
作者&投稿:霜虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 你说的是海豚音《 loving you 》把 !

  Minnie Riperton(蜜妮莱普顿)只可惜,才刚刚开始成名,她就在1976年发现自己患了乳癌。1979年Minnie Riperton病逝于洛杉矶,享年方31岁。有着足足五个八度音阶的宽广音域,堪称有史以来天赋最佳的女歌手之一,可惜在歌坛却只能昙花一现。《Loving you》成为她留给世人的绝响。   张靓颖的翻唱,日本R&B天王平井坚的翻唱,shanice的至强翻唱……大陆、港澳台、日韩、东南亚、欧美……世界各国歌坛巨星中星小星、普通歌手、网络歌手、普通百姓汇集,共同挑战《loving you》。   张靓颖也在《超级女声》比赛时翻唱,并凭借此歌晋级了《超级女声》前三甲,获得“海豚公主”的美誉。   很多人以为布兰妮是本歌曲的原唱或者是曾翻唱过《loving you》。实际上是误传,布兰妮从未翻唱过此歌,网上的布兰妮版的试听,如果是歌迷很容易就能分辨那并不是布兰妮的声音。
编辑本段对《loving you》的纠错
  1、《loving you》的原唱是Minnie Riperton,不是shanice,更不是MC。由于原唱配乐太过朴实,近于清唱,因此稍逊于shanice,造成在世界各国中流传的均是配乐华丽兼唱功绝顶的shanice翻唱,真正的原唱反而没流传开。这导致巨多网站把shanice版的《loving you》标为原唱,加之音乐巨头洛兵也把shanice版的《loving you》误当为原唱,这导致了人们极大的思想混乱。虽有多人不断重复纠正,但直到今天,仍有多人把shanice版当成原唱,甚至仍有人惊讶shanice版跟原唱(实为shanice翻唱)一模一样,惊讶shanice的“模仿”功力。   2、在酒吧内常放那个版本是shanice版,不是MC(玛丽亚凯丽)版。由于音乐巨头洛兵先生不仅把shanice唱的当成原唱不说,还进一步犯错误,把shanice的声音当成MC的声音,搞出一个原唱mc(实为shanice翻唱)的双重笑话出来。这导致了人们极大的思想混乱。虽有多人不断重复纠正,但直到今天,仍有多人把shanice版当成原唱,又把shanice的声音当成MC的声音。
  Loving you -----Minnie Riperton (原唱,1975)   Loving you   Is easy 'Cause you're beautiful   Making love with you   is all I wanna do   Loving you   is more than   Just a dream come true   And everthing that I do   is out of loving you   La La...Doo un doo un doo doo, Ah...   No one else can make me feel   The colours that you bring   Stay with me when we grow old   And we will live each day in spring time   Cos loving you has made my life so beautiful   And every day of my life   Is filled with loving you   Loving you   I see your soul   Come shining through   And every time that we, Ooh   I'm more in love with you   La La...Doo un doo un Doo Doo, Ah..   Loving you La la...Doo un Doo un Doo Doo..Ah..   No one else can make me feel   The colours that you bring   Stay with me when we grow old   And we will live each day in spring time   Cos loving you   it's easy   'cause you 're beautiful   and every day of my life   it filled with loving you   loving you   I see your soul   Come shining through   and every time that we   hoo~   I am more in love with you   la.......   do.....   ha......
  Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful,   爱上你很容易,因为你如此美丽   Making love with you is all I wanna do.   而与你缠绵,是我心愿唯一所系   Loving you is more than just a dream come true,   爱着你,不只是一个美梦成真   And everything that I do is out of loving you.   而我所做的一切都是出于爱你   No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring.   没有人能够让我感受到你所带来的色彩艳丽   Stay with me while we grow old   陪伴在我身边,直到我们年华老去   And we will live each day in springtime.   而我们将春天般的度过每一个日子   'Cause loving you has made my life so beautiful,   因为爱着你使我的生命变得如此美丽   And everyday of my life is filled with loving you.   而我每一天的生命都盈满了对你的爱意   Loving you, I see your soul come shining through,   爱着你,我看见你的灵魂闪闪发光而来   And every time that we, oohh..   而每一次当我们在一起   I'm more in love with you.   我就越来越爱你

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喻虞欣诺: 1、can't get you out of my head - kylie minogue 2、la la love on my mind 3、Kate Havnevik-so:lo 有好多英文歌开头都是啦啦啦的,先给你三首,听听是不是,个人认为第二首还蛮好听的.

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喻虞欣诺: I Will Survive是不是这个.很带劲,特别是法语版的.谢谢采纳

武夷山市15039096983: 有一首英文歌,女生唱的,刚开始是“啦 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦” 请问是什么歌? -
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武夷山市15039096983: 求歌名,一首英文歌,歌词里有女声唱的很多啦啦啦,很有节奏 -
喻虞欣诺: Cant Get You Out Of My Head 凯莉·米洛 我也找了半天这个歌,不知道是不是你要找的.希望能帮到你!

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