健康的英文怎么写 你只会用healthy吗?

作者&投稿:湛褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 当人们丰衣足食之后,对健康的渴求显得越来越强烈。的确,拥有健康,才能拥有一切。那么表达“健康的”英语你会哪几种呢?比如:
健康的饮食:a healthy diet
健康饮食的重要性:the importance of healthy eating
其实像:well, fine, sound, fit, wholesome 等等,都可以表达“健康的”意思:
He looks so young and well.
I hope you get well again soon.
You’re looking very well.
How are you? Fine, thinks, how are you?
你好吗? 很好,谢谢,你呢?
of sound mind: 心智健全的
The situation is basically sound.
You must be very fit if you do so much running.
Zhong Nanshan is over eighty now, but still as fit as a fiddle.
fiddle /?f?dl/ 小提琴
as fit as a fiddle: 非常健康,身体很好。
钟南山八十多岁, 但身体依然很好。
well-balanced wholesome meals
good wholesome fun

徐汇区18523849158: 英语单词健康healhy怎么读 -
钱治伊索: 你的拼写有误.正确应为 healthy. 直接在百度网页里输入此单词,即有发音的图示,点击即可听到读音.

徐汇区18523849158: heal的翻译是:什么意思 -
钱治伊索: heal 英 [hi:l]美 [hi:l]vt. 恢复健康的状态; 使恢复正常; 使(某人)精神恢复健康;vi. 变得完整和健全;[例句]Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed.青瘀在6周内就消退了,但伤却是6个月后才全好了.[其他] 第三人称单数:heals 现在分词:healing 过去式:healed 过去分词:healed

徐汇区18523849158: health和healthy的用法 -
钱治伊索: health health n.名词 1. 健康[U] Smoking does harm to health. 吸烟有损健康. 2. 健康状况[U] She is in poor health. 她身体不好. 3. 祝健康的干杯[S1][U] We all drank a health to the bride. 我们都为新娘的健康干杯. healthy adj.形容词 1. 健康的;...

徐汇区18523849158: 我的奶奶今年67岁了,身体健康.用英文这么说 -
钱治伊索: 我的奶奶今年67岁了,身体健康.My grandmother is 67 years old, and she is in good health. 我的奶奶今年67岁了,身体健康.My grandmother is 67 years old, and she is in good health.

徐汇区18523849158: health和healthy有什么区别,做短文改错用的 -
钱治伊索: health是名词 healthy是形容词

徐汇区18523849158: 请问healthy的元音,ˈhelθi的θi怎么读呢? -
钱治伊索: healthy 英[ˈhelθi] 美[ˈhɛlθi] adj. 健康的; 健全的; 大量的; 有益于健康的; [例句]Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy 我们中大多数人需要过更为平衡的生活,以保持健康和快乐. [其他] 比较级:healthier 最高级:healthiest

徐汇区18523849158: 疗伤的英文单词怎么写? -
钱治伊索: recuperate vt. & vi. 恢复(健康、体力等);复原 cure [kjuə] vt. 治愈, 治好;消除, 矫正 n. 治愈, 治疗;药物; 疗法 heal 1.(使)愈合, 治愈, (使)恢复健康 2.(使)结束,较容易忍受 vt. 1.调停, 消除 2.治愈(病人);使(某人)又愉快起来 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)愈合, 治愈, (使)恢复健康 The wound has not yet healed.伤口尚未愈合.The surgeon healed the soldier's bullet wound in the leg.医生治好了那位士兵腿部的枪伤.

徐汇区18523849158: 你会很健康很健康用英语怎么说 -
钱治伊索: I'll be more healthy.

徐汇区18523849158: 一篇关于健康的英语作文!
钱治伊索:How to keep healthyWhat is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try ...

徐汇区18523849158: heal的中文意思 -
钱治伊索: heal1 [hi:l] vt. 1. 医治(伤、病等);使治愈,使痊愈;使愈合;使康复:例句: He could heal you of your pneumonia, you'd better go to see him as soon as possible. 他可以治好你的肺炎,你最好尽快去找他给你医治.This kind of ointment will ...

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