急求 英语高手哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面文章 高手手动翻译 拿翻译软件的就别在这糊弄了 谢谢 再次感谢 有追加

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急求英文高手哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下下面文章,再此感谢 请别拿翻译软件谷歌翻译的回复谢谢~

俚语究竟有何内涵呢?从广义上讲,它是产生和流行于民间的比较侄俗的用语单位,它具有谐趣上的特点:它不仅包括具有思想上的训诲性和行为上的劝诫性的一般意义的谚语和民谣, 翻译成英语式:
Many who had learned English in reading original English books, or see the original English language scripts, often feel a certain difficulties, the main reasons why not familiar with English slang because of English slang. This paper discusses the meaning, form and content of the characteristics and methods of translation views about.
Slang for a new language form, is in the 19th century in the middle of the English dictionary, appear to it at the denotation and connotation of the definition of expression basically has the following kinds:
"By some special slang is the word that certain individuals, and to all the members of the society is composed of the word".
"Slang is a kind of language forms, it is because some people want to get rid of society impose our common language." "Without fixed slang is acknowledged by regulating the language spoken."
From the above statement, easy to let a person feel seems all language standard usage rules of various non-standard inconsistency or incorrect words form can be called slang, the idea is obviously not science. If so, the slang in language without a place. This kind of slang not understand that at the time of uncertainty in slang connotation, also explain that the study of English vocabulary. The existence of English language in Daniel's objective facts, therefore we should not only admits it in English language, but also to the status of its connotation and denotation for scientific definition, only in this way, can more accurately find it in English.
Slang how content? In a broad sense, it is popular in comparison with the common folk Zhi language units, it has the characteristics of banter: it includes not only has the ideological instruction and behavior of the general meaning of exhortation proverbs and folk,

Although many scholars believe that it was difficult to something presentable and acceptable slang,The focus is not English,After all, it comes from the actual,Oral expression of the common people from everyday,Is the most direct expression of a culture carrier。In order to fully learn and master the English language,At the same time to really understand the English-speaking peoples、Learning slang、Comprehension and English translation also plays an important role。Especially in the English translation of English slang for the word meaning、Equivalent of style and culture, and efforts are more effective in helping to achieve successful cross-cultural communication.

First, the English slang euphemism in translation, slang euphemism in the proportion of is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life there, disagreeable, violent or ease emotional occasion, people consciously avoided direct touch rather mild and gentle and image of words, zigzagged express their own views, opinions and emotions. This kind of expression, in Chinese is often encounter, and sometimes in English for the same semantic field the same or similar means of expression. Thus in translation, you can make the same translation

Second, the English slang on the translation of a curse

In Chinese, are useful as a curse, swore an oath to expression, Peter stressed, the monks evil, dissatisfaction, hope, and other emotional words. However, it is important to note that the curse words to more often than not is it literally. Therefore, when the translation should be free. In the process of translation, which retains its original meaning, but also very according to different cultural background and abroad and the languages used for translation adjustments, make it more in line with the practice. The following example, to his translation of the original slang.

Third, English slang in vulgar language translation

The so-called vulgar language generally refers to insulting, stretched ear of rude words, it means in practice and not its literal meaning of the expression. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to give vent to their dissatisfaction, worry, anger, surprise and contempt and protests, and more intense emotions. Therefore, translation of this kind should be particularly cautious when words and staid.


First, the English slang in the translation, euphemism euphemism in slang proportion is bigger. Euphemism, often is the life of people contacts, embarrassment, is unable or easily hurt the feelings of the situation, people avoid direct touch, but a gentle, gentle and image, the words to express their views and opinions and feelings. This expression is often in Chinese, English, and sometimes in the same semantic is identical or similar expression. Therefore in english-chinese translation, can be equally translation
Second, the English slang in the translation of the spell on gambling
In both Chinese and English languages, all useful, swear, curse qi shi to emphasize, monk evil, resentment, hope and other emotional words. But, it is worth noting, swear words have meanings, more often than not, the literal meaning. Therefore, when translation should adopt the way of translation. In the process of translation, which will retain its original meaning, also very according to different cultural backgrounds and foreign language translation, the adjustment, which conforms to the native people's habits. From the following examples, can the translation of the original slang.
Third, the English translation of the saying of coarse slang
So-called coarse proverb is generally refers to the human ear, insulting, it's rude words of the literal meaning and practical than that. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to express their dissatisfaction, worry, anger, surprise and contempt and intense emotion. Protests, etc. Therefore, the translation of this kind words should be especially careful and cautious.


First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, Euphemism in the proportion of slang is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and feelings. This expression, is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus making Translation, may be the same translation
Second, the English slang spell on the translation of gambling
In English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to express Chi emphasized that the evil monk, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy that swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different, according to Chinese and foreign cultural background and language habits, translation adjustments, it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.
Third, the English slang vulgar language translation
The so-called vulgar language generally refers to insulting, rude words unbearable human ear, its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, anger, surprise and contempt, and protest so intense emotions. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, slang euphemism in proportion is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and emotions. This expression, is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus making Translation, may be the same translation
Second, the English slang spell on gambling translation in English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to pray for the expression of stress, evil monks, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy that swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different cultural backgrounds, according to foreign customs and language, translation adjustments, it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.
Third, the English language translation of vulgar slang phrase generally refers to the so-called vulgar insulting, rude words unbearable human ear, its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, surprise and contempt, and so intense emotional protest. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, slang euphemism in proportion is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and emotions. This expression, is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus making Translation, may be the same translation
Second, the English slang spell on gambling translation in English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to pray for the expression of stress, evil monks, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy that swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different cultural backgrounds, according to foreign customs and language, translation adjustments, it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.
Third, the English language translation of vulgar slang phrase generally refers to the so-called vulgar insulting, rude words unbearable human ear, its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, angry, surprise and contempt, and so intense emotional protest. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

First, the English slang translation of euphemisms, Euphemism in the proportion of slang is relatively large. The emergence of euphemism, often in life when people contacts, people appear awkward and hard to tell whether or easily hurt the feelings of the occasion, people consciously avoided a direct hit, but with more modest, yet elegant image of the word, twist express their views, opinions and feelings. This expression, is frequently encountered in Chinese, and sometimes in English for the very same semantics with the same or similar expression. Thus making Translation, may be the same translation
Second, the English slang spell on the translation of gambling
In English and Chinese languages, all with a swear, swear, swear to express Chi emphasized that the evil monk, dissatisfied with the hope that such emotional words. However, it is noteworthy that swear words have meaning, more often than not its literal meaning. Therefore, the translation should be used free translation approach. In the translation process, it is necessary to retain its original meaning, but also very different, according to Chinese and foreign cultural background and language habits, translation adjustments, it can better meet their people's habits. From the following examples, you can glimpse the translation adjustment of the original slang.
Third, the English slang vulgar language translation
The so-called vulgar language generally refers to insulting, rude words unbearable human ear, its actual meaning is not expressed in its literal meaning. Its purpose is to use vulgar words to vent their discontent, worry, anger, surprise and contempt, and protest so intense emotions. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

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苏尼特右旗19631176015: 急求英语高手帮我翻译以下文字,谢谢! -
拓昭曲克: Chinese are while spending the Spring Festival, it is urgent to...

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子 -
拓昭曲克: 个人觉得基本无误.The news that earthquake hit Sichuan shocked us.Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 求一位英语比较厉害的哥哥姐姐帮我翻译一下这段话 感谢
拓昭曲克:I am so sorry that I failed the English examination. First, I didn't write the words carefully, Just thought that I got it and left it. Second, I didn't listen carefully in the class, and rarely read the notes, did very few excercise. I had never study carefully since...

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 求高手帮忙翻译下面的英语,不懂的别装哦. -
拓昭曲克: 好刺眼的一张好人卡! burry这个单词绝对拼错了,我估计该妹子想说“bury it” that's all 嗯

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子
拓昭曲克: The news that earthquake happened in Sichuan shokes us. Althoug he cannot speak, he could communicate by means of hand gusture. Keep up your courage, success will be of yours.

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拓昭曲克: I graduated from technical secondary school when I was 20 years old.I once worked as packager and stock...

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 英语翻译(初中的),请哥哥姐姐帮忙啊,谢谢啦!!!高手快来帮忙,急急急!!!没积分了下次一定补上!!!
拓昭曲克: 1 .I was writing a letter at 9 : 00 last night. 2 this time yesterday, he was listening to the music. 3. when The teacher came in the children are read a book. 4 when the phone rang. He is doing his homework. 5.My mother was cooking while my father was watching TV

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 急、求一位英语翻译高手…帮我翻译下面的汉语句子 -
拓昭曲克: i like spoken English. My favorite sports have football and swimming. Also I am enjoying the reading books about the environmental protection. I am a patient and outgoing boy. 希望采纳~~~~

苏尼特右旗19631176015: 我想用英语法翻译下面的话 请韩英语高手帮忙 太感谢了 -
拓昭曲克: 1. 姐姐,好久不见了,好想你了.Sister, long time no see, I miss you so much.2.姐姐,还记得我吗 Sister, do you still remember me?3. 这是上次我们一起出去玩拍的相片,2年不见了,把相片和祝福发给你.对你仍然想念.These are the photos ...

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