
作者&投稿:氐鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You are supposed to positively face as well as deal with the subjects which you are not very good at. As for the acquired knowledge, you ought to master them on a higher level. In a word, you are expected to make bigger progress in study through good learning methods, such as doing more preview and review work, and holding a positive and strong learning attitude as well.

For a week I have kept the book about Greek mythology.
If you want to succeed, what you need is not only courage but also wisdom.

1. Most of the noise from the urban traffic, factories and site.
2 the car out of the gas is one of the main urban air pollution sources.
3 the earth is our home, to ourselves and our posterity, we have a responsibility to protect it.
4. Luckily the government is taking measures to control the air pollution.
5. We must do everything we can to protect rare animals.

1. Most of the noise are from the traffic, factories and construction site.
2. The gas that cars give out is a major source of air pollution.
3. The earth is our home,for our future generations, we have a duty to protect it.
4. Fortunately, the government is taking measures to control air pollution.
5. We must do all we can to protect rare animals.

1.Most of the city noise from traffic, factories and construction sites.
2.Cars emit the gases that city a major source of air pollution.
3.Earth is our home, to our own and future generations, we have a responsibility to protect it
4.Fortunately, the government is taking measures to control air pollution
5.We must do everything we can to protect rare animals

1. Most of the noise from the urban traffic, factories and site.
2 the gas out of the car is one of the main urban air pollution sources.
3 the earth is our home,we have a responsibility to protect it to ourselves and our posterity, .
4. Luckily the government is taking measures to control the air pollution.
5. We must do everything we can to protect rare animals.

10、经济学中长期争论的一个问题是:固定汇率是否优于浮动汇率?对此问题作出过分简单的回答是不适当的,因为无论哪种汇率都是不完美的,它们都有自己的优点和缺点。谢谢各位的帮忙,另外还有两题,都是300分翻译10句的,如果有兴趣的话可以一起做http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/17566768.html http:\/\/zhidao.baidu....

这个问题不好答。一般顺序就是主、谓、宾、宾补 由此还衍生出很多从句,这个还是要查语法书,在这里根本无法罗列。时间和地点,简单的就是地点在前时间在后,复杂的又涉及到很多状语从句,罄竹难书。英语中多个形容词的先后次序 在英语中,形容词可以用来作定语修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、特征...


1.Rob is our trusted suppliers, from whom we often get the necessary raw materials and Components.2. Room when I walked into negotiations, they are talking about on the issue of agents.As he told me before he will give in to my phone calls.4. Immediately reported to the ...

求翻译!!!中译英 口语化
钱婆婆:进来吧 Qian Popo: come in 千寻:打扰了 Chihiro: Excuse me 钱婆婆:要进来就快就来啊 Qian Popo: come in, come quickly 千寻:进来吧(千寻对无脸男说)Chihiro: come on in (Chihiro to Faceless Man)钱婆婆:大家还真的全来了 Qian Popo: you really come 千寻:请问…Chihiro:...

翻译是:The 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the annual Chinese traditional festival Chung Yeung Festival. The origin of the festival can be traced back to the Warring States Period.句子解释:traditional 英[trəˈdɪʃənl] ...

【求人工翻译】短句 中译英
与市镇相比,农村显得非常安静 2 这次离开后,你还会再回来吗 Will you come back after leaving \/ departure?3 前几次 last few times 4 对于…来说 可以说成 as for sb,as to sb,都有对于谁来说的意思。有时候句子中直接for sb,to sb 也可以翻译成对于谁来说 ——As to me, Holland...

有很多这样的句子,给你举三种典型的类型吧!1.表示对现在的虚拟假设 如:我没有手机,如果我有手机的话,和别人联系就方便多了. 英译为:I don't have a cellphone.If I had one,it would be convenient for me to get in touch with others.2.表示对过去或已经发生的事情的假设. 如:真遗憾...

帮我翻译一句话 中译英
英文翻译过来的意思就是,热爱钢琴的人,或 钢琴爱好者。用 piano amateur 这个词,体现不了 “爱好者” 这个部分,因为不爱钢琴的人也可以被称为 piano amateur。如果用 钢琴爱好者 的直接翻译 piano lover,那么读起来有点别扭,因为在国外没有这种说法。所以最后还是决定用 avid pianist.句子是自己...

目前最准确的翻译(英语专业)他将为自己的所作所为而受到惩罚(punish)He will be punished for what he did.我们肯定我们现在正在计划的事不久将变成现实(sure,come true)We are sure that what we're planning now will come true before long.他明天要去北京,他要在那里呆一个星期(where)...

海安县17742152003: 英语句子翻译(中译英) -
芷初复方: 1.They weren't playing basketball then. 2.Were they watching TV when you came back? 3.He was doing his homework when I left. 4.The teacher came back while they were sweeping the floor. 5.Sue plays the piano better than Annie . Sally plays best. 6.Usually , the cheap bags are not the best ones.

海安县17742152003: 英语句子翻译(中译英)
芷初复方: 1. Because the books will not only give us knowledge, but also helps us to better understand the world 2. Before, he always playing computer games after school 3. As soon as possible ready for dinner

海安县17742152003: 句子翻译(中译英) -
芷初复方: 1.现在天在下雨,昨天天气晴朗,明天多云.It's rainning now. It was sunny yesterday, and it will be cloudy tomorrow.2.我们班有些男孩知道去动物园的路.Some boys in our class know the way to the zoo.3.昨天上午他跑步经过另外一个超级市场.He ran past another supermarket yesterday morning.

海安县17742152003: 翻译句子(中译英)
芷初复方: 1.做完作业他们就睡觉去了 They went to sleep after finishing their homework.(介词+动名词构成时间状语) 2.因为腿上有伤,这个士兵不得不躺在床上 The soldier had to lie in bed because of the wound in the leg.(介词词组构成原因状语,腿部受伤 用介词IN 而且用定冠词,赫赫 这个是介词和冠词的考点内容).

海安县17742152003: 中译英翻译句子
芷初复方: 1. Why is the man staring at you all the time? Do you know him? 2. Simon picked up the telephone and dialed 119 at once. 3. This morning, I heard a man and a woman shouting at each other on the street. 4. This morning, I happened to see a ...

海安县17742152003: 英语翻译句子 汉译英 -
芷初复方: Peter over the other boys .

海安县17742152003: 英语句子翻译(汉译英) -
芷初复方: If we keep on wasting the water, the water will be consumed sooner or later. 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

海安县17742152003: 中译英句子翻译 -
芷初复方: 1、你表弟学英语吗? 不他学日语. Does your cousin study English? No he studies Japanese.2、他们不在唱歌,他们在跳舞. They're not singing, they're dancing.3、苏海在弹钢琴吗?是的,他在弹钢琴. Is Su Hai playing the piano? Yes, ...

海安县17742152003: 汉译英 句子翻译
芷初复方: 您好,很高兴为您服务! 中文:只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现.翻译:As long as we can dream it, we can achieve. 中文:不要等待着船向你开来,你应该向它游去. 翻译:Don't wait for the ship to you, you should go to swim. 谢谢采纳o(∩_∩)o...

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