求文档: 新目标英语八年级(下) Unit6 重难点解析

作者&投稿:溥君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6. p50 UNIT 6 : I’ve been studying history in China





7. p56 UNIT 7 3a: I can't stand it!





Dear ... I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect kites.I have been collecting them for four years,and I have 22 of them now. I collect them because they are beautiful and interesting. I have a kite with the face of Monkey King, which is a present from China. And I have some kites like butterflies. They are just like real animals in the sky. Every sunny Saturday I’ll go and fly one of them. They bring me so much fun. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. I’d like to make friends with


  一)现在完成进行时表示一个动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且有可能还要继续下去。常和表示一段时间的状语连用,如:for two days, since (自从)two days ago.

  二)构成:助动词have/has + been +v.-ing


  1. 从七点钟起我就一直在看书。(现在还在看)

  I have been reading since seven o’clock.

  2. 他看电视已经两个小时了。

  He has been watching TV for two hours.


  3. I have been cleaning the room since I got home.

  4. Tom has been drawing


  1. collect: v. 收集

  (1) —How long have you been collecting stamps? 你收集邮票多久了?

  —For 4 years.

  (2)He likes balls, he has a great sports , and he joined the


  A. collecting B. collection C. collector D. collectors’

  2. skate:

  (1) v. 滑冰:How about going ?

  I have been for half an hour.

  (2) n.溜冰鞋:This is my first pair of skates.

  一双溜冰鞋:a pair of skates

  (3) 溜冰的人:skater

  Several skaters are still skating.

  3. pair: 一双,一对,一副

  (1) 床上有条短裤。There a pair of shorts on the bed.

  (2) a pair of pants /shorts/ shoes/ socks /glasses

  4. since: prep. 自从,自……以来


  We here since one year ago.


  He since last night.


  We have been learning English

  have you been learning English?

  5. raise money for sb. 为某人筹集钱

  6. several: 几个,数个,同义词→a few

  (1) There are several (百)of people on the beach.

  (2) Several skaters are still skating.

  7. collect stamps 集邮

  —你集邮多久了?How long you stamps?

  8. run out of… 用完

  (1)别把钱花光。Don’t run out the money.


  I have run out of room(空间)to store the books.

  9. by the way 顺便问一下,顺便说说

  (1) I like collecting stamps. By the way, what’s your hobby?

  (2) I come from China. By the way, where are you from?

  10. capital 首都

  (1) Beijing is the capital of China.(……的首都)

  (2) Paris is a capital city .(一个首都城市)

  11. Europe: n. 欧洲 European: adj. 欧洲的,欧洲人(的)

  (1) France is European country. (a, an, the)

  (2) England is a country. It lies in .

  12. Russian: adj. 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的;俄语Russia: 俄罗斯

  例如: come from Russia. They speak .

  13. Australia: n. 澳大利亚;Australian: adj. 澳大利亚(人)的;

  ex: speaks English.

  14. thousand: 千,一千

  (1)数千,成千上万的。There are people on vacation.

  (2) There are about 4 (千)students in our school.

  15. foreign: 外国的;foreigner: n. 外国人

  (1) For Chinese, English is a foreign language.(一门外语)

  (2) The (foreign) are having fun on the Great Wall.

  16. quite: adv. 相当,十分


  He lives quite from the school.

  (2) He’s very popular. He has quite a lot of friends.(相当多的)

  (3) He is living in quite a big room .(相当大的)

  17. more than … “比……多”,同义词:over

  China has a history of more than 5,000 years.

  18. He has been skating for the whole five hours.

  句中的for the whole five hours 意为“整整五个小时”,the whole 后面跟名词单数或表示一个整体的时间段。

  ex: 整个国家:the whole country;整整一天:the whole day

  整整这七天:the whole seven days

  19. three and a half years 三个半小时

  这个词组涉及到half的用法,即half在后面要加不定冠词a,在前面则不加。这个词组还可以表示为“half and three years”,或“three years and a half”。

  再如:半小时:half an hour,半年:half a year

  班里一半的学生:half the class

  20. on my seventh birthday 在我的七岁生日那一天

  He got many presents his (12) birthday.

  21. I’m interested in the job as a writer.

  句中的be interested in 意为“对……感兴趣”,其同义词为“have /show interest in…”,interest 是名词,interested是形容词。

  ex: I’m in English, because it’s very .

  A. interest B. interesting C. interested

  22. My hobby is (collect) coins.

  此句是一个“主语+系词+表语”的结构,即“主系表”结构。作表语的可以是名词、代词,不定式或动名词。因此,本题答案为:to collect 或collecting。


  1. —How long did you sleep last night?

  —I slept for 8 hours.

  知识链接:这两个句子用的是一般过去时,因为有时间状语last night(昨晚)。

  用于一般过去时的时间状语还有:yesterday (morning, evening), last night/week/year, the day before yesterday, two days ago, in 2007等。

  2. —When did you start class today?

  —We started class at 8:00 today.



  ex: We (go) to a movie last weekend.

  3. How long have you been skating? 你滑冰多久了?

  知识链接:本句用的是现在完成进行时,指“滑冰”这个动作从过去开始,一直持续到现在,且有可能继续下去。其构成是have/has+been +V现在分词

  ex: 我打扫房间已半个小时了。(说明现在还在打扫)

  I have been cleaning the room for half an hour.


  I cleaned the room for half an hour.

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