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The Spring Festival of China is as important as western countries' Christmas. So they are indeed some similarities But because of differences in culture and may aspects, there are some differences as well.They are similar in some ways. Firstly, on both festivals, families usually get together and have a good time at home. They often have feasts happily with the family. And they wish everyone happy. Secondly, shops, stores and supermarkets all like this period. They make big money before and during the festivals.However, there are also different. Chinese parents give money to their children on the Eve, hoping they will do better and be healthier nxet year, while western people choose to give chilren some unexpected presents secretly. Of couse, the decoration are different. We can see Christmas trees in western homes while we can enjoy "chunlian" in China. Also, in China, people visit a lot of people during the festival while westerners often choose to stay with their families only.But anyway, during the festivals, people are all in a good mood and relax themselves.

不同之处就在于,一个是中国,一个是外国,每个国家的节日都不一样,感受的气氛也不一样,好比如端午节,我们的端午节,总是在纪念故人,10.1 国庆节,纪念国家一样,其实国外也有类似这样的,只不过传到我们中国来, 就微乎其微了。除非大过年,比如国外的圣诞节,到我们这 其实很盛兴了,因为大家都喜欢,其实节日没有什么不同,不同的是人。

Western Holidays Celebrated in China 西方节日在中国 China has become more commercialized and less ideological,and the Chinese are enjoying more relaxed social control. 中国变得越来越商品化,缺乏独立的思想体系 As a result, they have adopted some Western holidays. 因此,他们采纳了很多西方节日。 While Chinese, mostly young people, celebrate them for fun, businessmen see a great opportunity to make money.与此同时,大多数年轻人为了好玩而庆祝这些节日,商家却看到了这个赚钱的大好机会。 Valentine's Day 情人节 It has become as big a holiday among the young Chinese as it does in the rest of the world. 它已经像在世界其他国家一样,成为中国年轻人中一个很重要(或流行)的节日。 Greeting cards and flowers, predominantly roses, are sold in the millions. 祝福卡片和花,尤其是玫瑰花,简直天价出售。 The Chinese, however, limit the present giving to their spouses, lovers, and sex partners while in the West, candies can be given to friends and colleagues. 然而,在中国,只限于送礼物给他们的配偶,爱人,和性伴侣,但在西方,节日的甜蜜可以给朋友或同事。 This difference may be attributed to the mis-translation of Valentine's Day as qingrenjie, in which, qingren means lovers. 这大概是由于把Valentine's Day错译为情人节了吧,而情人在中国意味着爱人。 There are cries for replacing this foreign celebration of love with the traditional Chinese Qixi (Seventh Day of the Seventh Lunar Month), a day that commemorizes the legendary Cowherd and Weaving Girl. 也有关于用中国的七夕节(农历七月的第七天)这个传统的有着牛郎织女美丽传说的关于爱的节日代替情人节的呼声。 Christmas 圣诞节 The Chinese, particularly the young generation, embrace Christmas without paying attention to its religious background. 中国人,尤其是年轻的一代,欣然接受圣诞节,而忽略了它的宗教背景。 They decorate their homes with Christmas trees and lights, giving their children Christmas gifts, and go to parties to enjoy a carnival-like night. 他们用圣诞树,灯装饰他们的屋子,给他们的孩子圣诞礼物,还举行舞会来享受狂欢般的夜晚。 Christmas atmosphere is only too evident in the busy streets of major cities where shops, restaurants, and hotels show their best to allure customers. 圣诞节的最引人注目的标志是大多数城市里忙碌的大街小巷,商店,旅馆,餐馆等等都拿出他们最好的商品来招引顾客。 Santas, mostly played by young women, are their best "tools" of promotion.大多少女们都爱玩的圣诞老人是他们热销的玩具。

Western Holidays Celebrated in China 西方节日在中国 China has become more commercialized and less ideological,and the Chinese are enjoying more relaxed social control. 中国变得越来越商品化,缺乏独立的思想体系 As a result, they have adopted some Western holidays. 因此,他们采纳了很多西方节日。 While Chinese, mostly young people, celebrate them for fun, businessmen see a great opportunity to make money.与此同时,大多数年轻人为了好玩而庆祝这些节日,商家却看到了这个赚钱的大好机会。 Valentine's Day 情人节 It has become as big a holiday among the young Chinese as it does in the rest of the world. 它已经像在世界其他国家一样,成为中国年轻人中一个很重要(或流行)的节日。 Greeting cards and flowers, predominantly roses, are sold in the millions. 祝福卡片和花,尤其是玫瑰花,简直天价出售。 The Chinese, however, limit the present giving to their spouses, lovers, and sex partners while in the West, candies can be given to friends and colleagues. 然而,在中国,只限于送礼物给他们的配偶,爱人,和性伴侣,但在西方,节日的甜蜜可以给朋友或同事。 This difference may be attributed to the mis-translation of Valentine's Day as qingrenjie, in which, qingren means lovers. 这大概是由于把Valentine's Day错译为情人节了吧,而情人在中国意味着爱人。 There are cries for replacing this foreign celebration of love with the traditional Chinese Qixi (Seventh Day of the Seventh Lunar Month), a day that commemorizes the legendary Cowherd and Weaving Girl. 也有关于用中国的七夕节(农历七月的第七天)这个传统的有着牛郎织女美丽传说的关于爱的节日代替情人节的呼声。 Christmas 圣诞节 The Chinese, particularly the young generation, embrace Christmas without paying attention to its religious background. 中国人,尤其是年轻的一代,欣然接受圣诞节,而忽略了它的宗教背景。 They decorate their homes with Christmas trees and lights, giving their children Christmas gifts, and go to parties to enjoy a carnival-like night. 他们用圣诞树,灯装饰他们的屋子,给他们的孩子圣诞礼物,还举行舞会来享受狂欢般的夜晚。 Christmas atmosphere is only too evident in the busy streets of major cities where shops, restaurants, and hotels show their best to allure customers. 圣诞节的最引人注目的标志是大多数城市里忙碌的大街小巷,商店,旅馆,餐馆等等都拿出他们最好的商品来招引顾客。 Santas, mostly played by young women, are their best "tools" of promotion.大多少女们都爱玩的圣诞老人是他们热销的玩具

A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival
The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig.
Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.
I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival

三年级中秋节作文 一边吃着月饼,一边赏着月。 爸爸还给我讲了很多关于中秋节的典故。 中秋的月亮是最美的,我爱中秋节,更爱中秋节的月亮,我心想快乐的中秋节 通海秀山小学 师宇楠今天是中国传统的节日---中秋节,中秋节是我最期待的节日。 因为每年的这一天到处都充满欢庆和团圆的气氛,街上张灯结彩,有爷爷爱吃...

传统节日话题作文700字六 每年的农历五月初五是我国的传统节日——端午节,它是中华民族古老的传统节日之一,距今已经有二千多年的历史了,关于端午节的传说、习俗和文化影响都是人们津津乐道的话题。 在民间,关于端午节的传说有许多的说法,诸如:纪念屈原说;纪念伍子胥说 ;纪念曹娥说;起于三代 夏至 节说;恶月恶日...



我最喜欢的中国节日 英语作文 80词以内
英语作文不会写,大家可以了解一下阿卡索这家英语外教学习机构,有免费课程试听,点击即可免费领取:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】学员“我最喜欢的中国节日”英语作文分享:There are many festivals in a year, I love Children’s day, because on that day, I can have many candies from ...

…一举两得,何乐而不为?中秋节是继春节之后的又一举家团圆的节日,我们可以再一次全家团圆在花前月下,赏桂花,吃月饼,品美酒,话别离,孝敬长辈,关爱晚辈,其乐融融…… 从某种意义上说,这些节日文化,彰显的不仅仅是某时某地的民情风俗,更重要的是它彰显了中华民族尊老爱幼,勤劳善良,勇猛...


数千年的中国红,是一条历史的长河,是中国人们企盼美好未来的象征,是中华民族乐观向上精神的花朵,也是我们喜洋洋心里的真实写照。中国红,是鞭炮声中欢闹喜庆的色彩,是我们中国人心中最美丽的花朵,是那红红的太阳洒向大地的明亮与温暖。点击下一页分享更多有关传统节日的作文600字 ...



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逄马迈恩: A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve ...

轮台县15543062486: 英语作文:中国节日与外国节日的不同有急用. -
逄马迈恩:[答案] A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring FestivalThe Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as th...

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逄马迈恩:[答案] Differences beteen western and Chinese festival(西方节日和中国节日的区别) Festival is defined as a special occasion on which people may give thanks for a harvest, commemorate an honored person or even...

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逄马迈恩: NOTHING IN THE WORLD IS ABSOLUTE. Everything is relative, cultural difference being no exception. Culture, as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways, and it is ...

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逄马迈恩:[答案] Festivals are celebrated by people all over the world. Although they differ in their way of celebrations, joy is the common expression written across people's faces. In chinese societies, one of the most important festivals celebrated is the Lunar New Year ...

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逄马迈恩: 你可以参考《当代青年问题》2009:1-6中的《漫谈西方外来节日的中国化改造——从年轻人热衷洋节谈起》中国传统节日的凝聚家族的功能;洋节的狂欢的功能.

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逄马迈恩:[答案] The Spring Festival of China is as important as western countries' Christmas. So they are indeed some similarities But because of differences in culture and may aspects, there are some differences as...

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逄马迈恩:[答案] The Spring Festival is the Chinese most important festival in traditional ,it indicates the beginning of the new year,every Chinese place,various nationalities .there have different celebration ways and methods in every place ,but no matter with what way ...

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