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Like I said, they think Saturday 21:00 too late, and Sunday morning they have class, and also do not have the time. So the timing may not come out, I would like to say only the next. Very sorry.


Hi, there!Welcome to my R&B Music Depot, and here all black-exlusive music resources such as soul, jazz, blues, Gospel, reggae, hip-hop rap and so on.
Well actually it is not long since I first get in touch with R&B, and has been consciously searching for it since 2003. At then I was playing the albums of Boyz II Men time after time without knowing it is in fact R&B, just feeling it awesome. Even when I listen to “Everytime I Close My Eyes” of babyface for the first time in 1997 I thought he was a white singer. .lol
注释:我在英文广播做过dj,一般跟大家打招呼都是 hi,there,显得很亲切。说到 Boyz II Men,十来年前初中的时候听的我黯然销魂,呵呵。雷鬼是高中以后才接触的。

事实上本人接触R&B的时间不长,2003年才开始有意识的搜寻,当初一遍又一遍 Boyz II Men的的专辑,只觉得好听,却不知道这是R&B;
甚至1997年第一次听到Babyface的“Everytime I Close My Eyes”时还以为他是白人歌手...lol

From my bewildered age before enlightment at first, to the current collections of thousands of albums, now I can gradually go deep into the music and learn to differentiate, especilly as my collections skyrocketed in the last couple of years. Surely my friends’strong recommendation is credited to this and the foregn Internet buddies are also to be thanked to, like sOuLmAtE,Willforall,paimusic,bentlyfunk…etc., and those I could not name now. Because of your unselfish share I got the chance to learn,to hear,and to enjoy. Thank you for everything!
注释:懵懵懂懂当然不是愚昧无知的意思(很多人是这样翻译的),而是表示暂时没有领悟、熟悉和了解的状态,所以我用的是 my bewildered age before enlightment, enlightenment就是启蒙的意思。


Just as the words you see at the first sight of my blog read,“open the soul, release the Innocence“, I really feel that only the black music is the rhythem that can truly move me and touch the depths of my soul.
I am not one who would always go with the stream, however, it is just because these beautiful notes have left an indelible imprint on my memory, and it warms me when in cold winter nights and cools me down during boiling hot summer times.
The door of my soul has been kocked open and my faith is tied up to it, yet this kind of feeling is so enjoyable and relaxing that I could not bare any single day without it…my dear friends, do you feel the same like me?
如你们进入本博客见到的第一句话——open the soul, release the Innocence,我觉得黑人音乐才是真正能够打动我,直击心灵深处的旋律,

I want to pledge my gratitude towards all these marvellous artists who have brought us such ultimate auditory comfort and pleasure, and I also hope to thank, again, all my friends who generously share their albums.
I am not the original releaser of these resources and my capacity is quite limited, but at the least I can re-upload some of the failed resources to let more people hear and collect it. As it saes, everything comes from and returns to the web, and this is the implication of my R&B Music Depot.
And also there are so many sources of the albums here so please forgive me for I could not recollect each original publisher. If you find any supplementary resource is primarily published by you, please e-mail me and I will attach your name at once. And if you would like to, I’m glad to be your friend blog.

All music resouces on this blog come from the Internet and are only provided for purposes of demonstration,research, and communication. All copyrights belong to their records company and the authors respectively. Please delete them in 24 hours after you download it, and do not use them for commercial purpose. If not, this blog and I myself would not be responsible for any consequence caused. If you want to support the singers your like, please purchase genuine CDs.
TO: All authors, if I inadvertently violated your copyright, please write to inform me and I will delete three working days.
补充的话:The original cover should be like this. If you find a better one, please e-mail it to me. Thank you!
注释:我为你的免责声明加了一句话:All authors, if I inadvertently violated your copyright, please write to inform me and I will delete three working days.


Hi, everybody! Welcome to my music depot, R&B here will provide such as soul, jazz, blues, Gospel, reggae, hip-hop rap music of all exclusive black.
In fact I contact R&B time is not long, 2003 began searching, conscious again and again to the album, Boyz II Men only, but do not know good this is R&B,
Even in 1997, the first heard of "Babyface Close My Eyes".net when I thought he was white singer. lol
From the first MengMengDongDong now thousands of collection album, gradually can also listen to something, to distinguish, especially in recent years is the collection upwards, which of course should be attributed to the friends domestic and also strongly recommended thanks to the Internet, especially the foreign friends,
If Willforall sOuLmAtE, paimusic, etc, and some bentlyfunk, I can't remember the name... Because of all your selfless share just let me have the opportunity to study, listen, enjoy. Thank you!

If you enter this blog to see the first sentence of the day release, Kent - the Innocence, I think black music is really able to move my deep heart sings, the melody,
I don't ride, but these wonderful notes have been deeply carves into my mind, let my heart in the cold winter night, a warm feeling to the summer heat can feel cool and refreshing.
My soul has been it open, and I believe it is also bound, but the feeling is so enjoyable and relaxing! Even now, one day does not hear will feel like what is missing. Dear friend, you are also similar to me?
Thanks to this group of great artists brings us so extreme, also once again thank all the friends share selfless album.
I am not the original resource publishers, all I can do is extremely limited, but I can at least some of the resources, the failure to upload let more people to hear and collection, so-called from network, network, and this is the return of "music R&B in meaning.
Because of the album, I have too many sources cannot remember the publishers, if you found here is added by your first, please email me, I will be the first time on your name. If you can, I will be very glad to become friendship with your blog.
希望楼主满意!希望能够帮到你!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… ,这是我一字一字辛辛苦苦打出来的,谢谢!

Hi,everybody! welcome to my R&B music depot,you can get music resources such as Soul,Jazz,Blue,Evangel,Reggae and Hip hot rap all music exclusively belongs to Black.Actually,It is not long for me to be familiar with R&B until 2003 I began to search for R&B on purpose and I listened Boyz II Men'album over and over again at the beginning and I just felt it is really pleasant to hear but I don't know it is R&B.At the first time I heard Everytime I Close My Eyes sung by Babyface and I just thougt he was a white singer....lol
At the beginning I know nothing but now I have collected thousands of albums,can appreciate them gradually and learn to distinguish,especially in recent 2 or 3 years, my collection has risen sharply which is due to my Chinese friends' recommendations,the help of foreign friends:sOuLmAtE,Willforall,paimusic,bentlyfunk etc, on the Internet,missing some other's name....Because of all your unselfish share,I have the opportunity to learn,to listen,to enjoy.I really appreciate everything you did.
You will see one sentence when you enter my blog--open the soul, release the Innocence

还没翻译完,晚上回来再翻译 里面的几首歌确实不错额


他在《飞禽记》一书中,便用温暖细腻、形象生动的文字把鸟类的情感和思想进行了淋漓尽致的描绘。 或许是巴勒斯先生的文笔太过细腻了,所以即便是一部讲述他本人与一些鸟类“打交道”的故事,也丝毫不会让读者生出枯燥无趣的感觉,哪怕这些故事里还穿插着一些关于鸟类的自然知识,读来依然会觉得充满了乐趣。 这种带着...



推荐一些哈利波特的高质量同人小说有《在霍格沃茨淡定地喝红茶》榴莲只吃皮、《潘神的迷宫》等。1、《在霍格沃茨淡定地喝红茶》榴莲只吃皮 轻松愉快的哈利波特同人。玩梗吐槽符合剧情发展不生硬,颜文字小剧场显得画面感十足。这书开头的设定挺有趣的,几十年前有穿越者来到HP世界,然后基本改变了二次鸦片...

间客(还在连载,文笔细腻且潇洒) 冒牌大英雄(猥琐但是热血,冒牌隐藏真心) 下边是网友推荐的: 蜀山 ...Sugar Ray(据说应该翻译作“拔丝”乐队-_-bbb),他们的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容——Summer,他们只

怎么评价刘若英的文笔 求相关的文章
文字还原了喧嚣背后真实的刘若英 奶茶的《我想跟你走》延续了其一贯细腻随意的笔触,截取了生活中一个个记忆的片断,抒写了自己一路走来的所思所想,寂寞玩耍的童年、流离飘零的感情、飞鸟般的生活……字里行间流露出“知性女子”的感性美。她表示想透过文字,和大家分享自己的回忆、生活琐事,甚至是爱情...

有没有真实一点,在细腻的文笔中浅蕴着淡而朴实的情感,描写细致温馨的文 ...



北林区15163494045: 汉译英在线翻译 文采好一点的
尧迫银屑: If you know me, know my feelings, my tears, don't let me, your baby, cry again, i love you, I will marry you. but, you, can't you understand my mind? you can't feel my sadness? WHO Am I???? 我有说过这样的话.这样应该够了吧,我很难受......

北林区15163494045: 求文采好的,英文好的人.帮忙把中文翻译成英文,谢谢了!
尧迫银屑: In the rain, the heart began to panic, see your face, I tender side until the opening day, or is so miss. The heart, one day it will let us. Bye.How long, even as shortness of breath are gradually calm, always not forget you, because of the white too bright. ...

北林区15163494045: 英语翻译"她是一位十分出色的现当代作家,她的作品感情丰富,文笔细腻." -
尧迫银屑:[答案] She is an excellent modern writer.She writes with exquisite insight and her works are rich in emotions.

北林区15163494045: 文笔细腻是什么意思 -
尧迫银屑: 是指写作时把人或者事物心情等写得很细致,让读者能够充分地了解作者所写的这一事物的状态.

北林区15163494045: 文采好的朋友请进!(写的好的我给追加分) -
尧迫银屑: 情天情海幻情深 系船应有去年痕 周家草木本忠厚 桐花如雪麦如云

北林区15163494045: 文笔细腻的小说推荐 -
尧迫银屑: 《夜行歌》古代的 说的是杀手的 我个人非常喜欢 《风舞》《温暖的弦》都是温宁写的 个人觉得她的小说写的都真心很好 《独家记忆》当时看完这本就翻出陈小春的独家记忆来听了 《翻译官》有波折才能最终在一起 女主是乔菲程 男主是程家阳的那个哦 《最美遇见你》《何所冬暖》顾西爵的文 让人欲罢不能 《何处锦绣不灰堆》有欢笑有泪水 好看啊 以上文章都是我自己看过的 都是我非常喜欢的 推荐给你 希望能采纳撒~

北林区15163494045: 在线跪求文采帝翻译.,谢谢.很急.大家帮帮忙
尧迫银屑: 哥们,我来了~ 以我理解:我会自始至终陪着你.你不再像是那个在我第一印象里的女孩,而我们却似乎没有必要互相太多得了解对方因为像你这样的不知是否只是过客的女孩儿太多太多,何况我可不是一个孤独者, 可是一切都要跟随命运吗?能尊重我的感觉吗?

北林区15163494045: 文笔细腻的言情小说 -
尧迫银屑: 缪娟写得. 缪娟是一个大学老师.且是一个法语翻译.现在随法国老公住在法国. 她的书是至今我看文3年最合心意的. 如果你喜欢虐中带深情的.就看<翻译官>.是她早期最受欢迎的作品. 如果你喜欢法国风情的.就看<丹尼海格>.我超喜欢这本.虽然是老套的灰姑娘故事.但缪娟就是能把它写得那么真实. 如果你喜欢东南亚风情.就看<掮客>.又名<残酷的动机>.非常大气.好看 如果你喜欢新奇又浪漫的.就看<我的波塞冬>.既搞笑又有淡淡忧伤. 另有描写缪娟与法国老公故事的自传体小说<智斗>.搞笑.真实.她的书都很好了.你一定不会失望.文笔相当细腻的. 如果你满意的话,还可以追问哦. 还有一些其他作者也不错的.

北林区15163494045: 林下漏月光,疏疏如残雪 求对下半句!求各种有文采的 朋友 对下半句 亲们,不求翻译~求意境~要自己对的~ -
尧迫银屑:[答案] 一.湖上映冰轮,皎皎若琉璃 二.臂上拢翠袖,细细如玉雪. 三.山间泻飞瀑,潇潇似银龙!

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