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  Ryerson is Canada's leader in innovative, career-focused education and a university clearly on the move. It is a distinctly urban university with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Ryerson has a mission to serve societal need and a long-standing commitment to engaging its community. Guided by a bold Academic Plan, an ambitious research agenda, and a Master Plan to revitalize the campus and surrounding neighbourhood, Ryerson is the most applied-to university in Ontario relative to available spaces, and its reputation with business and community leaders continues to rise. Ryerson offers more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs. Culturally diverse and inclusive, the university is home to 38,950 students, including 2,300 master's and PhD students, nearly 2,700 faculty and staff, and more than 140,000 alumni worldwide. Research at Ryerson is on a trajectory of success and growth: externally funded research has doubled in the past four years. The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education is Canada's leading provider of university-based adult education. The university's focus on innovation and entrepreneurship is represented most distinctly by the Digital Media Zone, a place for students to collaborate and bring their digital ideas to the marketplace.

  瑞尔森大学是加拿大在创新型、职业导向型教育方面的领导者。这是一个清晰的城市大学,重点是创新和创业。瑞尔森的使命是服务于社会需求和长期致力于社区的参与。由大胆的学术计划,雄心勃勃的研究议程和振兴校园和周边社区的总体规划指导,瑞尔森大学是安大略省相对于可用空间最实用的大学,其在商业和社区领导方面的声誉不断提高。瑞尔森教授100多个本科和研究生课程。这所大学拥有丰富的文化多样性,共有38,950名学生,其中包括2300名硕士和博士生,近2700名教职员工以及全球超过14万名校友。瑞尔森大学的研究正处于成功和发展的轨道上:在过去的四年里,外部资助的研究翻了一番。G. Raymond Chang继续教育学院是加拿大大学成人教育的领先教授者。数字媒体区是学校关注创新和创业精神的重要组成部分,数字媒体区是学生们进行协作并将数字化想法带入市场的场所。


  The University of Regina is a public research university located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Founded in 1911 as a private denominational high school of the Methodist Church of Canada. It became an autonomous university in 1974. The University of Regina has an enrollment of over 12,000 full and part-time students. The University of Regina is well-reputed for having a focus on experiential learning and offers internships, professional placements and practicums in addition to cooperative education placements in 41 programs. This experiential learning and career-preparation focus was further highlighted when, in 2009 the University of Regina launched the UR Guarantee Program, a unique program guaranteeing participating students a successful career launch after graduation by supplementing education with experience to achieve specific educational, career and life goals. Partnership agreements with provincial crown corporations, government departments and private corporations have helped the University of Regina both place students in work experience opportunities and help gain employment post-study.



  The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) offers more than 50 Master’s degree programs, 18 Doctoral programs, 1 Post-Graduate Diploma, and 9 certificate programs. Master's certificates are offered through the faculties of Business Administration, Education and the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. A Post-Graduate Diploma is offered through the faculty of Business AdministrationLevene Graduate School of Business Master's degrees are offered through the faculties of Arts, Business AdministrationLevene Graduate School of Business, Education, Engineering and Applied Science, Fine Arts, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, Kinesiology and Health Studies, Nursing, Science, and Social Work. Doctoral degrees are regularly offered in Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Education, Engineering and Applied Science, Geology, Kinesiology and Health Studies, Mathematics, Physics, Clinical Psychology, Experimental and Applied Psychology and Statistics.




  As the American Revolutionary War drew to a close, thousands of Loyalists gathered in New York City to await transportation to homes in other British colonies. Among these Loyalists were Charles Inglis, a former interim President of King's College, New York (Columbia University); Benjamin Moore, later President of Columbia; and Jonathan Odell, minister, poet and pamphleteer. These men were the visionaries of their day. In the midst of war, privation and exile, they drew up a plan for the future education of their sons in the wilderness. Recognizing that the new American nation would provide instruction only in revolutionary "Principles contrary to the British Constitution" and that the cost of an overseas education would be prohibitive, they urged the representatives of the British government to consider the "founding of a College... where Youth may receive a virtuous Education" in such things as "Religion, Literature, Loyalty, & good Morals..." UNB began with a petition presented to Governor Thomas Carleton on Dec. 13, 1785. Headed by William Paine, the seven memorialists asked Carleton to grant a charter of incorporation for an "academy or school of liberal arts and sciences," which they maintained would result in many "public advantages and conveniences."

  随着美国革命战争即将结束,成千上万的保皇派聚集在纽约市,等待运往英国其他殖民地的家园。这些忠诚者包括纽约国王学院(哥伦比亚大学)临时前校长查尔斯英格利斯哥伦比亚后来的总统本杰明摩尔; 和诗人、小说家的传道人乔纳森奥德尔。这些人是他们那个时代的幻想家。在战争、贫困和流亡之中,他们制定了在旷野未来教育儿子的计划。认识到新的美国国家只能教授革命性的指导违反原则 英国宪法,海外教育的代价是高昂的,他们敦促英国政府的代表考虑建立一所学院,要求该学院可以接受良性教育,比如宗教、文学、忠诚和良好的道德。联合国开始于1785年12月13日向总督托马斯卡尔顿提交的一份请愿书。威廉潘恩领导的七位纪事请卡尔顿授予学院或文科和理科,他们保持会导致许多‘公共的优势和便利的学校。


  UNB's School of Graduate Studies offers course and research-based programs in over 30 fields. Many of our programs are flexible and can either be done on a part-time or full-time basis.




  The University of Windsor is a comprehensive, student-centred university, with more than 16,500 students enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs including several professional schools such as Law, Business, Engineering,Education, Nursing, Human Kinetics and Social Work. The new Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation, the largest capital project on campus to date, opened in the fall of 2012 as a world-class hub for innovation, featuring the latest in classroom teaching technology, an Industrial Courtyard for collaborative work with the region and 80 research labs.The University of Windsor is located next to North America’s busiest international border crossing and facing one of Canada’s most beautiful waterfronts on the Detroit River. This location speaks to UWindsor’s greatness as an internationally oriented, multi-disciplined institution that actively enables a broad diversity of students, faculty and staff to make a better world through education, scholarship, research and engagement.Its basic characteristics of openness, warmth and support make the University of Windsor an exceptionally welcoming community for students and faculty from Asia, Europe, and Africa — or from just down the street. There are more than 110,000 UWindsor alumni, with 35,000 living in the Windsor-Essex region.

  温莎大学是一所以学生为中心的综合性大学,有16,500多名学生就读于各种本科和研究生课程,包括法学、商业、工程、教育、护理、人体动力学和社会工作等多个专业学校。作为迄今为止校园中最大的资本项目,Ed Lumley工程创新中心于2012年秋季开放,作为世界级的创新中心,设有最新的课堂教学技术,与该地区合作的工业院和80个研究实验室。温莎大学毗邻北美最繁忙的国际边界,面对底特律河上加拿大最美丽的海滨之一。这个位置说明了温莎大学作为一个国际化,多学科的机构的伟大,积极使广泛的学生,教职员工通过教育,学术,研究和参与来创造一个更美好的世界。其开放性,温暖性和支持性的基本特征使得温莎大学成为来自亚洲,欧洲和非洲的学生和教师的特别欢迎的社区,或者来自街道。在温莎艾塞克斯地区,有超过11万校友,35,000人。


  Located at the centre of Canada?s beautiful Niagara Peninsula in St. Catharines, Ontario, Brock University is the only Canadian university with the distinction of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The University offers strong undergraduate, graduate and interdisciplinary degree programs that include co-op and other experiential learning opportunities to a student population of more than 17,000. Brock University graduates continue to enjoy one of the highest employment rates of all Ontario universities at 96.5 per cent. Brock celebrates the success of its 60,000 graduates who apply their degrees to careers throughout Canada and around the world. At Brock University, we offer a dynamic learning environment, strong academic programs at both the Master?s and Doctoral levels, and a satisfying quality of life for all graduate students. Our graduate programs are designed to provide close interaction between graduate faculty and graduate students. The scale of Graduate Studies at Brock guarantees that every graduate student matters, and that graduate student matters are of vital importance to the university as a whole. Research and Graduate Studies remain a top priority at Brock University. The University is fully committed to the continuing expansion of research and research space on campus, and to the vital connection between research...



  Lakehead University is your place to live and learn. Dynamic, modern, and highly learner-centred, we acknowledge all of our students as valued leaders of tomorrow, whose education and success are most paramount to our institution. Both campuses in Thunder Bay and Orillia promise the total university experience, a blend of academic excellence and opportunity with a rich variety of social and recreational activities. We also promise excellence in research: Lakehead is the proud host to 9 Canada Research Chairs and revolutionary facilities such as our world-renowned Paleo-DNA Laboratory and our Biorefining Research Institute. Lakehead is a comprehensive University with a reputation for innovative programs and cutting-edge research. At both campuses, our faculty, staff, programs, and services team up to provide an extensive range of learning choices and alternatives that offer an unbeatable combination of quality education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Lakehead University is a comprehensive university offering a diverse range of programs of study across our two campuses. From science and arts to professional degree programs, there is a program for everyone at Lakehead.

  莱克黑德大学是你生活和学习的地方。动态的、现代的、高度以学习者为中心的地方,我们承认我们所有的学生都是明天的有价值的领导者,他们的教育和成功对我们的机构来说是最重要的。雷湾和奥里利亚这两个校区都承诺教授完整的大学体验,融合了学术卓越和机会,以及丰富多彩的社交和娱乐活动。我们也承诺卓越的研究:莱克黑德大学拥有加拿大研究椅和革命性的设施,例如我们的世界著名的Paleo-DNA实验室和我们的生物精炼研究所的主人。莱克海德是一个 具有创新计划和尖端研究声誉的综合性大学。在这两个校区,我们的教师、员工、计划和服务团队将教授广泛的学习选择和替代方案,为本科生和研究生教授无与伦比的优质教育组合。莱克黑德大学是一所综合性大学,在我们两个校区教授各种各样的学习项目。从科学与艺术到专业学位课程,莱克黑德大学的每个人都会选择到合适自己的课程。

如下:1、浙江大学 浙江大学是教育部直属的综合性全国重点大学,也省内唯一一所985高校,前身是创立于1897年的求是书院,距今已有百年历史,学校的学科实力优秀,开设的专业涵盖13大学科门类,综合性非常强,几乎没什么短板。2、宁波大学 宁波大学是双一流高校,是浙江省、教育部、宁波市共建高校,国家海洋...

东英吉利大学建校于1963年,由16个学院组成。2012年于times higher education中未满50年校龄组别里评为全球第10名和英国第3名最佳大学。诺里奇城市是900多年以来英国著名的贸易城市,有着最低的犯罪率、最好的居民健康水平和最高的就业率。该大学拥有全英最大的运动综合场所和世界著名的Sainsbury视觉...

美国计算机专业最好大学是哪个?1.麻省理工学院 MIT的电气专业与计算机科学系(EECS)是吸引住全球电子计算机学子的神殿。麻省理工学院表明,该学校15%的本科毕业生毕业后通过实习,拿到全职工作邀约。在硕士研究生层面,有着电子计算机水利学研究生学位的学生们87%都进到相关行业工作中,5%都会选择深造。2....

一、美国的好大学 “超强”1流大学:哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院、加州理工学院。“很强”1流大学:哥伦比亚大学、宾西法尼亚大学、布朗大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯大 学、芝加哥大学、西北大学、约翰-霍普金斯大学、杜克大学、华盛顿大学。“强”1流大学:卡内基-梅隆大学、...

知道大有可为答主 回答量:226 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:42.5万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 文科中美国最好的大学有哪些? 加州大学戴维斯分校 副教授葛小佳介绍:美国文科类高等学校,由于其晋升机制的促进,教师从助教以上,人人几乎都既要搞教学,又要做研究。时间比例因人而异:年轻教师,时间大约一...

办学规模是全国第一大,在校生人数是全国最多的,也是西南地区最好的大学,特色不太明显,靠庞大的“综合性”支撑门面招牌。地处西南内陆,生源一般。王牌专业:口腔医学、临床医学。 3、湖南大学 以土木工程著名,与同济大学、清华大学并称为中国土木学科中的“三驾马车”。理科最好的专业:机械工程、土木工程、化学、环...

5、中国台湾大学 台湾大学(National Taiwan University),简称台大(NTU),成立于1928年,是位于中华人民共和国台湾省台北市的一所综合性研究型公立大学,素有“台湾第一学府”之称,也是一所在国际上享有很高学术声誉的大学。台湾大学是环太平洋大学联盟、全球大学高研院联盟。台大拥有台北市境内3大校区...

西安大略大学 加拿大为数不多听起来最山寨的名校之一,这里买不到凉皮也吃不到肉夹馍。商科最牛,医学和心理学等文科专业也都拿的出手。城会玩的代表,伦敦虽小但五脏俱全,酒吧一家挨着一家,放纵不羁爱自由骚年们的天堂,但大家看到的只是表象,西安大略身为“八大”之一,申请难度系数肯定不低。7....



泸县15045028960: 加拿大最好的大学是哪个? -
泣裴富马: 从你的中介给你推荐的学校来看,你的成绩应该很一般.我从好往差说.首先是西安大略和曼尼托巴这两个学校是一个档次的,很不错,但是西安大略的国王学院,差一个等级吧.接下来是西蒙飞沙和布鲁克,属于综合类大学,但是也很好....

泸县15045028960: 加拿大最好的大学是哪个? -
泣裴富马: 加拿大的大学中,声誉最高的是多伦多大学,它在学术及研究方面,其经费、捐款、国家教授奖项、研究出版规模和藏书量皆为加拿大之首,干细胞及胰岛素的发现,电子起搏器、多点触摸技术、电子显微镜、抗荷服的发明和发展,NP完全理论,以及发现首个经核证的黑洞等科学技术都在该大学出现的.多伦多大学在U.S. News世界大学排名(2017),世界21,加拿大第1

泸县15045028960: 加拿大声誉最好的有哪几所大学推荐?
泣裴富马: 1.University of Waterloo 滑铁卢大学 2.University of British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚大学 3.University of Toronto 多伦多大学 4.McGill University 麦吉尔大学 5.University of Alberta 阿尔伯塔大学 6.McMaster University麦克马斯特大学 7.Queen's University 皇后大学 8.Ryerson University 瑞尔森大学

泸县15045028960: 加拿大的哪所大学比较好?
泣裴富马: 最好的是 多伦多大学 麦克麦思特大学 不列颠哥伦比亚大学.

泸县15045028960: 加拿大有什么好大学? -
泣裴富马: 东部有多伦多大学,西部有UBC和SFU,麦吉尔大学也很不错.要看你想要的专业.

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