
作者&投稿:江亨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a great time.2. Miss Wang likes taking photos in the park.3. At the end of the street, you can find the post office.4 Students came back to school yesterday by subway.5 The young man sometimes goes for a drive.6 It rained last Monday.7. There was some sharks in the aquarium last year.8. Last week, I bought some souvenirs in this gift store.died left spent bought went stayed listened lent kept lost

1.She stays up late to learn English sometimes.
2.He has been working in China for four years.
3.They enter the classroom one by one. (用过去时表达也没错)
4.We often live with our grandmother.
5.The morning meet lasted more than an hour yesterday.
6.accept the advice
7.drive to the oceanside (我确信这一条mcthemax33的翻译有点Chinglish)
8.school work (学习一般是不用career这个词的,career通常指工作)
9.in all (如果不是短语的话altogether也是可以的)
10.eat up
11.an outstanding leader (不能用leadership来形容人)
12.the sick (不是短语的话patient也可以)
13.junk sale
14.place(s) of interests

1.上钢琴课 go to/have piano classes
2.去看牙医 go to the dentist's
3.星期二晚上,我要去参加我表姐的生日聚会 I'll attend my sister's Birthday Party on Tuesday evening.
4.准备化学考试 prepare for the chemistry test
5.去看电影 go to the cinema/go to see a film
6.这周六下午,你能和我一起去听音乐会吗? Would you accompany me to the concert this Saturday afternoon?
7.很抱歉,我不能去.因为我有太多的家庭作业 I'm sorry but I can't.Because I have too much homework to do.
8.因某事感谢某人 thank sb. for (doing)sth.
9.和校队一起进行网球训练 take tennis training with the school team
10.后天 the day after tomorrow
11.请保持安静 Keep quiet,please.
12.去购物 go shopping
13.邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.
14.星期日,我一整天都要照看我的妹妹 I'll have to look after my baby sister the whole Sunday.
15.周三晚上你能来我家吗?我非常愿意 -Can you come to my house on Wednesday evening? -My peasure.
16.谢谢你的邀请 Thanks for your invitation
17.今天晚上,我得完成地理作业 I'll have to finish my geography homework tonight.
18.练习弹钢琴 practise playing the piano
19.在周五晚上 on Friday evening
20.在工作日 on weekday
21.今天下午四点钟,我们将在文化俱乐部讨论那个科学报告 We'll discuss about the science report at the Literature Club at 4p.m this afternoon.
22.找时间吧 make it another time
23.周四晚上,他们打算看电视上播出的足球比赛 They intend to watch the football game on TV next Thursday evening.
24.进行一场篮球赛 have a basketball game
25.直到晚上十点,我都有空 I'll be free til1 10pm.

1上钢琴课 have the piano lesson
2去看牙医 go to dentist
I will go to my sister's birthday party on Tuesday evening.
4准备化学考试 be ready to the chemisty exam
5去看电影 go to see a film
Can you go to listen songs with me this Saturday afternoon?
I'm sorry, I can't go. Becaus I have too many homework.
thank sb. for sth.
9和校队一起进行网球训练have a tennis training with the school team
10后天 the day after tomorrow
11请保持安静 please keep quiet
12去购物 go shopping
13邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth.
I will look after my sister all day on Sunday.
Will you come to my home on Wednesday evening? I will.
16谢谢你的邀请 thank for your invite
17今天晚上,我得完成地理作业 I will finish my geographic homework.
18练习弹钢琴 practise playing the piano
19在周五晚上 on Friday evening
20在工作日 on work
We will discuss the report at 4 p.m.
22另找时间吧 Another time?
Next Thursday evening, They want to watch the football match.
24进行一场篮球赛 have a basketball match
25直到晚上十点,我都有空 I am free till 10p.m.

1上钢琴课 have piano class
2去看牙医 go to see the dentist
3星期二晚上,我要去参加我表姐的生日聚会 i'll attend my sister's birthday on Tuesday evening
4准备化学考试 prepare for chemistry test
5去看电影 go to cinema
6这周六下午,你能和我一起去听音乐会吗? would you like to go to the concert with me on the saturday afternoon?
7很抱歉,我不能去.因为我有太多的家庭作业 i'm sorry i can't go.because i have too much homework
8因某事感谢某人 thank sb for sth
9和校队一起进行网球训练 be trained with the team
10后天 the day after tomorrow
11请保持安静 plz keep quiet
12去购物 go shopping
13邀请某人做某事 invite sb 2 do
14星期日,我一整天都要照看我的妹妹 i'll luk after my young sister all sunday long
15周三晚上你能来我家吗?我非常愿意 could you come to my house on wednesday evening?
17今天晚上,我得完成地理作业 i have to finish my geography homework tonight
18练习弹钢琴 practise playing the piano
19在周五晚上 on friday evening
20在工作日 on weekday
21今天下午四点钟,我们将在文化俱乐部讨论那个科学报告 we'll discuss the science report at 4p.m
22另找时间吧 make another time
23下周四晚上,他们打算看电视上播出的足球比赛 they intend to watch the football game on tv next thursday evening
24进行一场篮球赛 have a basketball game
25直到晚上十点,我都有空 i'm free unitil 10pm

1.have a piano lesson
2. go to see the dentist
3.I will go to my sister's birthday party on Tuesday evening.
4.prepare for the chemistry exzam
5. go to the cinema/go to see a film
6. Would you go to the concert with me this Saturday afternoon?
7. I'm sorry that I can't.Because I have too much homework to do.
8. thank sb. for (doing)sth.
9. take tennis training with the school team
10. the day after tomorrow
11. Keep quiet,please.
12. go shopping
13. invite sb. to do sth.
14. I'll have to look after my baby sister the whole Sunday.
15. -Can you come to my house on Wednesday evening? -My peasure.
16. Thanks for your invitation
17. I'll have to finish my geography homework tonight.
18.practise playing the piano
19. on Friday evening
20. on weekday
21. We'll discuss about the science report at the Literature Club at 4p.m this afternoon.
22.make it another time
23. They intend to watch the football game on TV next Thursday evening.
24. have a basketball game
25. I'll be free til1 10pm.

1 top piano lesson
2 see the dentist
Evening of 3 Tuesdays, I want the birthday party that attend my cousin
4 prepare the chemistry examine
5 go to the movie
Afternoon 6 this Saturdays, can you go to the concert with me together?
7 very sorry, I can't go to.Because I have too many homeworks
8 thank someone because of the some matter
9 proceed with school brigade together the tennis train
10 day after tomorrow
11 please keep silent
12 go shopping
13 invite the someone do the some matter
14 Sundays, I am on all shining on to see my younger sister whole day
Evening of 15 Wednesdays can you come to my house?I would like to very much
16 thanks for your invitation
17 tonights, I have to complete the geography homework
18 practices play the piano
19 in Friday evening
20 in the work day
21 this afternoons four o'clock, we will discuss in the culture club that science the report
22 another find time
23 next Thursdays evening, they plan to watch television ascend the football game that broadcast
24 proceed an a ball game
25 till 10:00 P.M., I am all free

压岁钱:red pocket of money 庙会temple fair 元宵:rice dumpling 元宵节:Lantern Festival 春节联欢晚会:the New Year‘s programme 年夜饭:dinner 因为这是作文,不是默单词,所以不一定一个字一个字地翻译。比如你想说我们全家一起吃年夜饭会可以说:The family get together and have a big...

bsd abbr. 加州大学伯克利分校软件(Berkeley Software Distribution)commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl] adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的 n. 商业广告 Creative Commons: 创作共用;知识共享;创用CC;创作共享 gpl abbr. 通用公共许可证(General public license);克\/升(...

海词在线词典 rational ['ræʃənl]a. 合理的,理性的 n. 有理数 Rational 中科永联高级技术培训中心 (www.itisedu.com) Rational是提供基于业界开放标准的工具、最佳方案和服务,用于开发商业应用和构建软件产品及系统,包括移动电话和医疗系统等设备使用的嵌入... 查看详情>>...

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失礼 しつれい 失礼。离开,辞去。对不起 助く たすく 救助,援助 泣い ない (原形是“なく”)哭 步く あるく 走 予定 よてい 计划,预定 以前 いぜん 以前,过去,往昔 减らす へらす 减少 恼む なやむ 烦恼 野菜 やさい 蔬菜 赤ちょん ...

男人남자[nam za\/jia]女人여자[yo za\/jia]丈夫남편[nam piu`en]老公&老婆 여보[yieo bo](夫妻之间男女互相的称呼是一样的)妻子아내[a nae]男朋友남자친구[nam za\/jia qin gu]女...

2. 如果短语不认识,那么平时需要多看多积累短语,尤其是动词词组,虽然give off 和go off 很像,但两个词意思也是不同的 3. 词没问题,短语也没问题,把词和短语组合在一起的句子是否能理解,通常现阶段的句子基本都是从左到右进行翻译理解的,因此词和短语没有问题,句子不会有太大的问题 4. ...


奎屯市18991601955: 帮忙归纳一下初二英语的所有句型和词组
佴映山易: a pair of一双,一对 ask for 请求 ask sb (not) to do sth叫某人干 agree with赞同 all year round一年到头,全年 all kinds of各种,各样 all the time一直 argue with与争吵 around ...

奎屯市18991601955: 初二英语翻译词组1.因为独自一人.2、你曾经用过“FRESH”反义词造句吗?3、频繁的搬家.4、不要在修那辆车了,你丈夫等你两小时了.5、我想查几个词6... -
佴映山易:[答案] 1.Because I am alone.这句不完整啊,正常应该有下文的.2.Have you made up a sentence with the antonym of"fresh"?3.move frequently4,Don't repair that car any more,your husband has been waiting for you for ...

奎屯市18991601955: 翻译以下几个初二的短语和句子(简单滴)~ -
佴映山易: 看书 read a book 或 read books 打篮球 play basketball 在第二张照片里 in the second photo 在游泳池里 in the swimming poor 看电视剧 watch a TY play 这是我的一些照片. Here(These) are some photos of mine. 谢谢你的信和照片. Thank you(...

奎屯市18991601955: 初二英语句型 -
佴映山易: 1加to do 的有:want ,need ,hope ,wish ,be going ,used ,be able ,begin ,start ,like ,hate ,remember ,forget ,agree ,stop,learn等等.2加doing 的有:like,love,enjoy,hate,keep(on),begin ,start,remember,forget,practise,stop ,mind,be worried about,be ...

奎屯市18991601955: 英语翻译初2词组 -
佴映山易: 1立刻马上 at once 2得分/失去一分 to score/lose one point3尽某人的力】try one's best4确定做某事 be determined to do sth.5在某人帮助下 with the help of sb6与```对抗/较量 compete with sb7很久 a very long time 8病倒了 fall ill9(我)做```你介意...

奎屯市18991601955: 初二英语短语及其翻译 -
佴映山易: leave sb by oneself 独自留下某人 needn't=don't have to 不需 it's+形容词+to do sth make sb do sth 让某人做某事 let sb do sth 让某人做某事 enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得开心 tell sb (not)to do sth 告诉某人做某事 ask sb (not)to do sth 询问某...

奎屯市18991601955: 翻译几个初二的英语词组.
佴映山易: 1.What does he usually go to school in the morning ? 5.Were there are many people in the park yesterday?

奎屯市18991601955: 初二英语词组 翻译 -
佴映山易: 不如.... no more than not good not better than与...一样大 as big as与...一样高 as tall as善于与孩子相处 be goog at staying with people使...做某事情 be enable to do sth.在某人看来 in o...

奎屯市18991601955: 初二的几个短语翻译
佴映山易: 1,Flowered many time practices2,Understands my school comprehensively 3,Mutually converses very happy 4,Sells the field greatly 5,Tells me many about about hers matter 6,An intimate friend 7,About prepares food the tailoring discipline 8,An ...

奎屯市18991601955: 初二英语词组翻译~!吖~!
佴映山易: 1.一直 always \all the time 2.两年前two years ago 3、看起来一样looks like \looks the same 4、在某些方面in some way 5、喜欢参加晚会like joing parties 6、与……不同be different from 7、某人最喜欢的课程 Someone's most loved course

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