在VC++6.0中,总是出现一个叫error spawning c1.exe的错误,怎么回事呢?

作者&投稿:穆袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
为什么编译和运行vc++ 时会出现Error spawning c1.exe 的错误~

原因是这些,解决方法,网上说的基本都没错。Excutable file就是VC安装目录下的bin目录,include Files是安装目录下的include文件夹,Library Files是lib目录, Source Files,设置一下自己工程的引用目录,不过这个一般建立工程,进行文件加入,并且insert into project的话,不会有什么问题。

打开vc界面 点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选项)” —>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils(可执行文件)、Include Files、
Library Files、Source Files”的路径(注意这些是下拉框框里可以选的哦)。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同
如果你是按照初始路径安装vc6.0的,路径应为: (有下画线的自己去找你的相应的目录)
executatble files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\TOOLS
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\TOOLS\WINNT
include files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE
library files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\LIB
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\LIB
source files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\SRC
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\CRT\SRC

关键是microsoft visual studio\ 后面的东西要相同,例如你的目录是E:\vc6,就把下划线的部分换成E:\vc6。


在创建项目时, 不使用MFC AppWizard向导, 如果没有设置好项目参数, 就会在编译时产生很多连接错误, 如error LNK2001错误, 典型的错误提示有:
libcmtd.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
LIBCD.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
msvcrtd.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __beginthreadex
nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __endthreadex

1. Windows子系统设置错误, 提示:
libcmtd.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
Windows项目要使用Windows子系统, 而不是Console, 可以这样设置:
[Project] --> [Settings] --> 选择"Link"属性页,
在Project Options中将/subsystem:console改成/subsystem:windows

2. Console子系统设置错误, 提示:
LIBCD.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
控制台项目要使用Console子系统, 而不是Windows, 设置:
[Project] --> [Settings] --> 选择"Link"属性页,
在Project Options中将/subsystem:windows改成/subsystem:console

3. 程序入口设置错误, 提示:
msvcrtd.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
通常, MFC项目的程序入口函数是WinMain, 如果编译项目的Unicode版本, 程序入口必须改为wWinMainCRTStartup, 所以需要重新设置程序入口:
[Project] --> [Settings] --> 选择"C/C++"属性页,
再在Entry-point symbol中填入wWinMainCRTStartup, 即可

4. 线程运行时库设置错误, 提示:
nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __beginthreadex
nafxcwd.lib(thrdcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __endthreadex
这是因为MFC要使用多线程时库, 需要更改设置:
[Project] --> [Settings] --> 选择"C/C++"属性页,
在Category中选择Code Generation,
再在Use run-time library中选择Debug Multithreaded或者multithreaded
Single-Threaded 单线程静态链接库(release版本)
Multithreaded 多线程静态链接库(release版本)
multithreaded DLL 多线程动态链接库(release版本)
Debug Single-Threaded 单线程静态链接库(debug版本)
Debug Multithreaded 多线程静态链接库(debug版本)
Debug Multithreaded DLL 多线程动态链接库(debug版本)
单线程: 不需要多线程调用时, 多用在DOS环境下
多线程: 可以并发运行
静态库: 直接将库与程序Link, 可以脱离MFC库运行
动态库: 需要相应的DLL动态库, 程序才能运行
release版本: 正式发布时使用
debug版本: 调试阶段使用

VC 6.0“Compiling... ,Error spawning cl.exe”错误解决
Posted on 2005-06-03 19:55 k_eckel 阅读(8862) 评论(100) 编辑 收藏
可能很多人在安装VC 6.0后有过点击“Compile”或者“Build”后被出现的“Compiling... ,Error spawning cl.exe”错误提示给郁闷过。很多人的选择是重装,实际上这个问题很多情况下是由于路径设置的问题引起的,“CL.exe”是VC使用真正的编译器(编译程序),其路径在“VC根目录\VC98\Bin”下面,你可以到相应的路径下找到这个应用程序。
因此问题可以按照以下方法解决:点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)”—>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、Library Files、Source Files”的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同(例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了。

nafxcw.lib(appcore.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ___argv


fatal error C1189: #error : Please use the /MD switch for _AFXDLL builds


C/C++->Code Generation->Multithread DLL (即实现/MD选项)

Visual C++ Error MessagesThis page contains a listing of "difficult to diagnose" error messages and possible fixes. I haven't taught a programming class that uses Visual C++ in several years so this list is probably out of date by now. It was valid for Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0 service pack 3.


C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1786) Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information

This error results from leaving off the parentheses immediately following the function name in a function header. To correct the error simply add () to the end of the function name.


C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive

If your project is an MFC AppWizard created project then this error results from not #including StdAfx.h as the first #i nclude statement (before any other #i ncludes, data declarations, or executable program code).


C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debug/<Project-Name>.pch': No such file or directory

This error results from a missing file - the compiled version of StdAfx.cpp. Visual C++ does a poor job of keeping track of this file and frequently "forgets" how to build it. This problem often occurs after restoring a saved workspace from diskette without the Debug directory. To fix the error select StdAfx.cpp from the workspace file list them choose Compile from the Build menu. If that doesn't work the go to Project -> Settings, select the C/C++ tab, and click the radio button labeled Create Precompiled Headers.


C2001: newline in constant

This error is usually caused by a string or character constant that is missing its closing ' or " symbol.


C2065: '<data-member name>' : undeclared identifier

If this error occurs in one of your member functions then it is generally the result of forgetting the class scope operator in front of the function name in your .cpp file.


C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'PCH creation point'

Check each of the #i nclude files to ensure that the closing brace of each class declaration is followed by a semicolon.


C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'

If this error is followed by two C2501 errors then the problem is an undeclared class name within a pointer declaration.

For example, the declaration:

CClass *pObject;

will generate the above error message followed by a C2501 error message for 'CClass' and another C2501 message for 'pObject'. The problem is that the compiler isn't recognizing CClass as a valid class/type name. To correct the problem add a #i nclude of the file containing the declaration of CClass (e.g., #i nclude CClass.h)


C2447: missing function header (old-style formal list?)

This error usually results from a missing { or use of a ; instead of a { following the parameter list of a function header.


C2511: '<function-name>' : overloaded member function not found in '<class-name>'

This error results from a mismatch in the parameter list of a member function declaration (.h file) and definition (.ccp file). Check the forward declaration of the function in the .h file and its definition in the .cpp file and ensure that the number of parameters and the type of each parameter match exactly.


C2512: '<constructor-function-name>' : no appropriate default constructor available

This error usually occurs when you implement the constructor function of a derived class and forget to include parameter passing to the base class constructor function. For example assume that CDerived is derived from CBase and that the CBase constructor function requires one parameter (e.g., int A). If you define the CDerived constructor function as:

CDerived::CDerived(int A, int B) { ... }

the compiler will issue the above error message on the line containing the function header of CDerived::CDerived() because you haven't provided instructions for routing the parameter A to CBase::CBase(). Because you didn't provide instructions the compiler assumes that CBase::CBase() requires no arguments and it complains because no version of CBase::CBase() has been defined that accepts zero arguments.

If you intended to provide a version of CBase::CBase() that requires no arguments then the error message indicates that you forgot to declare that function in your base class declaration (e.g., in CBase.h).

If CBase::CBase() does require one or more arguments then you must correct the problem by including explicit instructions for passing parameters from the derived class constructor function to the base class constructor function. The correction for the example above is:

CDerived::CDerived(int A, int B) : CBase(A) { ... }


C2556: '<function-name>' : overloaded functions only differ by return type
C2371: '<function-name>' : redefinition; different basic types

These errors usually result from a mismatch of function type between a .h and .cpp file. Check the forward declaration of the function in the .h file and its definition in the .cpp file and make the function return type identical in both files.


C2601: '<function-name>' : local function definitions are illegal

This error results from defining one function inside the body of another function. It usually means that you omitted one or more } symbols in the function just before the function named in the error message.


C2653: '<Class-Name>' : is not a class or namespace name

This error usually results from not having #i nclude "StdAfx.h" as the first #i nclude statement in your class.cpp file. It can also occur if your class definition is in a .h file and you forget to #i nclude that .h file in another file that refers to the class name.


C2661: '<Class-Name>::<Function-Name>' : no overloaded function takes n parameters

This error indicates a mismatch between the parameters used in a function call (e.g., from main.cpp) and the declaration of the function. The function call is passing n parameters and there is no function declaration that uses that number of parameters.


LNK1104: Cannot open file nafxcwd.lib

This error sometimes occurs when a project uses a class from the MFC but the project settings don't explicitly tell the link editor to look in the MFC libraries.

Go to Project --> Settings (Build --> Settings in Visual C++ 4.0). On the General tab check the box that says "Use MFC in a Shared DLL".


LNK1168: cannot open Debug\<Project-Name>.exe for writing

This error occurs when the link editor attempts to write to a .exe file that is currently in use. The .exe file of an executing program is write protected until the program is terminated. Look at the status bar at the bottom of your screen and find the icon representing your executable application. Open the application and exit from it. Then select Build.


LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __endthreadex
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __beginthreadex

These errors result from using an MFC object or function without telling the link editor to search the MFC libraries.

Go to Project --> Settings (Build --> Settings in Visual C++ 4.0). On the General tab check the box that says "Use MFC in a Shared DLL".


LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main

Your project doesn't contain a function called main(). The error usually results from forgeting to add main.cpp to the project workspace.


<File>.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall <Class1>::<Function1>(<Type>)"

This a generic form of a LNK2001 error where <File>.obj can be any object file in your project and <Class1>::<Function1>(<Type>) can be any function in any class. Substitute the specific <File>, <Class>, <Function>, and <Type> in your message into the instructions below to diagnose and correct the problem.

An LNK2001 error means that the link editor is looking for a compiled function and can't find it. The call to the "missing function" is somewhere in <File>.cpp. Unfortunately, double-clicking on the error message won't take you to the point in <File.cpp> where the function is called but you can search for it with Find or Find In Files. The function the link editor can't find is a member of <Class>, its name is <Function1>, and its return type is <Type>.

There are two common reasons for a LNK2001 error:

The call in <File>.cpp doesn't match the function prototype in <Class>.h and/or the implementation in <Class>.cpp. The mismatch may be in the function name, return type, or number and/or type of parameters. Correction strategies include:
Check that the function name is spelled the same (case sensitive) in all three files (File.cpp, Class.h, and Class.cpp).
Check that the function is actually declared and defined within <Class> - perhaps you defined it as a member of a different class or perhaps you tried to call the function (in <File>.cpp) using an object or object pointer of a different class.
Check that the number and type of parameters in the function implementation (in <Class>.cpp) matches the number and type of parameters declared in the function declaration in <Class>.h.
Check that the number and type of parameters in the function call (in <File>.cpp) matches the number and type of parameters declared in the function header in <Class>.cpp.
The function was never declared or was declared but never defined. To see if either is the case go to the ClassView window of the Workspace view. Click the + next to <Class> and find <Function> in the list of member functions.
If <Function> is NOT in the list then it was never declared or defined - add a declaration to the class declaraion in <Class>.h and implement the function in <Class>.cpp.
If <Function> is in the list then right click on it and select Go To Definition from the pop-up menu. If you get the error message Cannot find definition (implementation) of this function then the function was declared but never defined (implemented). Implement the function to <Class>.cpp.


LNK2005: <some-long-string-of-mostly-garbage> already defined in <name>.lib(<name>.obj)

This error usually results from including a source code file multiple times. If you recognize any of the names in the message then it probably results from multiple inclusion of one of your own header files. Check to be sure that you've used #ifndef/#define/#endif properly your header files. If you don't recognize the name then it's probably multiple inclusion of a system file (e.g., afxwin.h). Make sure that you haven't explicitly included something in main.cpp that is already included in one of your own header files. Also check that you haven't #i ncluded a .cpp file where you should have #i ncluded a .h file.

可能很多人在安装VC 6.0后有过点击“Compile”或者“Build”后被出现的“Compiling... ,Error spawning cl.exe”错误提示给郁闷过。很多人的选择是重装,实际上这个问题很多情况下是由于路径设置的问题引起的,“CL.exe”是VC使用真正的编译器(编译程序),其路径在“VC根目录\VC98\Bin”下面,你可以到相应的路径下找到这个应用程序。
因此问题可以按照以下方法解决:点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)”—>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、Library Files、Source Files”的路径。很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同(例如你的VC装在C,但是这些路径全部在D),改过来就OK了。

在vc6.0中Error spawning cl.exe是什么意思?
打开vc6.0程序-->点击工具 -->选项 -->目录 -->目录 这里面有四个,每一个下面都有对应的路径,所以每一个都需要改,如果你是安装在E盘里,那么你只需要更改在E盘中的路径。我是把它安装在E盘下的VC++6.0文件夹中,在修改之后,他们的路径分别是:可执行文件:E:\\VC++6.0\\MSDev98\\Bin...


visual c++ 6.0如何新建一个workspace


vc++ 6.0里面的compile、build、go三个按钮是什么区别?
compile:编译成目标文件 build:生成exe或DLL、lib等(其中包括了编译和链接的过程)go;运行 编译器先进行预处理,然后对.cpp源文件进行单独编译生成各自的obj,然后把这些obj文件链接成exe。编译器负责将源代码文件转换成对象模块,而链接器可使用这些对象模块来创建可执行的程序 ...


怎么解决VC6.0出现的Error spawning cl.exe错误
02 打开vc++6.0 tools->options->Directories,从Executable files开始修改 。03 黄线框起来的部分就是需要更改的 这里就只需要改这四个,后面的C开头的不用改。04 为了避免过程中有单词输错我们这就选取目录就是。 点击红色椭圆,就跳出红色方框的界面,在红色方框中进行选择你的vc所装的对...


为了使用列表框控件,首先需要向列表框控件中添加数据。在MFC类库中,列表框控件被封装为CListBox类。CListBox类提供了AddString方法向列表框中添加数据,该方法语法如下:int AddString(LPCTSTR lpszItem);参数说明如下。lpszItem:表示向列表中添加的字符串数据。返回值:表示新添加的数据在列表框中的索引位置。

在VC++中字符串分为ASCII字符串,也就是标准C中的(ASCII)字符串和宽字节字符串,也就是C++中引入的wchar_t类型。获取字符串也可以分为为这两种情况。对于ASCII字符串:标准C中:include <string.h> char *strchr( const char *str, int ch );功能:函数返回一个指向str 中ch 首次出现的位置,...

惠水县13741402180: 在VC++6.0中,总是出现一个叫error spawning c1.exe的错误,怎么回事呢?
雷贩伊达: 可能很多人在安装VC 6.0后有过点击“Compile”或者“Build”后被出现的“Compiling... ,Error spawning cl.exe”错误提示给郁闷过.很多人的选择是重装,实际上这个问题很多情况下是由于路径设置的问题引起的,“CL.exe”是VC使用真正...

惠水县13741402180: VC++6.0总提示一个错误 -
雷贩伊达: 实际上这个问题很多情况下是由于路径设置的e79fa5e9819331333363373039问题引起的, “CL.exe”是VC使用真正的编译器(编译程序),其路径在“VC根目录\VC98\Bin”下面, 你可以到相应的路径下找到这个应用程序. 因此问题可以...

惠水县13741402180: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0怎么一老显示有一个错误 -
雷贩伊达: 放屁. 那分明就是目录设置路径有问题.建议你看看这个文章,兄弟~! 如果是我说的的话,兄弟你不妨看看任意模板生成一个程序都会出现这个.````````` 可能很多人在安装VC 6.0后有过点击“Compile”或者“Build”后被出现的“...

惠水县13741402180: VC++6.0中出现Error executing cl.exe. -
雷贩伊达: 因此问题可以按照以下方法解决:打开vc界面 点击VC“TOOLS(工具)”—>“Option(选择)” —>“Directories(目录)”重新设置“Excutable Fils、Include Files、 Library Files、Source Files”的路径.很多情况可能就一个盘符的不同 (...

惠水县13741402180: vc6.0 怎么办?, 一直出现这个Error spawning 在线求解 -
雷贩伊达: 改一下兼容性,设置成win7 在把管理员权限打上勾. 然后你再试试,vc6.0是9几年出的,有点老了,实在不行你可以在网上下载win10专用,或者用vs2010或者vs2012做也行,不过下载比较麻烦 或者1、下载英文版的VC++6.0的可执行程序.2、右键单击中文版的VC++6.0的程序图标,点击“打开文件所在的位置”.3、在中文版VC++6.0的安装目录里将红色框中的文件删掉.4、把刚下载的英文版的VC++6.0的可执行程序复制到这个目录里面.5、之后再次打开中文版VC++6.0,已经恢复正常了.6、如果觉得麻烦的话可以用第一种方法,从提供的下载地址中下载英文版的VC++6.0,可以直接正常使用.

惠水县13741402180: 用vc6.0编程序总是出现下面的错误提示?什么意思?????? -
雷贩伊达: 在编译VC++6.0是,出现fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive 的错误.解决方法:1、如果发生错误的文件是由其他的C代码文件添加进入当前工程而引起的,则Alt+F7进入当前工程的 Settings,...

惠水县13741402180: 在win7环境下运行的vc++6.0总是出现一个错误spawning...并且在c/c++file下出现“无法执行文件”,请高手帮 -
雷贩伊达: 给楼主提供两种方法吧,希望有用.方式1: 启动VC时不要用图形界面,通过在命令提示符下输入:Msdev /useenv运行(注意/前面有个空格,同时不要输入冒号).它会强制使系统环境变量全高设置成正确值.而且,只需要使用一次这样的方法...

惠水县13741402180: WIN7系统下运行VC++6.0,当有数组时,为什么老是出现一个错误警告? -
雷贩伊达: “Error spawning cl.exe”这是典型的兼容性错误! ① VC6.0必须运行于32位操作系统;② VC6.0对Win7的兼容性不好. ...把6.0卸载掉,你的6.0...

惠水县13741402180: VC++6.0运行总是显示1errors 0warings 即使程序完全正确时也是这样 -
雷贩伊达: 建议你查看下当前运行的程序是不是在一个工程中,而这个工程有其他一些带有主函数main的文件.或者直接建立一个空白工程,里面就放一个cpp文件在运行下,如果正常,就是我说的原因.

惠水县13741402180: VC++6.0总是出现1 error(s), 0 warning(s) -
雷贩伊达: 建议你把完整的错误提示贴出来,顺便贴出一段测试代码出来 ---- 哥们 错误提示呢 就是1 error(s), 0 warning(s)显示框上面应该还有个提示 --代码没问题

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