
作者&投稿:危侨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   当代学生的口语能力必须通过英语演讲才能尽可能地发挥出来,英语演讲稿的好坏直接决了演讲的成功与失败。下面是我为大家整理了关于初中生英语口语比赛演讲稿5篇,欢迎大家阅读。
  Chinahas a very long and brilliant history, whose people are so friendly and hospitable. But I am wondering why some people pay such little attention to the environment and nature. In many places of the countryside, rivers have bee stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared. Heaps of garbage obstructs the scarce flow of dirty water. The grounds are littered with plastic bottles and bags. People are cutting down trees even though it is illegal. In some towns, rubbish is hidden behind walls. Garbage cans are often of little use, making cleaners must rush all day long and also by night to clean the rubbish.

  This lack of consideration for nature in general is extremely detrimental to children’s education, toChina’s image, to public health, to touri *** and to the future.Chinais the mon treasure of all Chinese, and we should live up to be a member of this big family, a descendant of 5000-year-plus ancient civilized country. I think the environment must absolutely be strictly protected by all means. This protection should go at the same pace as the marvelous development of the nation.

  In this respect,Germanyis a rare model and leaves me a very deep impression. After you have an exciting tour around in this country for a week or so, it is unnecessary for you to polish your leather shoes. Personally, first of all, the strong awareness of people’s environmental protection; then, the advanced technology applied in the field of preserving the nature; We can learn form others in building China into one of the most environmentally friendly places in the world.

  Good morning, Everyone!

  I will talk about sports. I am an active boy. I like many kinds of sports, such as walking, skating, climbing, cycling and skipping. Doing sports gives me a good health and brings me a lot of fun.

  Now, I will tell you about my cycling sport. I often ride my bicycle when I am free. I like to ride my bicycle on a road near my house. It is an empty road. There are no cars and few people walking on the road. It is about four kilometers long. It has several long slopes. So it is very good for cycling. When I ride down the slopes, the bicycle runs very fast, and I feel I am flying. That’s a very good feeling for me. When I ride up the slopes, it is very difficult, but it is a good training for me. I always try my best to ride up as long as possible. Cycling there gives me lots of fun.

  Everyone can get ill, but doing sports is a good doctor. I know an English saying “Exercise one hour a day, keep illness away.” My own story has proved it. I once had an illness. I had to go to see the doctors and take medicines very often. After doing sports for several years, I have recovered now.

  Doing sports gives me a strong body and brings me lots of fun. So if you want to be strong, please do sports; if you want to enjoy a happy life, please do sports, too.

  Thank you!
  hello everyone,My name is Duan Jiayu, English name is Daisy, seven years old this year, first grade in Daxing.I am very pleased to attend the "star of hope" English contest.

  My hobby is climbing and hiking, when I was only two years old,my grandma took me to climb the Longevity Hill of the summer palace, longevity hill has 60 meters, I climbed the mountain with hands and feet, clothes and pants stained with dirt, just like a soil monkey. The tourists thumbs pliment me, I was very proud of it! At that time, our slogan was: "longevity hill training, Fragrant hills challenge!"

  At the age of five, my grandmother and I climbed the Fragrant Hills, the top of the hill has almost 600 meters, we had reached the top of the hill in one hour, this year my grandmother and I will climb the Fragrant Hills every weekend, higher challenge to Taishan!

  Thank you, very mach!
  My favorite Animal-Black Faced Spoonbill

  Good afternoon, dear judges. Today my speech is “I love black-faced spoonbill.

  On a beautiful winter day, I happened to meet the lovely spirit----

  Black Faced Spoonbill, a type of migratory bird, which spends winter at Hong-Shu-Lin in my city every year. Covered with snow-white feathers, it has black legs and a black beak. Besides the blacks and whites, an amazing splash of yellow is under its neck. So elegant that I couldn’t help loving it at first sight.

  With a big and spoon-shaped beak, it can clasp fishes easily, which makes it a powerful hunter in birds.

  However, with human expansion and pollution, only around 2000 ones are living all over the world.

  Like the eleven swan princes in Andersen’s Fairy Tale, the Black Faced Spoonbills have always been struggling to find a tiny rock which can offer them a momentary tranquility. Fortunately, they have found one in my beloved home. I would always hold them dearly to my heart and wish they would return with flocks of chicks in the following years, and singing…

  Oh, I have a home, such a beautiful home, where I play and rest happily.

  Oh, give them a home, such a wonderful home, where the spoonbills play all day.
  Never, Never Give Up

  We often hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

  One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.

  In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to bee better, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.

  Thank you !










非正式场合:how are u? nice to see u! good to meet u.正式场合:how do u do?熟人见面:hi, Jack,! hello friend! good morning!随意了。。其实没有特别的区别,只是一种习惯而已。


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2、 跟读英语,一方面加强听力,一方面训练口语,同时还能培养语感。注意发音的准确性。三、 写 1、 中生英语学习方法:每两天写一篇英文日记或作文。2、 用英语写信或E-mail。3、 注意语法的应用和词汇的记忆。四、 语法 1、从基础到高级,掌握每一个语法点,并作详细笔记。中生英语学习方法:笔记所记...

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泉州市13517806300: 初中英语口语演讲比赛演讲稿
巫姚清凉: A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱 小小的礼物All of little something 所有的点滴小事These are our memories 都是我们的纪念You make me cry make me smile 你逗我哭 逗我微笑 Make me feel that love is true 让我感受到爱的真实美妙You always stand by my side 你无时无刻陪在我身边

泉州市13517806300: 求一篇初中生英语比赛演讲稿2~3分钟 -
巫姚清凉: Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man's life is a process of growing up, actually I'm standing here is a growth. If a person's life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up ...

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