后不要讨论与我有关的任何事情,也不要提起我,你就当作不知道我,不认识我,从来没有遇... -
望晨心通:[答案] 翻译成英文是这样的: Since you do discuss with me about anything, do not mention me, you will be deemed not to know that I do not know me, never met such a person, I do not want to give you trouble, this is myreasons, you, if you still want to be ...

衡阳市18773655634: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一段话,英语(请不要百度,谷歌,有道)因为要给国外的学校,自己翻译的怕有问题,希望有能力好的,帮忙翻译的地道些, -
望晨心通:[答案] Dear (Mr/Mrs.)XXX, Sorry for I have made a mistake with my birth date. The correct date should be (XXXX). Please amend it for me accordingly. My most sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused. With best regards. Yours Truly, XXX

衡阳市18773655634: 请各位帮忙翻译一段话..谢谢! -
望晨心通: I haven't realized and appreciated the more colorful clouds and more beautiful rays of morning or evening sunshine until scores of years later. It is only the rays which grin through the dark clouds that are bright and lustrous. There is neither only joy nor...

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