
作者&投稿:佘肩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

老哥,你很棒哟----------Brother, you're great yo


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谁能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文 谢谢了
女人就是我的唾液 A woman is my saliva 金钱就是我的梦想,贼 Money is my dreams, thief 我可以放弃我的理想,贼 I could give up my ideals, thieves 因为 50 分也是这么想,贼 I also think like this for 50 cents 这就是金钱的力量 This is the power of money 让我们不知罪恶的...

hard, trying not to create more problems for the others.I hope that i will improve and continue to do better next year.我绝对自己翻译,没有用翻译器。说句实话,稍微有点难翻译,因为中文和英文不太一样。很多词中文有,英文里面没有。所以我尽力而为了~参考资料:我加拿大长大的 ...

working at one’s utmost, unification and cooperation, going out in our work bravely, and innovation and reclamation to dedicate all our intelligence and power to the development and prosperity of the East China Normal University.人工翻译的,那些四字词翻得我恶心死了。希望能帮到你。

1 Here are two cards 2 Now I fold this one horizontally 横着折, and this one vertically竖着折 3 Alright, I put both of them together 4 Then I turn them over 5 I push the card inside forward 6 Look! Why doesn't the head match the tail?牌 cards; playing cards 红桃6 ...

It comes as a surprise that I was able to get a good ranking in the county's calligraphy contest, despite failing to perform to my highest level. I can now represent my county to enter into the calligraphy competition held by the city on Saturday. As I have to attend my ...

When listening to this song since I think of you The attendant is sad Yes, I have not forgotten you do not In the absence of your period, I think that they have been very happy Now find themselves in Chengjiang But I am not going to want to go with you Because I know ...

hectares. The park has a vast waterways, artificial beaches, museums, restaurants. Gong Dewa that tropical rain forest park are protected areas. District Office, Zhang with a huge net, net is the rivers, waterfalls and all kinds of tropical rain forests.这是我个人翻译,望采纳!

哪位高手帮我把这段翻译成英文~~ 翻译软件勿进!!!
the Internet and going out with my friends when having free time.I hate the feeling of lonely which may make me dispirited, and I think many people share the same feeling with me,don't they?Thank you!略有改动.加了一句"我相信我能和大部分人相处融洽",少了一句"这就是我"...


谁能帮我把这段翻译成英文 在线等
kind of living style. It can calm people's outraged behavior, as well as soften the hostile thought to one another, thus giving gifts is again one of the best ways to accomplish traditional values.翻的好累。。。 说实话挺难翻的,很多都是只有中国有的说法,翻的不好请见谅。

乌兰察布市15774299432: 谁能帮我把这段英文译成中文啊,It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it.It was a day ... -
镡胜复方:[答案] 绿草萋萋,白云冉冉,彩蝶翩翩,这日子是如此清新;蜜蜂无言,春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂,这日子是如此安静.然而并非安静,因为万物各以其独特的节奏,或动,或摇,或震,或起,或伏

乌兰察布市15774299432: 请帮忙把这段英文翻译成中文 谢谢!The night opens the flowers in secret & allows the day to get thanks. -
镡胜复方:[答案] 这是泰戈尔的飞鸟集里的一句话把,如果我没记错的话 应该解释为:夜秘密地把花开放了,却让白日去领受谢词

乌兰察布市15774299432: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这段话翻译成汉语啊.我不知道应为什么会使你这么伤心,不敢想象一个曾经无比开心的你会成为这样,我会遵守我们之间的承诺,我等... -
镡胜复方:[答案] 最美丽最动人的翻译I really don't know what makes you so melancholy.I just could not imagine the once happy-go-lucky you has become so blue now.I solemnly swear that I would faithfully honour the commi...

乌兰察布市15774299432: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
镡胜复方: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

乌兰察布市15774299432: 谁能帮我把这段英语翻译成中文
镡胜复方: 翻译如下: 你这个白痴,白痴,神经病,狂犬病!没有教养,如果你不听我的话,就滚吧!

乌兰察布市15774299432: 帮我把这段英语翻译成汉语My brain tells me i should calm down, i shouldn't have done that.Although my heart doesn't think so. -
镡胜复方:[答案] 我的大脑告诉我要冷静.我真不应该那么做.尽管我的心并没有那么想.

乌兰察布市15774299432: 谁能帮我把这段英语翻译成汉语
镡胜复方: 我自己翻译的哦....翻译错了不要笑我... 再见了,我的学生: Ays,曾经充满了快乐和幸福的生活!我惊叹我们能怎样享受这个浪漫.但归根结底,如果我与您联系.您给我一个采取的机会.你将让我疯狂的. 我祝福您:与我最幸福的快乐将永远伴随你,记住:走你的路,让别人说去吧. 你将要成为的Aoaus defermine.(这个完全不懂什么意思.汗~~) 不要忘记我. 你的英语老师

乌兰察布市15774299432: 谁能帮我把这段英文翻译成汉语!谢谢!
镡胜复方: 伊. . . . 我想念您,您必须我? ? ? 昨晚我听见您必须繁忙,并且您不让您疲乏的正义希望,我们必须好照料他们自己 楼主,这个是句病句啊,翻译就是这样,可能你打错了把,要是错了你重新发来给我!要是没错请采纳! 楼主啊,英文的意...

乌兰察布市15774299432: 请牛人帮忙把这段英文翻译成中文,万分感谢!A potential pitfall to this approach is how difficult it might be to draw real conclusions when your social media ... -
镡胜复方:[答案] 这个途径有一个潜在的陷阱.当你的社会媒体活动运转成一个更加宽广的整体市场营销的一部分,或者至少是与之平行,由此去获得结论不知道有多难.

乌兰察布市15774299432: 谁可以帮我吧这段英文翻译成中文? -
镡胜复方: 翻译如下: 她挂起了每天附近的海滩 Havin '一harnican fallin '睡着 她看上去如此性感时,她步行沙子 没有人把戒指她的手 游泳的鱼oceanshore在海上 她是故事的故事是,她 她唱的月亮和星星在天空 光辉从高空你不应该问为什么 她是一个你永...

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