
作者&投稿:哀贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1。is going to begin 2.having 3.to build 4.don't will rain 5.to visit 6.mean 7.fails



1. careless 粗心
2 yourself
3. dangerous
4. rushed
5. I heard someone calling my name in the street.
6. You should take some measures to protect you to be safe.
7. Don't light the fire when there is nobody at home.

1. careful
2. yourself
3. dangerous
4. rush
5. I heard someone was calling my name in the street.
6. You should do something to keep yoursely safe.
7. Do not keep the stove bruning when nobody is at home.

1.careless 2.yourself 3.dangerous
4.rushed 5.I hear somebody calling my name on the street.

1.careless(be+adj 粗心的)
2.yourself 你自己
3.dangerous 危险的
5.I heard (that)someone was calling my name in the street.
6.You should take some measures to protect you to be safe.
7.Don't light the fire when there is nobody at home.

5.i heard someone was calling my name in the street
6.you should take some measures to keep safe
7,don't let the stove on when nobody at home

英语数学题 翻译 和 解答 要有步骤!!
设原来的数的个位是x,十位数是y,则原来的数=10*y+x,根据条件,x-y=3 个位与十位交换后的数=10*x+y,则根据条件 (10*y+x)+(10*x+y)=121 结合这两个方程,可以得到 x=7 y=4 所以原来的数是47 英文步骤:Suppose the units digit number is x and the tens digit is y t...

个位ones place 十位tens place 个位数ones,十位数tens

英语问题 关于数字表示
表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six D.百位数 个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几...再者,英国英语在百位和十位之间加读“and”, 而美国英语往往不用“and”。比如754这个数字。英国英语读成seven hundred and fifty-four,而美国英语则读为...

该题测试回答反意疑问句的表达法。在回答反意疑问句时,要根据事实来回答。事实是肯定的,就用Yes来回答;事实是否定的,就用No来回答。在对话中, 事实是Nancy来了,因此,要用Yes来回答。又因为英语中没有Yes, she didn’t 这种表达方式,正确答案只能是D(from www.zkenglish.com)。4. A。题干的意思是:戴维...

斐波那契数列,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,从两个连续的1开始,以后每一项为其前两项的和。在0-9这个10个数字中,哪一个数字是最后出现在数列的个位上的 1,1,2,3,5,8,13, 21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765,10946, ...第一个出现在个位上的是1,...

个位数读法: one, two, three…;十位数读法:如25,读作twenty-five;“百”=hundred;“千”=thousand;“万”=ten thousand;“十万”=a\/one hundred thousand;“百万”=million;“千万”=“十个百万”=ten million。学好英语,词汇量是非常重要的,点击蓝字领取免费外教课:【https:\/\/www....

5.The computer includes zhe main board,the screen and zhe keyboard. 计算机包括主机,显示屏和键盘。6.Let’s begin from the last student. 让我们从最后一位同学开始。7.The beads on zhe wires stand for ones,tens,hundreds,and thousands.电报上的珠子代表个位,十位,百位和千位。8.We ...

下面 5 个数中哪一个可能是其中的一个数?从数学的角度来分析,要使它们的和最大,则 万位上的数字一定是 9 和 8,千位数字一定是 7 和 6,百位数字一定是 5 和 4,十位数一定是 3 和 2,个位数字一定是 1 和 0。综上所述,那么,只有答案 C 可以满足要求。

collect作为及物动词通常是指有计划有选择进行收集的意思;collection是名词表示收藏品。room除了有房间的意思,还有空间的意思,所以这句话的意思是:我想,这儿有个位子给你。a little 表示一点点,通常修饰不可数名词。这句话的意思是一点点中文(大概原句是:I can speak a little Chinese.吧?)不...

求一些初一使用的数学名词的英语形式 例如:有理数:[Mathematics]arational(number)各位大哥帮帮忙!会加分!!!... 例如:有理数:[Mathematics] a rational...units' digit 个位 veiocity 速度 vertex angle 顶角 vertical angle 对顶角 volume 体积 whole number 整数 width 宽 3-digit number 三位数 注: 1. ...

东坡区17523534372: 初一的几道英语题目 -
狂迹盐酸: 19.There're 3 kinds of cakes.You can have one cake__only____.But I want all,mom.补全对话 A.Can I help you,sir?B:__Yes, please______.I want a T-shirt.A:What color do you want?B:___Let me see_____.Do you have a black one?补充: ...

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一英语题,希望大家帮帮忙 -
狂迹盐酸: 1.D up to是多达的意思翻译:我听说这家新商场打折高至5折2.b 第一个空...

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一的英语题,各位帮帮忙吧!!!!!!!!
狂迹盐酸: 很高兴为您解答.答案是: What does the boy look like? Do you have QQ number? 选D My sister is 1.9 meters tall. It's very difficult to find clothes big enough for her 选C Look! What's that in the sky? 选B 希望能帮到你.参考文献:www.xuepinw.com

东坡区17523534372: 求几道初一英语题目
狂迹盐酸: 1.游泳怎么帮- -是教吧- -can you teach the children to swim 2.you will become one of the members of the music festival in our school 3.may i have your name 1.want to help him with his english 2.a little, a few, a bit of3.play the piano 4.two great/ excellent musicians 5.a website 6.同1

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一英语题
狂迹盐酸: give,a hand It comes that time of the year again. What competitions does your school hold? I sleep at most for a while in the morning.

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一的英语题目 -
狂迹盐酸: enough to do 句型 . 1.Mary is not free enough to have a holiday try to do 句型 2.Try to study hard and you will catch up with the other students...

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一英语题 -
狂迹盐酸: 1.( A)you draw a picure for me?--Sorry. A.Do B.Are C.Let D.Can 2.The girl (C )a red hat is my sister A.has B.have C.in D.one 2.找出错误改正 1.Sorry,my English book (is)not here. 2.I have...

东坡区17523534372: ■■■■几道初一英语题目■■■■■ -
狂迹盐酸: to bring(remember to do something)singer (singer是歌手~)to take (or to have)

东坡区17523534372: 教我几道初一的英语题
狂迹盐酸: 1.工作很晚 working late 2.努力工作 working hard 3.给某人打电话 call someone 4.和....谈话 talk to 5.为...工作 work for 6.参加学校戏剧表演 join the school play 7.幸福儿童学校 happy child school 8.一所国际学校 a international school 9.一名体育老师...

东坡区17523534372: 几道初一英语题,帮忙啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!!! -
狂迹盐酸: 他们中很少人知道三明治的来历 Few of then know the history of the sandwich. 现在相当多的人可以活到八十多岁. Nowadays a lot of people can live to be over 80 years old. 在课上,老师停下来要我们不要往窗外看. In the class, our teacher stopped to ask us not to look out of the window.人工翻译,祝学习进步!

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