急求!!国际经济与贸易专业 的英文简历模板 跪谢。。。给20大洋

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While all businesses have the potential for earning a profit, those able to compete on a global scale may fare better than those based primarily in one country. Perhaps that is why so many adults seeking higher educations choose to study international business. International business, as the name implies, deals with business, trade and commerce on a global scale. Because laws and cultures vary from nation to nation, businesses benefit from having a staff prepared to deal with whatever issues may arise.

competition for those seeking employment in international business can be fierce, so participating in a formal educational program tailored specifically to the needs of international businesses may give employees an edge over the competition. Non-businesses related skills may help as well, such as becoming multi-lingual or studying international relations. Those who choose to complete a course of study in international business can expect to study topics like international law, economics, internet technologies, finance, and communications.

Are you looking for a challenging career that can offer exciting travel and unlimited potential? Companies are taking their businesses global at a fantastic rate and they need your help! Earning an Associate's Degree in International Trade is the first step to your dream job.

A Bachelor of International Business prepares you for entry-level occupation in the many growing fields of international business and the global marketplace. With the rise of Internet communication, global competition is fierce. People with knowledge of international trade and business practices are in greater and greater demand. Please read on to find out more.


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Name, age of don't
People and high political outlook. Family
Alex learn cadastral penetration body condition
Graduated from college specially industry
Objective customs affairs assistant doc.owning ciq administrative assistant pr logistics marketing
Professional skills mastering international economy and trade of basic knowledge and skills, proficient trade practice and logistics processes, logistics division level qualification certificate, good marketing planning and market analysis, has stronger ability, grasps the public accounting and statistics of the foundation of knowledge.
English CET 4 - level skill obtained certificates, CET - 6 scores for 405 points, with strong listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, can read specialized English material, and won the second prize college English contest.
Computer skill obtained national computer secondary certificates, mastering office software system, can independently document processing and data layout
The students should gain awards won English contest
In 2007-2008 should obtain the country pursues a scholarship
Should obtain professional first-class scholarship once, second-class scholarship for three times
"Excellent members should obtain courtyard" miyoshi students "honorary title
A national first-class scholarship
Personal experience in 2007, responding to spare time to do, and won the praise of parents, and cultivate the working patience and perseverance, strengthen the responsibility.
During the holiday, responding to continual in stores and supermarkets, salesman, salesgirl got exercise in society, strengthened the ability to speak, accumulated some experience in sales.
In the college, and adopts two school training, and was selected for the preparation of party members, rich knowledge, improve their quality, enhance the responsibility and ambition.
Responding to participate in "nankai university", "human resource management (undergraduate)," professional, and obtained a certain result, in time, in efforts to continue the exam and test process, in all sorts of difficulties and setbacks, improve the learning ability, strengthens the will, the mill.
Responding to export factory in the plate for five months, the practice of foreign trade operation flow of international trade and shipping processing, and some of the techniques and foreign trade export communication ability.
Self-appraisal disposition u, positive enterprising, sureness diligence.
U sincere kind, communication ability, is good at communicating, has the good coordination ability and affinity.
U self-learning ability, strong language skills, easy to accept new things.
Painted with strong teamwork and high sense of responsibility.
Listen to music tourism reading interest dance handmade badminton

Nationality,Height,Political appearance
School record,Native place,Bodily condition
Specialized,Graduation colleges and universities
Seeks employment the intention,The pass serves the assistant,Shan Zhengyuan,The newspaper examines,Administrative assistant,Public relations personnel,
Physical distribution management,Market marketing.

The specialized skill skilled grasping international economy and the trade elementary knowledge and the skill, thoroughly understand the trade practice and the physical distribution operation flow, obtains the physical distribution teacher four level of credentials, is good at the market marketing plan and the market analysis, has the strong public relations ability, grasping foundation accountant and the statistical knowledge.
English skill obtains the CET-4 level certificate, the CET-6 result is 405 minutes, has strongly listens to, to say, to read, writes ability, can read the specialized English material, and wins the national university student English competition second prize.
The computer skill obtains the national computer two levels of certificates, grasps the office software system skilled, can carry on the document processing and the data arrangement independently.

The prize situation ; wins the national university student English competition second prize; 2007 - 2008 to obtain the country to pursue a goal with determination the scholarship; to obtain one and so on the scholarships specialized one time, two and so on the scholarship three times;pobtain the courtyard;the excellent league member; the healthy, studious, and helpful student; the title of honor
; to obtain the country one and so on the scholarship
personal experience * In 2007, the use spare time makes the family education, and wins guardian's consistent high praise, simultaneously has raised the work patience and the will, strengthened the sense of responsibility.
* Winter and summer holiday period, in the market and the supermarket works as the sales clerk, the salesman, obtained the exercise in the society, strengthened the speech management ability, accumulated some sales experience.
* Big two, participated in the institute party school to train, and is elected for the probationary party member, has enriched the knowledge, further improved own quality, strengthened the sense of responsibility and the dedication to work.
* Is participating in;Nankai University; ;human resources management (undergraduate course); specialized, and has obtained certain result, in continues to try hard, in each time reference appendix and in the test process, in each kind of difficulty and the setback, sharpened the learning capability, wheted the will, strengthened the faith.

* Exports the plant practice for five months in the plate, has grasped the foreign trade operation flow and international trade documentary evidence processing, as well as in some foreign trade exportation skill and foreign communication ability.
Self-appraisal * Is cheerful, positive enterprising, steadfast diligent.
* Manner sincere genial, human relations ability, is good at communicating, has the good organization to coordinate ability and the affinity.
* Studies independently ability, has the very strong language power of expression, easy to accept the new thing.
* Has the strong team cooperation consciousness and the high sense of responsibility.
The interest hobby listens the happy traveling reading dance hand-planted badminton


某出口公司与西欧某中间商达成一笔交易,合同规定我方出口某商品25000千克,每千克15美元,CFR C 2%汉堡。海运运费为每千克0.15美元。出口收汇后出口公司向国外中间商汇付佣金。计算:(1)该出口公司向中国银行购买支付佣金的美元共需多少人民币


1机遇 国内贸易数据趋近于饱和,尤其拼多多,抖音,快手等平台兴起,僧多肉少大家都开始打价格战,以后贸易全球化将成为趋势 2就业广泛,选择性大 在经济全球化趋势加剧的情况下,中国与其他国家的经济贸易往来日益频繁,对国际经济与贸易专业人才的需求很大。据统计,国贸专业近些年的就业率都在95%以上,...

2、组成不同: 国际金融由国际收支、国际汇兑、国际结算、国际信用、国际投资和国际货币体系构成。国际贸易由进口贸易和出口贸易所组成。3、学科范畴不同:国际贸易专业属于经济学学科范畴,主要以经济学理论为依托,包括微观经济学、宏观经济学、国际经济学、计量经济学、世界经济学概论、政治经济学等。国际...



国际经济与贸易是研究国家之间经济活动与贸易往来规律的一门学科,通常授予经济学学士(Bachelor of Economics)或商学学士(Bachelor of Business Administration)的学位。1. 学科概述国际经济与贸易专业主要关注全球经济体系中的各种经济现象、政策制定以及国际贸易规则等。学生将学习如何分析国际市场动态,理解不...


专业名称 国际经济与贸易 学制 4 专业介绍 授管理学学士学位 培养目标 培养德、智、体全面发展,能适应外向型经济和经济国际化、一体化要求,较系统地掌握国际经济、国际贸易的基本理论,掌握国际贸易的基本知识和基本技能,了解当代国际经济贸易的发展现状,熟悉通行的国际贸易规则和惯例,以及中国对外...

国际经济与贸易需要学些什么 具体
这个专业国内最好的应该是对外经济贸易大学的,给你一个基本的情况供了解:国际经济与贸易(International Economics and Trade) 本专业培养德、智、体全面发展,适应21世纪社会主义经济发展和社会主义现代化建设需要,基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高,富有时代特征和创新意识的国际经济贸易领域的高级应用型...

国际经济与贸易 涉及哪些经济领域
专业内容是学习和研究马克思主义经济理论和国际经济、国际贸易的基本理论,涉外部门的实际业务以及国家在对外贸易方面的方针、政策,熟练地掌握一门外语。 国际经济与贸易主要是走贸易方向,所学的东西就要细致一些、实用一些。 主要就业方向:适于到涉外经济部门,特别是国际贸易和国际经济技术合作等外贸、招...

长泰县17741427106: 国际经济与贸易专业用英文怎么说啊~~~ -
说信罗迈: International Economics and Trade 出自世界银行

长泰县17741427106: "国际经济与贸易专业"翻译成英语 -
说信罗迈: International Economy and Commerce

长泰县17741427106: 求国际经济与贸易专业标准英文说法 -
说信罗迈: International Economics and Trade the resources from THE WORLD BANK, sorry i can't type Chinese

长泰县17741427106: “国际贸易”专业的标准英文说法是什么 -
说信罗迈: 在国外是没有国际贸易这个专业的,他们有国际商务.所以你要非常标准的好像很难.因为国内都叫“国际经济与贸易”简称国际贸易专业.international economics and trade

长泰县17741427106: 国际经济与贸易的英文写法 -
说信罗迈: international trade and economics it's my major国内的经贸学院都是叫international trade and economics college

长泰县17741427106: 重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院国际经济与贸易专业本科用英语怎么翻译 -
说信罗迈: Chongqing Normal University Foreign Trade And Business College 重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院 international economics and trade program 国际经济与贸易专业 undergraduate college 大学本科

长泰县17741427106: 国际经济与贸易这个专业用英文怎么说 -
说信罗迈: 国际贸易专业挺好的,普通人了解不多,符合国家政策导向,近两年受国贸毕业生就业率高位回落的影响报考人数有所下降,竞争温和,强烈推荐.推荐国贸专业的理由如下:很多人有2个误解——1以为在中国做外贸只是做出口,这是不对的,...

长泰县17741427106: 我毕业于河南农业大学国际经济与贸易专业用英语怎么翻译?
说信罗迈: I graduated from major of International Economy and Trade of the Henan Agricultural University,

长泰县17741427106: 英语 我是来自经济学院国际经济与贸易专业的 怎么说? -
说信罗迈: 我是来自经济学院国际经济与贸易专业的. I come from institute of economics and my major is international economy and trade. I come from institute of economics with my major international economy and trade. 都可以的希望可以帮到你 望采纳

长泰县17741427106: 国际经济与贸易专业属于经济学还是管理学? 银行需要此专业的人才吗? -
说信罗迈: 属经济学,银行对公信贷部门应该会招此专业的人才的

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