
作者&投稿:充狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

CNC turret
Along with the development of the manufacturing industry in China, the demand of machining center are also on the increase, especially 4-axis and 5-axis linkage of machining center. As the main function of CNC machine, CNC turret parts in the whole machine tool industry is becoming more and more important role.
Nc rotary table for machining center, nc milling machine and provides rotary coordinates, through the fourth, fifth drive shaft turntable or head complete precision Angle, not equal parts or continuous turning processing, complex surface finish machining, make the machine to expand.
1 the classification of nc rotary table
According to different classification method of nc rotary table roughly several categories:
(1) according to the degree form can be divided equally turntable and arbitrary indexing turntable.
(2) according to drive mode can be divided into hydraulic turntable and electric turret.
(3) according to the installation can be divided into vertical and horizontal and vertical turntable channel.
(4) according to the rotor shaft can be divided into several single axis turntable, can pour turntable (two) and multiaxial parallel linkage channel.
2 the structure of nc rotary table
From the structure of nc rotary table can be divided into several parts: driver, transmission, orientation, brake tight, etc. Nc rotary table transmission part through the system to control the drive to the rotation Angle, CNC turret workbench mesa of dividing inversion.
(1) drive hydraulic turntable adopts hydraulic drive rack or hydraulic motor driving gear, through the rack or hydraulic motor driving gear dynamic way, And electric turntable servo motor adopts power.
(2) transmission, worm gear transmission is rack worm gear in several ways. General electric turntable is through a gear (or is connected directly with coupling with the worm will power to worm, motor drive turntable for dividing, Hydraulic turntable, adopts hydraulic motor drive, the transmission structure similar to electric turret, Using super-modulus gear and is driven by the piston rack drive and the meshing with mesa relatively fixed gear indexing.
(3) sub-degree turntable is generally USES the positioning weapon.these gear disk indexing positioning, arbitrary precision indexing turntable worm gear generally adopted indexing positioning. Using the tooth disk indexing positioning, and two channel al tooth disk and press tooth disk. Two league gear indexing plate, structure, dynamic, relatively simple two tooth disk directly meshing, dividing, dynamic set off first gear disk drive, the meshing movement -- YunDongBiao now turntable is a certain amount of lift mesa, mesa and set up the gear disk with the relative exercise consistent. Sanlian tooth disk indexing positioning, from the structure than two league gear disk with complex, shall not directly gear disk, but through a public meshing gears plate mesh transition, the meshing and open movement is through the public mobile to complete the public performance in the turntable is not lift mesa. That adopts triple tooth disk indexing positioning of the turntable, operation process, but should not lift mesa of meshing rigidity than two couplet tooth structure.
Using the tooth disk indexing positioning, its indexing turntable is equal to the position including heart tooth gear disk, spur gear, gear indexing, to achieve high precision indexing, end tooth disk generally USES a hardened steel tooth grinding process, product can reach high rigidity and the precision requirement. But its indexing scores of gear tooth disk are limited.
Using the worm gear indexing of turntable, dividing element for the worm gear pair single head single lead cylindrical worm, double guide cylindrical worm and worm (cylindrical worm and worm have long straight torus, and plane enveloping the worm, etc.). General worm gear harden steel material selection, usually adopts the anti-wear copper alloy material. Its indexing scores unrestricted, dividing positioning accuracy in worm gear directly determine the machining accuracy.
(4) brake tight tight the turntable is equal institutions, general adopts hydraulic brake for mutual engagement of the tooth disk put some pressure, make the tooth disk reliable meshing positioning. Any degree of CNC turret, more USES lhe swelling or a brake hydraulic or pneumatic tightly with brake, brake tight tight high reliability.
Three kinds of nc rotary table
The various agencies, formed the existing CNC rotary worktable various concrete: hydraulic parts, electric parts turntable (points), and not lift up any degree of electric turret, vertical and horizontal, vertical dual rotary turntable, turning the multiaxial parallel axis parallel tilt, stand at turntable, can pour rotary turntable, etc. 百分之90多没有问题

正像地下房屋的业主一样,约翰Bonard是一名建筑师。他设计了一个在新英格兰地区的地下屋。他的妻子玛格丽特,是一个室外的人,但她喜欢她的地下屋。 她说:“这是非常好的。我喜欢它。”

4.New number control emergence of turn the pedestal
Along with the development of machine industry, number control a member who turn the set household at continuously increment.Is an orientation modern tool machine auto tongs of request, go together with an oil type number to control to turn a pedestal to emerge with the tide of the times.Go together with an oil type number to control to turn before set appear, number control tool machine of auto the tongs be subjected to tube road or circuit of restriction, fall through at continuous turn round of number control to turn on the stage to install auto tongs.Go together with an oil type number to control to turn a pedestal at original turned the foundation of pedestal up the increment to go together with oil function, can direct to install is turn a set pedestal noodles of dissimilarity the tongs provide a liquid to press oil, cancellation tube road or circuit of restriction.
Go together with an oil type number to control to turn a set according to go together with oil object with turn a set pedestal a noodles conjunction a way dissimilarity, is divided into:Plank type conjunction and tube type conjunction.Plank type conjunction:Install at pedestal the go together with of noodles oil object not demand again go together with pipeline, need will go together with oil object of importation oil with turn a set pedestal noodles of output oil rightness should empress fix then.Weakness is, position fix, the inner part go together with pipeline road complications.Tube type conjunction:Install the go together with of noodles oil object at the pedestal, pass pipeline with turn a set pedestal the go together with of noodles oil machine a conjunction realization to go together with oil.Tube type conjunction have no position restriction towards going together with oil object, and control the oil road can be vivid combination, realization auto complications of the tongs action.
The dint Ju electric motor turn Taiwan:The dint Ju turn a set is along with large dint Ju the emergence of the electric motor but appear, turn set structure because of dint Ju electric motor of application but further simplification.
The dint Ju electric motor turn the structure of pedestal:Dint Ju electric motor of many the pole settle son fix on the hull body of turn the pedestal, turn the pedestal of pedestal turn of noodles and dint Ju electric motor son connect with each other, make use of dint Ju electric motor direct drive pedestal noodles of turn the pedestal to make cent degree sport then constitute dint Ju the electric motor turn Taiwan.Speak from the structure, the dint Ju electric motor turn a set biggest probably shortenned to spread to move a chain, thus decrease from constitute spread the component of each link of move the chain of manufacturing error margin, install error margin, spread to move rigid etc. to bring of to turn a pedestal of disadvantageous influence, and to shut wreath to turn a pedestal to speak to be advantageous to turn-over coder or angle coder and turn round part of conjunction.
5.A few index sign reviewed to measure a number to control to turn a pedestal
The main index sign which review to measure a number to control to turn a pedestal have:Cent degree accuracy with repeated fixed position the accuracy, accuracy keep sex, loading ability, seal completely function, enough of Cha tight dint and turn round fixed position speed.
6.Number control development trend of turn the pedestal
Currently, number control the development of tool machine to incline toward the following a few aspect:
The high speed turn-high speed model.(every minute 15,000 turn above)
The nicety turn-along with computer-aided manufacturing system of development, Gao accuracy already arrive micron class.
High performance-because of product development the period be shorter and shorter, to manufacturing speed of request also correspond exaltation, tool machine industry dynasty high performance development.
Systematize-tool machine already the gradual development become systematizing a product and use a set computer control a homework of production line.
Compound turn-product outward view curve request of exaltation, tool machine five stalks process, six stalk process of compound turn to is already ineluctable development trend.
Among them"five stalks be allied to move number to control" is number control the difficulty in the technique biggest, application the most wide technique.It gather a calculator a control, the high performance be servo to drive with nicety the processing technology is at the integral whole, application in complications curved face of efficiently, nicety, automation process.The concrete development trend is:On the specification to two extension, then develop small specification and big specification of number control to turn Taiwan;Further exaltation on the function Cha tight dint Ju, exaltation the principal axis turn soon and credibility;Spread to move aspect at the Gua pole pair, significant exaltation work the set turn soon with turn a pedestal of loading ability;Continue in the aspects of turning a set form the development develop two stalks allied move with many the stalk merge turn round of number control to turn Taiwan.At our country, number control tool machine and material of development also got height value, obtained in recent years equal big of progress, especially at in general use number control realm, think terrace of domestic number control system, have already gradually shortenned with world forerunner level of margin.Be a tool machine of main constitute part, cent degree tool machine the enclosure(turn Taiwan, cent degree head, knife) have to the pass to the function, quality, credibility of tool machine importance of function.In addition, our country manufacturing numeral turn a technique application level still lower.Face this kind of challenge, we on the other hand understanding arrive oneself of shortage, want digest and absorb on the other hand abroad of forerunner technique, shorten and they it the margin of , concentrate on solving exaltation number to control an equipments industry application level, realization high speed efficiently processing technology.Be number control to turn a pedestal of development and produce factory house, the main mission be further development to develop in the near future Gao accuracy, Gao rigid and high turn round speed of multi-function turn Taiwan.


你能帮我一下吗? 英文怎么说
“能”的英文是:can;“帮助”的英文是:help;“我”的英文是:me。所以,综合起来“你能帮助我吗?”翻译成英语就是:Can you help me?

Can you help me learn English?词汇解析:一、can 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]aux.可以;能;能够;可能 二、help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]1、vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救 2、n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西 3、vi. 帮助;有用;招待 三、learn 英 [lɜ...

常见的有二种。Helps me to translate ,please.Could you please translate it for me?

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

你能帮我搬这三袋米吗? 英语翻译 Would you please...
翻译:Would you please carry the three bags of rice for me?重点词语:carry 1.音标:英 ['kærɪ] 美 [ˈkærɪ]2.翻译:vt. 拿,扛,携带,支持,搬运 vi. 能达到,被携带,被搬运 n. 运载,[计] 进位,射程 n. (Carry)人名,(英)卡里 3.例句:You...

you help\/assist me to schedule a time?或者是 Could\/Can you schedule a time for me please?或者是 Could\/Can you help me for a time arrangement?第二和第三种用法更加规范一些。另外,安排时间一般不用arrange,而用schedule更专业地道一些,但time arrangement 是固定搭配,直接表示安排时间 ...

1. I got to the school early even though it's raining cats and dogs.2. The ship is very large, which can carry at least 2000 passengers.3. I think i know his nationality.4. I think if you could help me to finish the task, that will be great.5. Even though he has...

‘你能帮我找一位中文翻译吗’ 用英语怎么说
给你一个最准确的:Could you help me to find a Chinese translator?

When I am in trouble, she is always the first to help me, comfort me. She can share my happiness, and face the difficulties with me.祝你学习进步,天天开心! (*^__^*)不明白的请继续追问!如觉得满意,请记得采纳,谢谢!


瑞丽市19124474298: 谁能帮我用英文翻译下面的文章 -
郅生尤尼: Autumn, a season of sorrow. Autumn, leaves begin to dance. when I stood under a tree, childhood memories are coming back to me unintentionally. But those times, will never come back again. Autumn, leave fell off the tree, just like a child who left ...

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郅生尤尼: 9:00-11:00, when Dr. He Yanzai there, I was go to class. 10:00-11:00, when Yan in the English class, I was listening to music. 12; 00-1; 00, while Yan and her mother were eating lunch, I was resting. 2:00-3:00, when Yan was the hospital to visit her ...

瑞丽市19124474298: 谁能用英语帮我翻译一下这篇文章,语法要正确 -
郅生尤尼: It is Sunday today. The weather is fine. My parents and I go to the park. My father and I go fishing there. And my mother read a book. Then we fly kite and play football. We are very happy!全部都是手动翻译,按照比较初级的水平翻译的,如果需要水平再高的话,可能会被老师认出来的哦 请记得点击“选为满意回答”,报答我的辛苦,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

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瑞丽市19124474298: 谁能帮我把下面这篇文章翻译成英语
郅生尤尼: Good morning(或者good afternoo), everybody ! I'm glad to see you. I am from XXX , my interest is broad , singing , dancing, painting , are my favorits. I am fond of English , I love English, it can make me have a fluent conversation with others , ...

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郅生尤尼: Dear Mian, i am always love you deeply you are my only one only you in my heart Please do not leave me along

瑞丽市19124474298: 谁能帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文.
郅生尤尼: She has beautiful big eyes with long flowing hair. Her mouth is as small as a cherry, very cute. She is cheerful and active. She likes singing, dancing, shopping, eating snacks and playing mahjong.We are studyng in the same school since primary ...

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