
作者&投稿:融劳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

节能:energy saving
外墙外保温系统:Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (英文缩写为EIFS)
软件质量控制:quality control of software; software quality control

1.当长大时,你不会忘记谁?Whom you would not forget when you grew up?2.你长大想当什么? What you want to do when you are adult.
3.你认为学习是成材的基本么? Do you think study is the precondition of being a talent?
4.你长的真胖,是否想减肥? Oh,you are so fat,do you want to keep fit?
5.你喜欢周杰伦这个著名歌星么? Do you like the famous singer star Jay?
6.1加1等于几? What equals 1+1?
Do you know the city Venice?it is a romatic city,do you want travel there?

"Dancing Beijing" is this city's face. It is an image showing the Oriental thoughts and national ethos displayed by Chinese characters; it is an expression, conveying the humanism and grace unique to the Chinese Civlization.With the inspiration of calligraphy ,the character "jing"in "Beijing"is rendered as a dancing human body. The"New Olympics" thinking is embodied between strokes. Handwritten "Beijing 2008",by the verve of Chinese charaters' form , encapsulate Chinese people's thousands of expressions of Olympics in simple touches.When people savor the substance and flavor of extensiveness and profundity engraved in Chinese Characters a new Beijing is born.

"Waves Beijing" is this city facial features. It is one kind of image,is unfolding the Eastern thought and the nationality which the ChineseChinese character presents is mad the rhyme; It is one kind ofexpression, is transmitting the China civilization alone humanitiesspecial characteristic and the graceful moral character. Borrows Chinainspiration of the calligraphy, Beijing "Beijing" the character willevolve for the human body which will wave, will manifest "new OlympicGames" in wielding a brush the idea. The handwritten letter "Beijing2,008" borrows charm of the Chinese character shape, surely plants theChinese to the Olympics the expression concentration to delimit to thesuccinct pen. When the people savor engraves in the Chinese characterthe broad and profound connotation and the flavor, "new Beijing" isborn.

" Peking that dance move" is of this city to permit.It is a kind of image, emerging China Chinese characters an eastern thought for presenting with race flavor;It is a kind of facial expression, delivering the China civilization a humanities for only having characteristic with the grace character.Inspiration that borrow the Chinese calligraphy, evolve the " city" word of Peking as the human body that dance move, at write a the principle of the " new Olympics" now.The hand-written" Peking 2008" borrows the poetic charm of the Chinese characters appearance, growing Chinese to expression to condense to the Olympic ten million to row the inside in the pen of Chien's 洁 .When people tasty 镌 is engraved in great and deep content in inside in Chinese characters and lingering charm, a" new Peking" bore.

他是正直的, 忠诚的和高度地尊敬为他的明智带来和平和繁荣给哪个州。 然而, 当一位不诚实的和腐败的王子诽谤 Qu, 他是在朝堂上被人羞辱。发现国家被邪恶和腐败的官员所掌控, Qu 在五月初五报着一个大石头跳进入 Miluo 河之中。附近的渔夫匆忙的到尝试和救援他但是不能够甚至复原他的身体。 其后...


The advantage and the weakness of the display of LCD The advantage of the liquid crystal display The traditional display of CRT develops for several decades, its technique structure principle limitted its further development.Proper and a few important weakness of the vacuum cathode ray ...

哪位大哥帮忙译成英文下!谢谢了 !
Hello! You have time now? My home's water cock was bad! you can come to repair? When can probably! I am very anxious.

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是不是学好语法就能套好句子翻译。 答案为否,要是套句型就不是中式英语,那学英语对国人就太容易了。举个例子,比如想说 这就是我为什么来这的原因。按照中式英文,很容易写成:That's reason why i come here.语法也没错。但人家是这样说的: That's what im here for 办法,没别的路,就是...

跪求 大哥大姐 都帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢
终于翻译完了,累死我了!!!The modern soccer begins in Britain's Cambridge University, but when the students compete the rule is all kinds, only then formulated in the world to 1848 the first soccer rule, called Cambridge the rule. in 1863 established England Soccer association, ...

forget-me-not A "forget-me-not", the standard of anti-freckle division Name: Myosotis sylvatica Everybody else WuWangCao forget-me-not or English name: Forget - me - not Don 't - or Forget - me WuWangCao classification: anti-freckle branch, belong to Alias: stars flowers,...

跪求 各位大哥哥大姐姐 帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢
the goal is greater, the member also has the vigor, pays attention to the Olympic Games soccer, is appreciating the Olympics spirit. “will be quicker, is higher, is stronger” will obtain the bright illustration in the Olympic Games soccer field.累死我了啊,希望可以帮到你啦。

你能帮我学习英语?Can you help me learn English?词汇解析:一、can 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]aux.可以;能;能够;可能 二、help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]1、vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救 2、n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西 3、vi. 帮助;有用;招待 三、...

桂阳县15312551550: 哪位大哥能帮我译成英文,急用啊,一定要准确~“舞动的北京”是这个城市的面容.它是一种形象,展现着中华汉字所呈现出的东方思想和民族气韵;它是... -
夔玉新百:[答案] "Dancing Beijing" is this city's face.It is an image showing the Oriental thoughts and national ethos displayed by Chinese characters; it is an expression,conveying the humanism and grace unique to th...

桂阳县15312551550: 哪位大哥帮我翻译下,急,在线等啊,谢谢 -
夔玉新百: British breakfast is the home of tea is Scotland, it is a kind of full-bodied drinks, contain light floral, suit with milk or lemon, but milk and lemon cannot use at the same time, because the lemon can make milk produces solidification. After breakfast, ...

桂阳县15312551550: 请哪位大师 帮我把这首中文诗翻译成英文诗 拜托了 急用 谢谢 -
夔玉新百: Me with my umbrella in the rain was a stolid face of looking ahead, a pale and rigid face in front of me in awful of all, extremely distorted image of a machine stitch in hell of the pathos of the pupil of a wicked look through the body in the distance, what ...

桂阳县15312551550: 《鹅》翻译成英语哪位能帮我把古诗《咏鹅》翻译成英文 急用,谢谢. 咏鹅 ——骆宾王 鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌. 白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波. -
夔玉新百:[答案] Goose Wing. Geese, goose, geese, song of the Tiange. White floating Lushui, andraeanum dial-ha 骆宾王 的英文是 wang loubin

桂阳县15312551550: 哪位大哥大姐帮我用英语翻译一段话,急求~~~~不要求百分之百翻译,是那个意思也行...拜托了~~~下午就要拿走哩!正文如下:今天能来参加这个活动我... -
夔玉新百:[答案] Today to participate in this event can I feel very honoured because I strongly believe that "life is participation",although the final I might not available a good performance,but I will put their say:I am worthy of my own!Because I worked hard for.Dear ...

桂阳县15312551550: 哪位大哥大姐帮个忙,急用,帮我翻译一句英文,生日快乐,你永远是我最深爱的女人.谢谢,非常急. -
夔玉新百: Happy birthday, you forever are my deepest love a woman 直接翻译是这个~!不过这句应该比你说的好:Happy birthday, you will always be my future

桂阳县15312551550: 谁帮我把这段句子翻译成英文啊?!现在急用~懂英语的大哥大姐帮翻译一下小妹在此谢过了! -
夔玉新百: The houses used to be very old,but now there are tall buildings everywhere. The water of the rivers use to be very dirty,now it is very clear. People used to walk,now they all take the bus or drive

桂阳县15312551550: 哪位大哥能帮我翻译成英文卓越品质,完美生活 享受高 -
夔玉新百: 卓越品质,完美生活 享受高 Excellent quality, perfect enjoyment of life

桂阳县15312551550: 谁能帮我翻译成英语啊?
夔玉新百: Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come to my birthday would you? The meetings begin at 6:30; My family, friends and classmates would come, and you can see them; If you come, please call me, I hope you can come.

桂阳县15312551550: “很想很想你、为什么你却不联系我?”哪位大哥能帮我翻译成英语、谢谢!别乱来噢! -
夔玉新百: "Want to miss you, why do you but not contact with me?" 保证是正确的.

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