I grow in Taiwan是错的!学自我介绍让大家惊艳吧!

作者&投稿:尉褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

要如何从自我介绍就让外国人被你的英语能力吓得跌破眼镜?I grow in Taiwan这句其实就像在说你是植物一样在台湾生长。来看看Ronnie在《engVid》中要向你分享的自我介绍和怀孕的说法!

1. 怀孕

To be pregnant 怀孕 I am pregnant. 我怀孕了

One in the oven 怀孕 Bun in the oven 怀孕


She got one in the oven. 她怀孕了。

I got a bun in the oven. 我怀孕了。

2. 叙述小时候

In my childhood / During my childhood 在我童年时

Raise 抚养 Bring up 抚养

When I was a child. 在我还小的时候…

I was born in Canada. 我在加拿大出生。

I was raised by my grandmother. 我奶奶抚养我长大。

My mother brought me up. 我妈妈抚养我长大。

I was brought up in Toronto. 我在多伦多长大。

3. 长大

I grew in Japan. 或是 I grow in Japan.   其实不对的 这两句只适合形容植物生长。Plants are grown but we are not! 植物生长,人类不会生长!

所以你可以改成 I grew up in Japan. 我在日本长大




bring up, childhood, grow up, pregnant, raise up, 怀孕 英文, 抚养 英文, 长大 英文

抚顺市15930739603: made in taiwan是什么意思 -
吴凤骨通: made in taiwan 台湾制造made [英][meɪd][美][med] adj. …制的; (人工)做成的,拼成的; 虚构的; 保证成功的; v. 使(make的过去式和过去分词);Are all the made here in taiwan? 全部的都是台湾制的吗?Recovering global demand has boosted orders, but exports of Made in Taiwan goods remain sluggish. 全球需求日益复苏增加了订单数量,但台湾制造商品的出口仍显乏力.

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