take photo是什么意思?

作者&投稿:鄣彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一、"take photo" 和 "take picture" 的区别

从语义角度上来说,"take photo" 和 "take picture" 没有明显的区别,两者都表示“拍照”的意思。不同的地方可能在于使用的习惯性说法,在某些地区或语境中,“take photo”更常见,而在其他地区或语境中,“take picture”更常用。实质上,两者可以互换使用。

"take photo"更常见,因为这个短语通常用于描述用数码相机(如智能手机)进行的摄影行为,尤其是指拍摄快照或临时拍照。

例如:I usually take photos in my phone. (我通常用手机拍照。)

"take picture"是另一个口语表达方式,可以用于描述任何摄影行为,包括用数码相机或传统相机。

例如:Do you take pictures? (你喜欢拍照吗?)

"take photo"有时也可以用于描述用传统相机拍照。但是,"take picture"更多的时候用于描述传统相机拍照。

例如:I am taking a picture now. (我现在正在拍照。)

二、"take photo" 的例句

1、Because one people should take photo.

2、Take photo and play to play with in heavy snow.

3、Bring your camera, take photo of life on the margins.

4、I won't take photo and surf on line during this time.

5、Other sites take photo editing into different realms.

6、In experiment part, the result of CCD camera's spatial resolution was got with using identification plate to take photo.

7、Hold a moment, look for the abyss of time, love to take photo and then take photo!

8、During the factory tour, we will take photo on general practices and facilities of the factory.

9、Then just arrange for that probe to return TRUE if the user clicks the "take photo" button.
然后,可以设置为如果用户单击“take photo”按钮,探测器就返回TRUE。

10、The hardness tester is also equipped with photographic device which may take photo for all measured indentation and the metallographic formation of materials.

三、"take picture 的例句

1、Or take picture of a plant, what is it?

2、Unable to take picture because there is no memory available.

3、Really like to take picture with the beautiful sunset behind me.

4、Unable to take picture because there are to many albums.

5、Stop washing. Insurance must take picture.

6、Free register, and you need a webcam for take picture.

7、But I don't like to take picture of places or things without people I care about IN the photos.

8、South Korean woman tries to take picture of the solar eclipse through special sunglasses in Seoul.

9、The bonsai has always been one of my favourites, so I thought I would take picture for you guys to see.

10、When I lie on those lovely sockets, there is only one idea in my mind I must take picture with these lovely "toys".

take photo:基本意思是“拍照”。

Both bus tours forbade the use of cell phones but one tour provided digital cameras and encouraged people to take photos。


同江市17311489782: take photo是什么意思? -
察果氨酪: 照相

同江市17311489782: [take photo]这句单词是嘛意思啊??
察果氨酪: 拍照,照相 的意思

同江市17311489782: take photo与take pictures的区别 -
察果氨酪:[答案] 照相比较正式的讲法叫 take pictures 首先你要区分开photo和picture的意思. photo 照片 picture 画,图画,照片,像,美景,描述,相似物,化身 也就是说:photo是照片(仅仅是照片) 但是picture是图片(包括照片) 所以take a photo 拍照 例如:...

同江市17311489782: take photo -
察果氨酪:[答案] 有点小问题!在英语中一般用作“take a photo”,复数的话写作“take photos”! 希望对你有帮助!有问题随时找我

同江市17311489782: take photos 是什么意思 -
察果氨酪: 照相的意思啊

同江市17311489782: take photos与take photo有什么区别? -
察果氨酪: ①take photo的翻译为拍照,意思是使用相机或手机等设备记录图像.take picture的翻译也为拍照,含义与take photo相同.②take photo和take picture都是由动词take和名词photo/picture组成的短语.在英语中,动词take表示“进行某个动作”,...

同江市17311489782: take some photos和take photos有什么不同?意思分别是什么?有没有take photo这样写的? -
察果氨酪: 意思都是拍照;拍了(一些)照片的意思photo与pictures 可以互换 take some photos 另外从语法来说不可以说成take photo; take photos =take a photo(有强调动作) 比如:Let's take some photos/take photos / take a photo.我们来拍照吧 we took some photos/pictures in the park yesterday.昨天我在公园拍了些照片/拍照了.

同江市17311489782: take photos是什么意思 -
察果氨酪: take photos是照相,拍照的意思. take photos英 [teɪk 'fəʊtəʊz] 美 [teɪk 'foʊtoʊz] 照相 例句 1、First, ascertain the nature of the explosion-is it an accident or incident, and take photos as record. 首先要查清爆炸的性质,对现场进行拍照...

同江市17311489782: take photo 对吗 -
察果氨酪: 有点小问题!在英语中一般用作“take a photo”,复数的话写作“take photos”!希望对你有帮助!有问题随时找我

同江市17311489782: 照相应该是take photo还是take photos? -
察果氨酪:[答案] 两种表达: take photos,在这个短语中,photo 是可数名词,用复数形式. 或者用 take a photo,photo 是可数名词,其单数形式前需加冠词.

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