
作者&投稿:康肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

After graduation in June 2009, I have been preparing to study abroad, like taking the TOEFL test.

2、我目前的托福成绩是XX,但在硕士主课前还要加配语言课程,就是普通的语言课程,是隶属于 PSU的,所以PSU会直接认可
My TOEFL score is XX. I will also take additional language courses before the Master program starts. The language courses are offered by PSU, and therefore are accredited by PSU.

PSU was founded in 1928, and is located in the sunny Los Angeles in Carlifornia in the United States. PSU is a well-known non-profit (注:美国的州立大学(state university)都是非盈利性的,其实不需要特别说明)state university, with a beautiful and convenient campaus. It is also a recommended university by the China Ministry of Education Foreign Information Regulatory website and China Study Abroad website.

Los Angeles, located in the south of Carlifornia State on the west coast of the United States, is the largest city in Carlifornia and the second largest city in the United States. Los Angeles is one of the centers for culture, sciences, technology, international trade and higher education in the world. It has many world-renowned institutions of various specialties.

I will stay with a host family, which will help improve my language skills and understanding of the US culture.

There will be a language test before school starts, and my goal is to improve my language skills to a proficient level within 3-6 months.

There are frequent trading activities between China and the US, thus International Trading is a very popular major. It will be easy for me to find a well-paid job after I return to China, and I also hope to start my own trading company someday.

Cultural differences


food safety announcement

We, as the producer, hereby announce that the level of toxic substances contained in the above products complies with corresponding legal requirements and policies of P.R.China..

Citrus huanglong is considered citrus is the most serious wood-destroying pests. this is a germ, citrus huanglong illness can be very kind of a citrus fruits and fruit trees lead to infection of the infection after a few years, the shrinking yellow and even death. the oranges wooden lice diaphorina citri kuwayama is a serious pest of orange, the citrus huanglong ill of the body. the main from the media。Asia a sour orange groves on the tick tend to produce a total of eight different wave, mainly from the prying into waves ( np wave ), path wave ( pathway phase ) the part of a strong e1 泌 saliva wave ( wave ), the department provided a passive 吸食 wave ( ) e2 waves and its part, "initiative 吸食 ( wave ), in addition, found in other chest beak are the insects in his mouth off a wave of the d of the waves. d be a spy on the tick of citrus and a number of wave is related to the citrus wooden lice of spying on the wave。Was leaves leathery, did not affect the surface of the lice to plants and trees of the lice can still in 革质化 leaves for spying on the activities of a needle in a tick the surface of the time is no obvious difference.。The needle in a tick on the surface of the organization in which have thin wall of the organization organized for sites tend to impale the process of time to moderate the occurrence of serious and the occurrence of trees which have thin wall for spying on the wave ( path, c, the average time ) significantly, health, and with the occurrence of an extension。Are unwieldily flimsy is the organizational structure has changed significantly increase the tick of the meat in the leaves gave it food sites for the time required. the tick of the first to the skin of a strong 泌 saliva time and the first time in the department provided for 吸食 time with the occurrence of some level of increase significantly to the delay。A tick in the blades, the department was provided to the food is becoming increasingly difficult to tick in the gym. the leaves on very little in the wood, but was feeding on leaves yielding a tick in the proportion of the feeding and time marked increase in the late, the occurrence of wood is a tick. the main food。

Citrus Citrus Huanglongbing be regarded as the most serious pest disease. This is a bacterial disease, citrus Huanglongbing could jeopardize a variety of citrus fruits and fruit trees caused by the infection within a few years after infection, yellow, shrink, or even death. Asian citrus psyllids Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a serious citrus pests, spread of citrus Huanglongbing is the main transmission medium body.
Asian citrus psyllids in the sour orange leaves on feeding produced a total of 8 different waveforms, mainly by non-probing wave (np wave), the path wave (pathway phase) wave phloem salivation (E1 wave), phloem passive smoking wave ( E2 wave) and the xylem active smoking wave (G wave), was also found in other breast Hui suborder wave piercing-sucking mouthparts insect feeding is not the D wave. D wave is the citrus psylla population Screen related acupuncture probe wave, the Asian citrus psyllids specific probing wave.
Susceptible leathery leaf surface did not affect the fleas of the choice of the host plants, psyllids stylet still in the leather quality of the leaves on espionage, Psylla stylet stay in the leaf surface, no significant difference in time. Fleas into the leaf epidermis of acupuncture mouth parenchyma tissue in the puncture sites to find the process of feeding time spent in moderate and severe incidence of disease in plant parenchyma spy wave (path wave, C wave) the average time significantly longer than the healthy group, and with the increasing degree of extension of disease. Susceptible to change the structure of leaf parenchyma significantly increased fleas stylet puncture in the mesophyll tissue feeding sites to find the time required. Sucker stylet to reach the first phloem salivation time point and for the first time in the phloem continued taking time with the disease severity increased significantly backward delay. Psyllids in susceptible leaf phloem feeding has become increasingly difficult. Psyllids in healthy leaf feeding in the xylem are few, but susceptible leaves fleas feeding in the xylem and the proportion of time a significant increase in incidence of late xylem is the main feeding psyllids site.

The harmfulness is regarded as the most serious illness offersorange pests. This is a bacterial disease, harmfulness can harm to all sorts of citrus fruit, fruit and cause infection in a few years after infection, atrophy, and even death yellow. Asia Diaphorina lema citrus citri Kuwayama is serious pest, citrus spread the harmfulness of main preach.
Wood lice in Asian orange orange leaf feeding of acid produced eight different waveform, mainly composed of spying on the wave (np), pathway (phase) path wave wave (E1 saliva secretion phloem phloem passive smoking wave), wave (E2) and xylem active snorting wave (G), in addition, also found in other chest beak mysticetes thorn attracts insects in the mouth of feeding wave wave. No D, D wave is orange wood lice mouth needle spying on the screen of the waveform is related to the wood lice unique Asian citrus spying waveform.
Feeling sick leaves leathery change does not affect surface of wood lice host plants, wood lice in mouth needle of blade leathery on spying activities, wood lice mouth needle leaf in the surface of the time stay no obvious difference. Wood lice needle leaf epidermis the mouth in the parenchyma organization for the process of feeding sites puncture in time in moderate and severe disease pathogenesis of spying on the waves were parenchyma, C (path) average time significantly longer health groups, and with the increase of the degree of disease and extension. Feeling sick leaves parenchyma structure change significantly increased wood lice in mouth needle biopsy found in the mesophyll feeding sites. Wood lice mouth needle first arrived phloem secretion and first time in salia suck time with continuous phloem significantly increased morbidity of backward delayed. Wood lice in feeling sick leaves phloem feeding became more and more difficult. Wood lice in rehabilitation leaves little in xylem on feeding, but in the sense of the disease in xylem in wood lice eat significantly increased the proportion of time, and the later is the primary xylem wood lice eat.

The harmfulness is regarded as the most serious illness offersorange pests. This is a bacterial disease, harmfulness can harm to all sorts of citrus fruit, fruit and cause infection in a few years after infection, atrophy, and even death yellow. Asia Diaphorina lema citrus citri Kuwayama is serious pest, citrus spread the harmfulness of main preach.
Wood lice in Asian orange orange leaf feeding of acid produced eight different waveform, mainly composed of spying on the wave (np), pathway (phase) path wave wave (E1 saliva secretion phloem phloem passive smoking wave), wave (E2) and xylem active snorting wave (G), in addition, also found in other chest beak mysticetes thorn attracts insects in the mouth of feeding wave wave. No D, D wave is orange wood lice mouth needle spying on the screen of the waveform is related to the wood lice unique Asian citrus spying waveform.
Feeling sick leaves leathery change does not affect surface of wood lice host plants, wood lice in mouth needle of blade leathery on spying activities, wood lice mouth needle leaf in the surface of the time stay no obvious difference. Wood lice needle leaf epidermis the mouth in the parenchyma organization for the process of feeding sites puncture in time in moderate and severe disease pathogenesis of spying on the waves were parenchyma, C (path) average time significantly longer health groups, and with the increase of the degree of disease and extension. Feeling sick leaves parenchyma structure change significantly increased wood lice in mouth needle biopsy found in the mesophyll feeding sites. Wood lice mouth needle first arrived phloem secretion and first time in salia suck time with continuous phloem significantly increased morbidity of backward delayed. Wood lice in feeling sick leaves phloem feeding became more and more difficult. Wood lice in rehabilitation leaves little in xylem on feeding, but in the sense of the disease in xylem in wood lice eat significantly increased the proportion of time, and the later is the primary xylem wood lice eat.



求翻译--中文翻译成英文(专业翻译): 配方法,顶点坐标法,定积求和法,定...
配方法;Distribution method 顶点坐标法;Vertex coordinates method 定积求和法;Definite integral summation method 定和求积法;And quadrature method 导数法;Derivative method

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我们都知道,大学里面有很多门专业,学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择自己喜欢的专业。那么你知道大学专业的英文怎么翻译吗?下面是我为你整理的大学专业的英文翻译,希望大家喜欢! 大学专业的英文翻译 1.undergraduate major 2.major undergraduate major造句 1.. The department currently possesses one undergraduate major ...

1. 电力系统及其自动化 1. Electric power system and its automation 2. 电力电子与电力传动 2. Power electronics and power transmission 3. 电机与电器 3. Electrical and electrical appliances 4. 高电压与绝缘技术 4. High voltage and insulation technology 5. 电工理论新技术 5. ...

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1、Google翻译 Google翻译在界面上还是遵循了非常极简的谷歌风格,整体看起来和普通的翻译软件似乎也没有什么差别。但是Google翻译还是有一点特色功能的,比如“实景翻译”。当阅读大段文章的时候如果逐字逐句的翻译会非常的麻烦而且费时间,Google翻译的这个实景翻译就是在用后置镜头取得一段文字的时候可以事实...


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中文翻译成英文!专业的来!! 我很抱歉给你带来的困扰,关于我出尔反尔的...
I'm sorry to have brought you so much about my capricious and behavior. Rona recommended to me a lot of the houses, and I really like your house. You also spent a lot of time with me, but I can't buy this house because of the money.In order to buy a house ,I need...

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 中文翻译英文,需要专业些的翻译,不要机译.非常感谢审稿人的建议,我们希望这次修改能够得到审稿人的认同. -
绽翔卡泊:[答案] I'm very grateful about the reader's suggestion, and I wish the modified version will be approved~

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 找专业人士翻译中文句子译英文,谢谢,两句如下..
绽翔卡泊: 我抽的不是烟,(而)是寂寞." What I smoked is loneliness rather than cigarette. 我签的不是名,(而)是无奈." What I signed is not my name, but my have to.

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 在线中文译英文,谢谢! -
绽翔卡泊: haha, I see.I am sorry for my poor English.Let's speak in Chinese,or else,I will make a joke.

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 请高手把下面的中文翻译成专业点的英文, 不要逐字逐句翻译,太菜的就不要麻烦了.谢谢. -
绽翔卡泊: Image of the implant, means the brand has a symbolic meaning, to bring a particular brand of goods or services, impla...

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 帮忙中文句子翻译英文谢谢
绽翔卡泊: shank you for you around me every day 下一句我就不会了

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 英文翻译.谢谢.请专业的
绽翔卡泊: 【1】我知道为什么你会怎么做这句汉语就不通顺,想必是打字错误吧.按照“我知道为什么你会这么做”翻译如下: I know why you did like that. 【2】我想我真的知道吧!I think I know it really. 【3】你可以这么做 我不会想太多的 , You could...

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 求专业英语翻译 谢谢!汉译英.请翻译下面的中文
绽翔卡泊: A famous saying, single person is not complete, find the other half party complete. 有句名言,单个的人是不完整的,找到另一半方完整.Yes, a good partner to give you up power, life care, share your joys and sorrows. 是的,好的伴侣给你向上的...

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: SOS:帮忙翻译几句中文译英语,谢谢!1.史密斯先生有很多有趣的
绽翔卡泊: 1.史密斯先生有很多有趣的书. 2.你在这儿有朋友吗? 3.他们每天都有英语课. 4.李英有史密斯先生的地址. 5.这家合资企业没有许多新雇员. 6.这家合资企业在北京有一...

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 急 !翻译 中文译英文
绽翔卡泊: Kanban orders(看板订货) Specializing in the production of(专业生产)

齐齐哈尔市15794038450: 把下列汉语台词翻译成精彩的英语,请专业的人士帮忙!!!...
绽翔卡泊: Hello everyone, I am your teacher. It is my pleasure to manage this class. Let's try hard together and achieve what we have to do for this semester. Okay, know, It's time for you to introduce yourselves to each other. I found that there has been less and...

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