absence from和absent from有区别 吗

作者&投稿:邗兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
be absent from和be absent for的区别~

be absent from 后面往往跟地点名词,表示在某地点缺勤或缺席。
如:be absent from school
而be absent for 后面往往跟事物名词,表示缺席某个事件。
如:be absent for the meeting

I was absent from the meeting.

He failed in the exam because of his absence of mind.

有,absence是名词 absent 形容词

有区别 写的都没同 嘿嘿

称多县15396814795: absence from和 absence of 的区别 -
熊翁混合: bsence 接介词 from表示“离开某地,不在某地”; 接介词 at 或 in表示“不在某地而在他处”; 接介词of表示某人、某物或者某事物“缺乏”或者“不存在”. 而in absence意为“在缺乏或不存在的情况下”; in sb's absence意为“当某人不在时,在某人离开时”;in the absence of则意为“在缺少…时”.

称多县15396814795: absent from还是absence from -
熊翁混合: absence是名词,absent是形容词,这里是谓语动词词组,接在谓语后面,选形容词

称多县15396814795: absence的用法 -
熊翁混合: during/in sb's absence(= while sb is not there) 某人不在某处时: My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence. 以前妈妈不在家,都是爸爸做饭.absence from 缺席: absence from work 缺勤

称多县15396814795: absence与absent的意思与区别? -
熊翁混合: 它们都是“缺席”的意思,区别如下:一、词性不同 absence是名词,例句: conspicuous by your absence. (本应在场)因缺席而招人注意. absent是形容词,例句: He had an absent look on his face. 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色. 二、...

称多县15396814795: absence的用法 -
熊翁混合:[答案] during/in sb's absence(= while sb is not there) 某人不在某处时: My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence. 以前妈妈不在家,都是爸爸做饭. absence from 缺席: absence from work 缺勤

称多县15396814795: 旷工不足一日按一日计算 如何英语翻译?谢谢 -
熊翁混合: Absence is counted by days. Less than a day is counted as one day.

称多县15396814795: 缺勤英语怎么说 -
熊翁混合: 缺勤 absence from duty;absenteeism更多释义>> [网络短语] 缺勤 Absenteeism;absent from work;be absent from 持续缺勤 continuous absence 休假缺勤 absence on leave

称多县15396814795: 事假,病假,缺勤,迟到,早退,下班用英语怎么说 -
熊翁混合: 加班extra work,事假,private affair leave病假sick leave,缺勤,absence from duty 迟到,late早退leave early

称多县15396814795: 缺席用英语怎么拼 -
熊翁混合:[答案] 你问得不够具体; 1,如果想表达“某人缺席(会议...)”,可以说:sb is absent from (the meeting...) 或者 sb absent oneself from (the meeting...). 2.做名词,是absence.

称多县15396814795: absence 的用法 -
熊翁混合: 先说retirement,意思是退休,如果经理退休了的话,就与前面的during不符.然后说vacancy,这个有空缺的意思,一般指职位空缺,用在这句话里意思也不对.接着说departure,这个是出发,启程的意思,一般是用在火车出发,飞机起飞的情况,用在人身上不合适.最后说absence,这个词的意思是缺席,不在场,一般是指人有事,或者有什么原因而导致不在现场,用在这句话里合适.这句话说的就是经理不在场.

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