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Is the lid of the box tight enough ? could it be loose?


1.This small village is surrounded by institute by beautiful country scene
2.As for as I know, he has a gift for doing business
3.With China, development of the economy , a lot of foreigner settle in China
4.Until he got married just now last year
5.Be that teacher rather than his students in singing

Be nice to me, I as the same as you are, I am not an alien, so don't treat me that way.


最简单的:"I am the same as you"!


笑容在脸上 和你一样

There are smiles in our faces, just the same as you

大声唱 为自己鼓掌

Singing loudly and applauding for ourselves

我和你一样 一样的坚强

We are the same as you, similarly strong


Same to chase ours dreams go all out

“please well treat me, do not look at me with the difference judgment, actually I with you am same.”

please be nicer to me, dont take me different. im exactly the same as you are.

When I was a teenager, I did not get on well with my parents, either. We sometimes argued with each other. ……Try your best to get along well with your parents.中文翻译:许多青少年和父母相处不好,他们不知道该怎么办。如果你面对这样一个问题,我现在说的话可能对你有帮助。你有...

1、只为成功找方法,不为失败找理由。Find ways to succeed, not reasons to fail.2、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。Don't underestimate yourself. There are infinite possibilities.3、品质是生产出来的,不是靠检验出来的。Quality is produced, not tested.4、塑造人的品质,建立管理根基。Shaping ...

6. 杞人忧天文言文翻译 【译文】 杞国有个人担忧天会塌地会陷,自己无处存身,便整天睡不好觉,吃不下饭。 又有个人为这个杞国人的忧愁而忧愁,就去开导他,说:“天不过是积聚的气体罢了,没有哪个地方没有空气的。你一举一动,一呼一吸,整天都在天空里活动,怎么还担心天会塌下来呢?” 那个人说:“天如果是...



1,全世界的人们都爱好体育活动(people all over the world love sports)。2,掌握外语和计算机是非常重要的(it's important to have a good knowledge of foreign languages and computer),3,你爱运动而我爱看书(you like sports while i like reading),4,应该充分利用这本书(it's neccessary...

(Eugene A Nida,Charles R Taber:“The Theory and Practice of Translation”,1969) 翻译过程不仅涉及两种语言, 而且涉及到两种文 化, 它是通过语言机制的转换连接或沟通目的语文化(Target Culture)和源本语文化(Source Culture)的桥 梁, 足具有不同语言文化背景的人们互相交际的媒介。他 时强调“翻译中,意义是...

文言文翻译成白话文 跪求哪位大神帮忙翻译一下 在线等急
5.把文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(1)今吾每饭,意未尝不在钜鹿也。父知之乎?译文:(2)是以兵破士北,为秦所禽灭。译文:(3)是日令冯唐持节赦魏尚,复以为云中守。译文:史记 冯唐列传译文 冯唐的祖父是赵人,他的父亲迁到代。汉朝建主后,又迁到安陵。冯唐以至孝著名,为中郎署长,侍奉文帝。

文言文翻译的原则在文言文翻译过程中,必须遵循“字字有着落,直译、意译相结合,以直译为主”的原则。这就要求我们,在具体翻译时,对句子中的每个字词,只要它有一定的实在意义,都必须字字落实,对号入座。 翻译时,要直接按照原文的词义和词序,把文言文对换成相应的现代汉语,使字不离词,词不离句。如果直译后语意不...

出口退税制度是退还买入阶段的各种税的制度,1985年开始实施,1994年引进增殖税后,转变为退还对出口货物买入阶段的增殖税 Export tax rebate system is refundable buying stage taxes system, since 1985 implementation, 1994, change is introducing proliferation after-tax returned to export goods bought ...

南京市13856545902: 一句话,中文翻译成英文,英语好的来 3Q你永远不会对我说你心里的想法谁能把上面内句话,写成英文阿,帮下忙, 谢谢. -
萧帘孚贝:[答案] You would never tell me what you think. You would never let me know your thinking.

南京市13856545902: 把汉语翻译成英语(一句话)
萧帘孚贝: My winter break will finish when I finish doing my homework.

南京市13856545902: 把中文句子翻译成英语句子. -
萧帘孚贝: He was too late when he arrived.I have already waited Xiaohua for three hours,but she haven`t been appeared all the time.I was lying in bed when mother came in.The cat was lying near the fire.

南京市13856545902: 中文翻译成英文.一句话. -
萧帘孚贝: 1: I will wait for the day. 2: because I know you are waiting for me, because my future is you. 请采纳

南京市13856545902: 求中文翻译成英语(一句话)
萧帘孚贝: 1,I can't stand/tolerance/bear/suffer it anymore. 2,I can't take it anymore. 3,I can't go/keep on it. I can't go/keep it on. I can't go/keep on

南京市13856545902: 中文翻译成英文.就一句话! -
萧帘孚贝: 如果通俗一点儿地说…… The highest realization of love: To love someone but not to own her(his). That is an action of selfishness.简单一点儿地说…… The top state of love: To love someone but no to own her(his).That's a selfish action.最标准的说...

南京市13856545902: 中文翻译英文一句话 -
萧帘孚贝: I have received your fax, but there is a mistake made on the money amount. The correction should be: by Dec 31, 2007, XXXX company owes YYY company $624,800.00 instead of $312,400.00. For more details please see the attachment.

南京市13856545902: 请位兄弟姐妹帮我把一句中文翻译为英文这句话的意思是:我爱你,仅次于神. -
萧帘孚贝:[答案] I love you,next only to the spirit.

南京市13856545902: 一句话 中文翻译成英文
萧帘孚贝: 故事告诉我们不到最后一刻不能轻易放弃 Story tells us that can not easily give up until the last minute 英国绅士菲律乌斯·弗戈 Philippines Wusifuge 法国仆人帕斯帕尔图 Pasipaer Map

南京市13856545902: 一句话中文翻译到英文 -
萧帘孚贝: 一个词就可以:如beautiful或attractive.this song is beautiful in melody and words.或者分开用(其实一样的意思):It has beautiful words and a attractive melody.Its words are beautiful, and its melody attractive.

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