
作者&投稿:夹临 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   目前,对于中国大多数专业的大学生而言,英语依旧是一门必修的课程,而英语口语的学习则更是具有相当大的交流实用性质。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!
  打错电话 Getting the wrong number

  A:Hello. I'd like to speak to Susan.


  B:I'm sorry, but there's no one here by that name.


  A:Isn't this the Whites?


  B:Yes, this is. What number are you calling?


  A:I'm calling 6667777. Maybe my finger slipped and I touched the wrong number.


  B:Sure it is. This is 6666777.


  A:Oh, sorry to have bothered you.


  B:It doesn't matter. Bye-bye!



  我们的屋顶出了点问题 We have a problem with our roof

  A:Hello, is that Mason's builders?

  B:Yes, can we help you?

  A:We have a problem with our roof. Can you e and have a look?

  B:What sort of problem?

  A:We have water ing through. It was raining yesterday and this morning we noticed a wet patch on our ceiling.

  B:Is the wet patch just in one place?

  A:Yes, it seems to be just in the living room, above the window.

  B:Did you look in the attic?

  A:No, sorry, we didn't.

  B:Is there easy access to the attic? We'd better look since there may be some flooding there as well.

  A:Yes, we have a hatch with a ladder.

  B:OK, we can e early this afternoon. Is anyone going to be at home?

  A:Yes, my wife will be there.

  B:Right, we have an urgent job this morning but we should finish around lunch time. We will then e straight over to your house.

  A:That's great. Thank you very much.
  请问哪里有公共电话? Do you know where I can find a pay phone?

  A:Excuse me. Do you know where I can find a pay phone?


  B:There is one around the corner.


  A:Can I make an international call from that pay phone?


  B:Yes, but you have to get a phone card first.


  A:Where can I get a phone card?


  B:You can get one in the grocery store over there.


  A:Oh, I see it. Thank you.



接电话 v. answer the phone

接电话 answer the telephone\/call 如 I'm busy .please help me answer the call.我很忙,请帮我接个电话。

接电话在英语中通常表达为"answer the phone"。这是一个在日常生活中非常常用的表达,意指电话铃声响起后,拿起电话并回应。接电话这个行为在我们的日常交流中占有重要地位,无论是在工作还是在生活中,我们都需要通过电话与他人进行快速有效的沟通。当电话铃声响起,我们通常会停下正在进行的活动,去接听...

相同点:都可用来表示"打电话"。不同点:phone侧重于移动手机;。二、用法区分 call的基本意思是叫喊,指的是各个场合条件下的大声说话,表示强调叫喊的实际动作。call既能够作为不及物动词使用,也能够作为及物动词使用。引申义有命名以及通电话,还有拜访和召唤等。phone 后面可以直接接人 ,打电话给...

请找史密斯先生接电话好吗?Can CouldI speak to Mr Smith,please?请找史密斯先生接电话好吗?Is Mr Smith in?史密斯先生在家吗?Is Mr Smith there?史密斯先生在那儿吗?2询问对方姓名的常用套语Is that Mr Green。接电话的英语是answer the phone例句 He or she is unlikely to answer the ...

“打电话”用英语表达:Phone 一、读音:英 [fəʊn]     美 [foʊn]二、意思是: 打电话; 电话;电话机;听筒;耳机;[语]音素 三、例句:1、What's your phone number?你的电话号码是多少?2、I nearly smashed the phone in fury.盛怒之下,我差点把电话机砸碎。四...

【打电话的英文短语】 英语短语大全
打电话常用英文短语 一、打电话 Give sb.a ring Give sb.a call Phone sb.Ring sb.up Call sb.例句 1、 I’ll give him a ring.我会给他打个电话。 Ring up the airport and find out when the plane leaves.给机场打个电话,问清楚什么时候起飞。2、 Please call him ten minu...

"没人接电话“英文怎么说阿 没人接电话 英文:Nobody answered the phone 我现在不想接电话用英语怎么说 我现在不想接电话 I don't want to answer the phone right now phone 英[fəʊn] 美[foʊn] n. 电话; 听筒; (发声或使用声音的) 工具; 说某种语言的;...


电话英语中最基本的就是打电话和接电话,而中文和英文在电话用语方面更是有着很大的区别,比如,我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am --.speaking,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。我们先通过以下三段对话来了解一下这方面的...

平泉县13028345722: 谁可以给我一个关于接打电话用英语说的,比较全面的对话也可以! -
牢刮醒脑: A: Hey B, it's A. B: Hey A. How are you. A: Not bad. It's been a long time I haven't talked to you. Just wanna say hi. B: That's very nice of you. I heard you went on your vacation to HongKong. How is it? A: It was great. The city is amazing. Oh, by the ...

平泉县13028345722: 接电话时常用的英语会话 -
牢刮醒脑:[答案] 接听:Hello/Good morning/... 自报姓名:(This is) ...speaking. 问对方姓名:Who's that speaking? 好久不见的老朋友:... /How are things going on with you?/How is your family? 转接找别人的电话:Hold on,please./Just a moment.I will switch the ...

平泉县13028345722: 英语电话对话 要六年级水平的常用的 -
牢刮醒脑: Hello! This is Mary speaking. Who is that? Hello! This is Peter. May I speak to John? Hi! Is that John speaking! Yes, this is John speaking! Hello, Peter! Hello! John! Are you free tomorrow? Yes! What's up? I want to play football with you tomorrow! Ok!

平泉县13028345722: 打电话常用的英语对话都有什么? -
牢刮醒脑: hello this is XXX speaking.(你好,我是XXX) Could I speak to XXX ,plese?(能请XXX接听电话么?) Hello, I'd like to speak to XXX.(我想打给XXX) XX(我) speaking. Is XXX in? (我是XX,XXX在嘛?) Sorry,but he/she can't come to the phone right now .Any message for him/her?(对不起.他/她现在不能来接电话.需要给他/她留个口信么?)

平泉县13028345722: 打电话的英文对话 - 谁能告诉我一些,用英文接/打电话时说的常用对话语,谢谢
牢刮醒脑: XXX打电话找YYY三种情况: 1.YYY本人接电话 YYY接电话:”Good morning, this is XXX with AAA company.” XXX: ”Good morning XXX. This is YYY with BBB ...

平泉县13028345722: 英语接电话用语 -
牢刮醒脑: A:hello XXX company B:Yes,this is XXX from XXX, May I speak to XX.A:Hold on.如果占线:A: Sorry , he 's on the line ,I can transfer at the moment,please re-dial later.(如果你英文不错can I take a message) 如果人不在 A:Sorry he 's not at the office.

平泉县13028345722: 打电话用的英语口语???? -
牢刮醒脑: 一、接打电话问候 1. 打电话人接通电话后可说:Hello ! 接着说:This is sb.speaking./Could(May)I speak to sb.?/Is sb.in? 接电话人可说:Hello!Good morning/afternoon/ evening.紧接着 将自己的电话号码或姓名告诉对方.如: (This is ) ...

平泉县13028345722: 英语商务对话几个问题接到电话,比如说找某某人.你该用英语怎么说:某某正在打电话,请你稍后再打过来.或者某某已经下班,或者某某现在不在位置上.或... -
牢刮醒脑:[答案] 1.某某正在打电话,请你稍后再打过来.XXX is on the phone,please call back in a few minutes.2.或者某某已经下班.XXX has gone home.3.某某现在不在位置上XXX is not here right now.4.我现在帮你转过去Let me tran...

平泉县13028345722: 在英语交流中,接电话的口语有哪些呢 ?
牢刮醒脑: this is XXXspeaking ,what can I help you?don·t hesitate to tell me if you have any problems . 这些都用得到

平泉县13028345722: 电话的英语对话(2人的4分钟左右) -
牢刮醒脑:[答案] A:hello,may i speak to john,please?B:yes.this is john speaking,and who is that speaking?A:oh ,hello john,i am jim.how about go out tomorrow?B:that is a good idea,and what time and when A:how about tom...

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