英语口语:a fist bump 美国人见面礼:拳头对对碰

作者&投稿:上苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 英语口语:美国见面礼——"碰拳"











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童澜恒康: ——hey,buddy! (拍肩膀) hey!what r u doing ?——oh, sorry, i'm listening to justin bieber on my ipod.——justin bieber? who is this guy?——i can't believe you don't know him. he is the hotest singer around the world now, i think, and....oh, he is ...

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童澜恒康: 3.成功What is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;To appreciate beauty; To find the best in ...

桃源县13567888107: a fist pound 是什么意思 -
童澜恒康: 就是下面这个动作 .呵呵....

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童澜恒康: Public speaking as i believe so, requires much skill and practise. It is not something that most people would be comfortable to do without any preparation before the actual speech. I think the most benefitial bit of Public speaking is allowing one to ...

桃源县13567888107: 把屁股翘起来 英语口语表达 -
童澜恒康: up your hip (a bit) (根据你的语境,up在这里是动词)

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童澜恒康: 海狸先生倾情奉献 Interview a famous person 说明:对话完全由海狸先生原创.场景是在采访室里,由三个人共同进行该活动,A为110米栏奥运冠军刘翔,B、C为Chinadaily记者.使用本对话时要注意灵活性,可以在进行过程中灵活插话.祝...

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