用给单词或句型造句The Great Wall twists and turns along the tops of m?

作者&投稿:彩言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1 the stone path twists and turns through dark green grass.
2 My new dress is do beatiful,and so do my sister.
3 The ZhongShan Park is a good place for playing.
4 From your opinions,you can see the approvel of her view.
5 He is good at math.
6 What make of puter is it?,9,用给单词或句型造句
The Great Wall twists and turns along the tops of mountains.(tuist and turn)
Th centre of the roof is a glass dome,which looks a lot like a mirror.(Do……,and……)
The peak in Hong kong is agreat place for walking.(a……place for doing……)
Form the peak,you can see amazing views of hong kong.(From……,you can see……)
She is very good at speaking english.(be good at)
What make of watch is it?(What make of……)

你好~!有以下供你参考:1Take exercise 锻炼经络延年寿收藏指正 2.Take to 开始喜欢,开始从事收藏指正 3.take on 大为忧伤收藏指正 4.take stock 盘点存货收藏指正 5.take medicine 服药收藏指正 6.Take turns.换班!收藏指正 7.take root 生根收藏指正 8.Take apart 拆卸,拆开收藏指正 9.take ...

often helps me work out some difficult questions.4...to help with...My mom helps me with English exercise.Can you help me with my homework?I can help her with her lesson plan.James ,please help your mom with the dishes.Tina ,don\\'t help your brother with his homework....

英语单词造句+ 送分
1. spread one's wings The swan is spreading its wings.2. go abroad When did you go abroad?3. pollution Air pollution is becoming worse and worse.4. unhealthy You shouldn't eat too much unhealthy food.5. fight We should fight against air pollution.6. azalea If you're ...

1. Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的 You should be loyal to your friends.你应当忠诚于你的朋友。2. argue vt 争论;辩论 Don't argue with your parents.不要和你的父母亲争吵。3. deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的 He lives in a deserted house.他住在一所荒废的房子里。4. hunt for 搜索,...

我刚一上岸,冰面就裂开了。We'll let you know as soon as a table is available.有空位时,我们会马上通知您。But as soon as a good young player emerges he is always compared to Maradona.但只要有年轻的天才球员出现,人们总是把他和马拉多纳比较。2.I don't think that would be a ...

1. Can you get me a piece of paper please?2. Please keep your belongings safely in the locker 3. This watch is worth a thousand dollars.4. This building is newly built this year.5. I would love to have a pet.6. Thomas Edision was the creator of light bulbs.7. He ...

out 找出 5. take around 照顾 6. at the age of 在这个时期 7. be famous for 因...出名 8. in addition to 另外 9. out of breath 气喘吁吁 10.get tired 疲劳 11.grow up 长大 12.fall down 下落 13.go down 下来 14.talk to 与...对话 15.get out出去 (麻烦记得给分)...

急!!!100个英语单词加造句(一个单词造两个句子 )
1.honest Honesty is the best policy. 诚实才是上策。He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实的男孩。2. brave He was very brave about his operation. 他对手术毫无惧色。She braved death to rescue me. 她冒着生命危险来救我。3.fond I'm fond of pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。She may ...

几个英文单词是:like,before,,l,sport,didn′t 造句如下:I didn’t like sport before.意思是说:我从前不喜欢运动。或者 从前我不喜欢运动。(暗含着意思是:我现在可能已经有所改变)以上答案供参考。

different hobbies. 不同的人爱好不同。 We have many different kinds of food. 我们有很多不同种类的食物。 It is important to take care when you cross road. 当你过马路时,小心一点是很重要的。 Do you know any cereal? 你知道哪些各类食物吗? I can't agree with you....

尼木县13037295732: 小学英语.用所给的单词组成句子 -
寇些信立: 1 This garden is bigger than that one.2 The presents are from her parents.3 Was your new house darker than the old one?4 Who is taller, Ben or Janet?5 Tom runs fastest of the three.--------金牌家教~————

尼木县13037295732: 用所给的单词组成句子.小学英语六年级下册. -
寇些信立: 1. Did she show you the photos?2. This sofa is more comfortable than that one.3. The new house was closer to my school than old one.4. The gym is far away from the hospital.5. She couldn't catch the pillow.

尼木县13037295732: 用所给的单词和词组造句. -
寇些信立: 为你解答.1、 I usually listen to music in the evening. (我通常晚上听音乐.)2、 Jack plays computer games every Sunday. (杰克每周日玩电脑游戏.)3、 Betty likes painting, but she doesn't like sports. (贝蒂喜欢绘画,但不喜欢运动.)4、 He sometimes helps his grandma to clean the window. (他有时帮奶奶擦窗户.)

尼木县13037295732: 急用,英文造句用给的词造句~例子:feel as if,walk out ofI feel as if I had walked out fo a nightmare.arrange,come inMyra arranged for Mrs.Morrison to come in ... -
寇些信立:[答案] 1.I feel as if I can fly like a bird I feel as if I have waken from a dream I feel as if I am in home 2.I was too tired to speak I was too weak to walk I was too excited to fall asleep I was too busy to write home 3.Myra arranged for me to meet you at the airport ...

尼木县13037295732: 用所给的单词组成句子
寇些信立: 1.Did she show you the photos ? 2.He didn't give me any presents . 3.Kate is prettier than Mary . 4.貌似不对吧,缺个than 5.Was my new house closer school than the old one ? 6.Is Room 123 brighter than Room 109 ? 7.The hospital was far from the gym . 8.She couldn't catch the pillow .

尼木县13037295732: 用所给的单词组成句子 -
寇些信立: 1.Is Room 123 brighter than room 109?2.The hospital is far away from the gym.3.She couldn't catch the pillow.

尼木县13037295732: 用所给单词组成句子 -
寇些信立: 1.Are you all here?2.Who is on duty today?3.How long will you stay here?4.Because the match was very exciting5. I can speak English and Trench.6. The boys must look after their things.7. Linda usually goes to bed late.8. The English class begins at...

尼木县13037295732: 用这四个英语单词分别造句 -
寇些信立: rise 因为是不及物动词,因此不能加宾语 比如:太阳从东方升起 the sun rises in the east raise 是及物动词,加宾语 They had raised the white flag in surrender.他们已经升起白旗投降.以此类推:You have one idea, they have another, and problems arise. 你有一个主意,他们也有一个,问题出现了.We must arouse them to fight with enemies. 我们必须唤起他们同敌人斗争.

尼木县13037295732: 英语句型造句 -
寇些信立: The more, the better 越多越好! The more you practice, the better you speak English.练习越多,你的英语讲得越好.

尼木县13037295732: 一到英语题,用所给词的适当形式组成句子
寇些信立: 1.I went the library to borrow a book yesterday 2.my mother told me I must go back home after school 3.I have never been to France before 4.I will go to Beijing tomorrow 5.I think that it will rain tomorrow 6.I met Miss Gao the other day 7.come and sit ...

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