需要专业翻译 汉译英

作者&投稿:尤蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






我们的必修模块中有一个Sachfach, 也就是专业知识课,需要在技术,经济,计算机,医学和法学中选出一个作为必修。如果本科学的是机械制造则可免去这个模块,但对应地需要补上文化和语言方面的模块。我选修的是技术模块。第一个学期讲得是高中物理知识,两个老师都是西门子的工程师,每周三个小时的基础理论课。我由于之前学的文科,上这课等于重新复习了一遍我哪点仅有的物理知识。第二个学期稍微细化一点,一个老师讲能源技术,发电原理,楼宇自动化,企业流程,另外一个老师讲数字电路,电梯工作原理,电气知识。







The process of litigation, a party to the other Party stated expressly acknowledges the facts, the other party without proof. But identity relationship except in cases involving.To a party statement, the other party neither admits nor denies the judges, fully illustrated and inquiries, its still not clear affirmation or negation, as a recognition of the fact.If a party entrusts an agent to participate in litigation, agents recognition as the parties acknowledge. The agent without special authorization for the fact that leads to the recognition of each claim otherwise; the parties present but to its agents admit not repudiate it, be deemed as that of the party.Before the parties at the end of the court debate to withdraw recognition and with the consent of the other party, or have sufficient evidence to prove its recognition behavior is under stress or a major misunderstanding circumstances and is not consistent with the facts, not exempt from the other party's burden of proof

The college’s curriculum in China has its own style, it base on the mode since ancient times evolved, and suit to China's actual conditions and the development of Chinese students. It is divided into five parts : major, minor, designated R, double degree, elective courses and has its own characteristics.
If reform the school curriculum, must lead to many problems .That is bring the school into another extreme, we can’t image what will happen. However, according to the curriculum model has long been fixed, the Chinese can not afford to change it.
Our Chinese universities are different from those in foreign countries, we make much account of
theory while they pay attention to practice .If we refer to them, it not only disrupt the pattern which existed for along time , but also need to set another mode to fix the college students . The most important is that whether they can accept the new one? The probability is very small.
A large part of our college’s curriculum was set to meet the talents demand of society.

The current education system is closely interrelated to every institute of higher learning’s talents demand of society. Reform must make effort to a series of related system and clash with the unfix of the talents demand of society.
China's education system is imperfect. Currently , the various systems has not been well permeate into the education system. The first task of Chinese's education is to implement the current policy, and mature the currently existing system. Reform would only show more shortage to the uncompleted system..

Chinese universities set their own curriculum model is based on the mode of education in China since ancient times evolved, but also to adapt to China's national conditions and development of students. It is divided into five parts, major, minor, designated R, double degree, elective courses. It has its own characteristics.
If the reform program will lead to many consequences, is the school into the other extreme, we can not envision what is a phenomenon. However, according to the curriculum model has long been fixed, the Chinese can not afford to change it.
We Chinese universities and foreign countries, we attach great importance to theory and practice of foreign countries, if the reference to foreign countries, which not only disrupt the pattern we have been, but also a different set of models to meet the students, the most important thing is to have to adapt a natural pattern of students to accept a new model? Very less.
Large part of our university degree programs is based on the demand of social development, the current education system and society is the demand for qualified personnel in all institutions of higher learning is closely related to a series of related reforms will inevitably affect the structure of society will on the demand of this ring is not quite produce the conflicts arising.
China's education system is imperfect, the current penetration of various systems has not been well into the education system. China's education first and foremost task is to implement the current policy and allow the existing system to mature. Did not sound the reform would only create more loopholes in the system.

Chinese university curriculum has its own mode of China since ancient times, according to the education mode, and evolved to China's national conditions and the development of students. It mainly divided into five parts, major, minor, and will double, elective course. It has its own characteristics.
If the reform of curriculum, it will cause a lot of consequences, and is the school into another extreme, and we couldn't expected to what is a phenomenon. But according to the fixed course pattern for a long time, China hasn't been able to change it.
We Chinese universities and foreign, we value theory and practical, if the foreign to foreign reference method, not only has been disrupted we have to study, and another mode to adapt to college students, the most important is the intrinsic patterns in has adapted to the college students to accept a new model? Little risk.
A large part of our university curriculum is according to the demands of the society for talents of the education system, and is currently in various social institutions talented person's demand is closely related to a series of reform will affect the relevant system makes the demands of the society for talents this ring and produce a lot of conflict.
China's education system is not perfect, now at various system has good penetration into the education system. China's educational priority is to carry out the policy, and good at maturity to existing system. Reform will only make itself doesn't sound system produces more holes.

Chinese universities set their own curriculum model is based on the mode of education in China since ancient times evolved, and adapt to China's national conditions and development of students. It is divided into five parts, major, minor, designated R, double degree, elective courses. It has its own characteristics.
If the reform program will lead to many consequences, is the school into the other extreme, we can not envision what is a phenomenon. However, according to the curriculum model has long been fixed, the Chinese can not afford to change it.
We Chinese universities and foreign countries, we attach great importance to theory and practice of foreign countries, if the reference to foreign countries, which not only disrupt the pattern we have been, but also a different set of models to meet the students, the most important thing is to have to adapt the inherent mode of college students to accept a new model? Very less.
Large part of our university degree programs is based on the demand of social development, the current education system and society is the demand for qualified personnel in all institutions of higher learning is closely related to a series of related reforms will inevitably affect the structure of society will demand for talent is not quite the ring generated conflicts arising.
China's education system is imperfect, the current penetration of various systems has not been well into the education system. China's education first and foremost task is to implement the current policy, and allow existing systems to mature. Reform would not have been a sound system to create more loopholes.

肇东市13963449735: 求个实力人工翻译,汉译英..一经采纳,报酬丰厚!有实力者接.... -
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肇东市13963449735: 汉译英,求专业翻译 -
卫宇比立: Extremely moderate soapless formula for facial-cleansing with maintainance for deep skin. Cosmetics and daily sunscreen products could be taken off easily applying this production. It may help get rid off excessive grease, soften aging stratum ...

肇东市13963449735: 需要专业的翻译 -
卫宇比立: In four fish bone collagen as raw materials for the extraction and initial purification, Characteristics of protein through - Determination of hydroxyproline to determine collagen content, And the extraction properties of collagen protein. By molecular ...

肇东市13963449735: 专业翻译英译汉对汉语水平有要求吗?汉译英那?那个对汉语要求高? -
卫宇比立: 个人认为英译汉对汉语要求高,因为你被你翻译的语言只需要知道句子的意思,而你要翻译成的那个语言需要有连贯、流畅的表达.希望我的答案能帮到您

肇东市13963449735: 我公司有一个工程项目资料翻译,CAD图纸和表格内容,需要中译英日韩法西意,有专业可以翻译的人吗? -
卫宇比立: 表格内容算比较平常的,不过语种多需要专业翻译公司的专业团队.CAD图纸的这个就最佳翻译方式就是专业CAD软件里面把中文对应的英日韩法西意文分别编辑好,难度比较高,专业性强,这里推荐两家翻译公司给你:宏博、译雅馨.

肇东市13963449735: 谁知道哪里有专业翻译机构?最近我们公司有一份重要文件需要翻译,请问哪家翻译公司比较专业啊?文件大概有6000字,要求英文翻译成中文,急急急!!!
卫宇比立: 我知道有一家叫Wordsunny的公司很有实力,建议不去百度一下他们公司,里边有详细的介绍,我们公司和他们合作过很多次了,推荐一下,另外西安新光翻译也是一家不错的翻译机构,译员也比较充足,各种专业的都可以满足,希望可以帮到你.

肇东市13963449735: 不是英语专业学生可以做翻译吗?需要什么条件,要考什么证 -
卫宇比立: 可以,需要考取翻译资格考试. 根据国家人事部《翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》(人发[2003]21号)的精神,全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试在国家人事部统一规划和指导下,中国外文局负责翻译专业资格(水平)考试的实施与管理工...

肇东市13963449735: 英国签证文件是不是要找专业的翻译机构啊?价格贵嘛 -
卫宇比立: 当然是去正规的翻译机构了,不然出了错可就麻烦你,去英国旅游之前找的是安太译欣,貌似现在英国签证翻译都在他们家做了吧,资质文件很齐全,比签证中心便宜,态度也不错,我们当时一天就拿到翻译文件了也没耽误到使用.

肇东市13963449735: 需要专业翻译的公司,翻译业务由哪个部门管呢? -
卫宇比立: 一般找行政,他们可以收集你的联系方式,这样公司其他部门想问的话可以提供.还有一个特别好的方式就是去各种涉及到外企的展会!他们80%都需要不同的业务,专业等翻译需求.当然你们的翻译质量和经验这个时候很关键.毕竟大多数的公司都已经有了一定合作关系的翻译公司或者翻译渠道了!根据展会的性质,翻译一些专业的样文带着,效果会好!

肇东市13963449735: 专业翻译汉译英 机器人翻译的就别来了!
卫宇比立: Dear Teacher: I can sit here today, you accept the teacher's interviews, I am very honor, for me, this insurance is particularly valuable opportunity for research. My name is Yi-Qiu Song, 23-year-old, Han. I am cheerful, easy-going. Family harmony, and ...

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