
作者&投稿:浑使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Do you often feel tthat you have really tried your best but gained nothing?
Sometimes it is not because you haven't worked hard enough, but the wrong direction you have tried from the start.
No mater how hard you've teried is useless when your direction / aim is wrong.



Urge 催促to advise or try hard to persuade somebody to do something 敦促;催促;力劝
She urged him to stay. 她力劝他留下。 VN to inf.
The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。 V that
to recommend something strongly 大力推荐;竭力主张 VN ~ sth (on/upon sb)
The situation is dangerous, but the UN is urging caution. 局势岌岌可危,但联合国力主谨慎行事。
to make a person or an animal move more quickly and/or in a particular direction, especially by pushing or forcing them 驱赶;鞭策

be urged 是个动词表示被敦促的意思,所以进行时为being urged


be urged的现在进行时。表示be urged是个持续的状态,第一年人们一直被鼓励关灯一小时。
如果是一般时态,是people are urged to turn off their lights。。。
换成现在进行时,主语+are+doing +sth,在这里就是 are urged->are being urged.

people meet and people pass by.some laugh while some cry.人们遇见,又擦肩而过.有人笑,有人哭.some give up while some alway try.some say hi while some say bye.有人放弃,有人尝试.有人说你好,有人说再见.others may forget you but never i.其他人可能都忘记你了,但是我没有.

1,应该是push in your chairs 把你的椅子 2,前十的学生 Top ten students 3,right now 立即;此刻 4,fruit 表示总称时是不可数名词,表类别是可数 5,at that time 过去完成时 6,at this time不等于then,then=at that time,at this time 用于过去时现在时都行,但是过去时比较多。7,...

1.Where did you go last summer?When did you go to ShangHai?2.Where are you going?1.否:I havn’t had my lunch yet.疑:Have you already had your lunch?1.She has had her breakfast.2.We have seen that film.3.He has finished his homework.4.Sam has packed his ...

求英语高手指点:想问下什么时候可以用adj.+adj.+ n. ?
【美小圆旧黄,法国木书房】这是记adj.+adj.+...+n.的万能口诀 应该是have similar upward trends对,similarly 是副词,若要修饰trends趋势,且都表示其属性,那两个形容词即可

两者也可以互换 be的用法就不用多说了吧。随便造个句子一般就会出现BE吧,只要注意时态语态就好了~以上英文句子中大部分字母需要小写因为我个人原因全是大写请大家在看完后自行斟酌以免误导大家~~不知道对你有没有帮助,先用吧,不会的再问就好了哈哈~参考资料:大脑~...

不用于道歉的时候说没关系。4.recommend 表示推荐、建议的时候,后面的句子要用虚拟语气,即 It's recommened that sb (should) do sth 而should是可以省略的,所以 应该填 be started 其实也就是 should be started 把 should 省略了。希望对楼主有帮助,祝楼主英语学习一帆风顺O(∩_∩)O~~!

你问的问题实际上是英语中的“类指”问题 即:the +单数名词 或 A (An) +单数名词 或名词复数 都可表示一类人或物:1.The elephant live in the forest 这句话有错误,应该用lives;这种形式强调该类物体与它类的区别 2.A elephant lives in the forest这种形式强调该类物体每个个体都具备...

关于英语语言学,问高手What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Pri...
Cooperative Principle (CP) 合作原则 It is divided into four categories of maxims by Grice:1.the maxim of quality, 质量准则 2.the maxim of quantity, 数量准则 3.the maxim of relation 关系准则 4.and the maxim of manner. 方式准则 ...

Are you in college or high school?求采纳

好有政治色彩的翻译啊。1.世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃.At the turn of the century, China's diplomacy is more active than ever before.2.应当鼓励国内外投资者到中西部投资.The domestic and foreign investors should be encourage to invest to central and western regions.3.中国社会主义建设的航...

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手帮讲解下面1句话,再讲讲反义疑问句,要通俗易懂.Don't move the door ,will you -
索供钦诺:[答案] Don't move the door ,will you 不要移动门,好吗? 回答:yes,i .will不,我要移动门./no,i won't 好的,我不移动门..要多多支... 这些是葡萄,是吗? .【陈述部分的主语是不定代词one时,反意疑问句的主语可以用one,也可用you(美式英语用he).当...

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手翻译请教英语高手翻译以下几个句子1.我爱好唱歌
索供钦诺: 1.我爱好唱歌 (一般现在时) I like singing. 2.我讨厌滑雪(同上) I don't like skating. 3.我对古典音乐不感兴趣 I'm not interested in classic music. 4.我的兴趣爱...

玉环县18571955697: 英语问题,求英语高手帮帮忙. -
索供钦诺: outdoors/upstairs/here都是副词 当然要加be 动词 to的后面一般加动词

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手帮忙.
索供钦诺: PLAYING basketball is a fashion sports in teenagers. in 改成 among you will meet a great many friends meet改成make 地道些 and do a lot of things whit basketball whit?是with吧 will learn to play basketball well to meet my favourate players tmac ...

玉环县18571955697: 求助英语高手 -
索供钦诺: Dear (name): How is everyting going recently? It must be very tired of you to give your consideration to the work and study at the same time!I haven't tried getting up at or even be...

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手解答!!!急!!! -
索供钦诺: / i: /: feel,feet / I /:let,learn / p /:put,pool / b /:but,bus / t...

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手,翻译!懂的来,速度采纳! -
索供钦诺: 1. No matter where you are, I will find you. 2. I dare to go there, but he daren't. (dare 敢 可作情态动词也可用作实意动词)

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手 -
索供钦诺: 1 forms2 cables3 grinning4 switched5 encourages1 can't play2 must you3 most popular4 to solve5 where electricity comes from1 encourage2 behave3 customer4 kettle5 electrical

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手问个句子!The day i will stop lovin you is the day when i close my eyes.请问这句子对吗.还是loving -
索供钦诺:[答案] The day i will stop loving you is the day when i close my eyes. 对,The day is the day 各自带有一个定语从句

玉环县18571955697: 求英语高手翻译 -
索供钦诺: We all have our family, perhaps our relatives will also make some let us angry. An angry but will lose reason, file a xu you don't know when you are angry you caused much damage to loved ones, may be irreparable, sometimes the same mistakes in ...

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