
作者&投稿:顾闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


教下你怎么弄吧,如果底子不是很好,先把话语自己组织一下,然后把单个句子放进google翻译里,然后自己看一下错误语法或者单词,这样弄比较方便。另外申请信这类的文章多用被动语句。Good luck!

i am writing to inquire about your request.
i am writing to invite you to a party this friday.
i am writing to express my qratitude for all of the help you provided.

iam responding to your eamil regarding our brand new product.
iam responding to your eamil asking for the status of your order.
iam emailing you again as i have yet to receive your email.

thank you for your email inquring our product.
thank you for you eamil regarding the basic conditons for our order.

i will get back to you this coming friday to confrim the meeting.
i will get back to you asap
i will ask a person in charge to reply your email.

im sorry for the late reply as i was out of office.
im sorry for the late reply as i have been very busy with the recent convention.

5、A cat has nine lives. 吉人天相(猫有九条命)6、Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手 7、Don't meet trouble half-way. 勿杞人忧天 8、Don't put all your egge in one basket. 勿孤注一掷 9、Don't ride the high horse. 勿摆架子 10、Everyone to his taste. 人各有所好...

1.知足常乐 Enough is as good as a feast.学无止境 Live and learn.马到成功 Make it upon arrival.不生气 Don't mind it.磨穿铁砚 Work hard for a long time.难得湖涂 It's nice to feign muddle-headed.博学善思 Profound learning and sufficient thinking.开运招财 Good luck in gaining...

1、 pain past is pleasure.2、 the shortest answer is doing.3、 where there is life,there is hope.4、 i feel strongly that i can make it.5、 history repeats itself.历史会重演 6、 activity is the only road to knowledge.7、 one cannot eat one’s cake ...

1. 英语的四字词语 繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous爱不释手fondle admiringly爱财如命skin a flea for its hide爱屋及乌love me, love my dog. He that loves the tree loves the branch恨屋及乌:He who hates Peter har his dog.)安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment白手起家...

Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口 Do wrong once and you"ll never hear the end of it.一失足成千古恨 Every cloud has a silver lining.守得云开见月明 Every man has his fault.人孰无过 First come, first served.捷足先登 Haste makes waste.欲速则不达 Honesty is ...

几个成语的英文翻译 20 杯弓蛇影 烈火见真金 狐假虎威 异曲同工 集腋成裘 有眼不识泰山麻烦翻译成英文,谢谢咯~~~急需~~~ 若云似陵 | 浏览1335 次 问题未开放回答 |举报 推荐于2017-12-16 14:12:36 最佳答案 杯弓蛇影 be jittery with imaginary fears烈火见真金 Fine gold must be purified in ...

英语】talk to oneself ◎ 其次,文化市场还有助于牵制高雅文艺脱离生活,脱离受众,走入自言自语的封闭的圈子.春华秋实 【英文】spring flowers and autumn fruits ◎金秋时节,景色宜人层林尽染,叠翠流金天高云淡,大雁南飞秋高气爽,山河壮美五谷丰登 瓜果飘香春华秋实,秋收冬藏.名胜古迹 【英文】famous ...

one hand.孤掌难鸣.⒏No pain,no gain.无劳不获.⒐Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成.⒑Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见.⒒I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.进退维谷.⒓All corners of the land.五湖四海.⒔Blazing with colour.五彩缤纷....

fits 名不虚传: deserve the reputations one enjoys 名不副实: more in name than reality 名垂青史: go down in history as a honor 名列前茅: come out top 名落孙山: failing to pass an examination 名正言顺: be perfectly justifiable 顾名思义: just as its name implies ...

2. 英语四字成语大全 饱经风霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng 【解释】饱:充分;经:经历;风霜:比喻艰难困苦。形容经历过长期的艰难困苦的生活和斗争。【出处】清·孔尚任《桃花扇》第二十一出:“鸡皮瘦损,看饱经雪霜,丝鬓如银。”【结构】动宾式。【用法】用于经验极其丰富;有时也可用拟人化...

玉州区19711994110: 汉语译成英语 -
在侍黄芪: 1.这是一条白色的裤子. 1.This is a pair of white trousers. 2.这双鞋是什么颜色的?2.What color is this pair of shoes?考点是 a/the pair of 一条裤子的英语表达比较特殊

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英语
在侍黄芪: 1养老院[名]old people's home2在七月In July 3与...相处得好be good with4与..交谈talk with5与..玩游戏 play games with6给某人讲故事 tell sb a story7交朋友make friends8放学后after school9说英语speak English10用英语 in English11帮...

玉州区19711994110: 把汉语翻译成英语怎么说 -
在侍黄芪: translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)

玉州区19711994110: 把汉语翻译成英语 -
在侍黄芪: 您好,正确翻译应为My father is having afternoon tea at home.希望对您有帮助!

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英语 -
在侍黄芪: 1,Do they have long legs?2,I know that his legs' long.3,Look again, who's that girl?4,The boy ate two cakes, an apple, an egg and two oranges today.

玉州区19711994110: 把汉语翻译成英语
在侍黄芪: 同意第一楼的.in the tree. 介词用in, 而非on.因为在外国人看来,树木有很多树叶,因为有树叶,小鸟看起来像是被包围在树叶中,所以用in. 除非上下文意思中表达了这棵树一点树叶都没有,是一根枯木,那么可以用on.如果没有明显表示,那么这句话的难点,就是看你是不是用in.

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英语
在侍黄芪: 1: you must first take umbrella. 2: your work today is to my satisfaction 3: your English is very good! - just know a little 吃山楂的好处很多,补充维生素啦,有机酸啦,还有就是有助于消化减轻胃负荷等等,坏处就是出得太多可能对牙齿不好 用set out: 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放就可以啦

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英文 帮我翻译一下. 谢谢,啊~~~ -
在侍黄芪: 老Henry 长得有点矮,中等身材,有着白色的胡须和白色的头发.Old Henry grow a little short, medium height, with white beard and white hair.她有着黑色的长头发,十分矮,她good-looking.She has a black long hair, very short, her good - asked....

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英语
在侍黄芪: “我叫张艳荣,来自甘肃.我是一个独生女,从小家里人就很疼我.我没什么特别的课余爱好,在学习上也不刻苦,导致学习很差,希望老师多多指导,我也会努力的.”My name is Zhang YanRong , I come frome GangSu, China, I'm the only ...

玉州区19711994110: 汉语翻译成英语
在侍黄芪: My name is XX, is 13 years old, in the beginning, character study in yiyang city six self think introverted. Nothing special hobby, is like surfing the Internet, I like Math because I think I Math in all subjects of middle school is the best of the best. Most ...

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