口技全文 英语翻译

作者&投稿:宫堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  京中有善口技者。会宾客大宴,于厅事之东北角,施八尺屏障,口技人坐屏障中,一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。众宾团坐。少顷,但闻屏障中抚尺一下满坐寂然,无敢哗者。 遥闻深巷中犬吠,便有妇人惊觉欠伸,其夫呓语。既而儿醒,大啼。夫亦醒。妇抚儿乳,儿含乳啼,妇拍而呜之。又一大儿醒,絮絮不止。当是时,妇手拍儿声,口中呜声,儿含乳啼声,大儿初醒声,夫叱大儿声,一时齐发,众妙毕备。满坐宾客无不伸颈,侧目,微笑,默叹,以为妙绝。 未几,夫齁声起,妇拍儿亦渐拍渐止。微闻有鼠作作索索,盆器倾侧,妇梦中咳嗽。宾客意少舒,稍稍正坐。 忽一人大呼:“火起”,夫起大呼,妇亦起大呼。两儿齐哭。俄而百千人大呼,百千儿哭,百千犬吠。中间力拉崩倒之声,火爆声,呼呼风声,百千齐作;又夹百千求救声,曳屋许许声,抢夺声,泼水声。凡所应有,无所不有。虽人有百手,手有百指,不能指其一端;人有百口,口有百舌,不能名其一处也。于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂,两股战战,几欲先走。 忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。撤屏视之,一人、一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。 (与原文有删改)
  京城里有个善于表演口技的人。一天,正赶上一家摆酒席大请宾客,在厅堂的东北角安放了八尺宽的屏风,让表演口技的人坐在屏风中,只有一张桌子、一把椅子、一把扇子、一块醒木罢了。各位的宾客相聚而坐。一会儿,只听见屏风中醒木拍了一下,在座的宾客都静悄悄的,没有敢大声说话的人。 (客人们)远远地听见深深的小巷中有狗叫声,接着就有妇女惊醒后打呵欠和伸懒腰的声音,丈夫说着梦话。过了一会儿,孩子醒了,大声哭着。丈夫也醒了。妻子轻拍孩子喂奶,孩子含着奶头哭,妇女又哼着唱着哄他睡觉。床上另一个大孩子醒了,大声唠叨个没完。在这时候,妇女用手拍孩子的声音,口里哼着哄孩子的声音,孩子含着奶头的哭声,大孩子刚醒过来的声音,丈夫责骂大孩子的声音,同时响起,各种绝妙的效果都有了。满座的宾客没有一个不伸长脖子,斜着眼睛,微微笑着,默默赞叹,认为奇妙极了。 过了一会儿,丈夫打呼噜声响起来了,妇女拍孩子的声音也渐渐停下。隐隐听到有老鼠活动的声音,盆子、器皿歪倒了,妇女在梦中发出了咳嗽声。宾客们的心情稍微松弛下来,逐渐端正了坐姿。 忽然听到一人高声呼喊“起火了!”丈夫起来高叫,妇女也起来高叫,两个孩子一齐哭。一会儿,成百上千的人高声喊叫,成百上千个小孩哭喊,成百上千只狗狂叫,当中还夹着劈里拍啦的声音和房屋倒塌的声音,着火爆炸声,呼呼的风声,千百种声音一齐响起;又夹着成百上千个呼救的声音,拉塌燃烧着的房屋时一齐用力的声音,抢救东西的声音,泼水的声音。凡是一切应该有的声音,没有不具备的。即使一人有一百只手,每只手有一百个手指,也不能指出其中一种;一人有一百张嘴,每张嘴有一百个舌头,也不能说清其中一个地方。在这时宾客们没有一个不变了脸色,离开席位,捋起衣袖,露出手臂,两腿打着哆嗦,几乎想要抢先离开。 忽然醒木一声,所有的声音都没有了。撤掉屏风再看,只有一个人、一张桌子、一把椅子、一把扇子,一块醒木罢了。 注释: 善:擅长 会:适逢,正赶上。 宴:举行宴会。 厅事:大厅,客厅。 施:设置,安放。 屏障:指屏风、围帐一类用来隔断视线的东西。 抚尺:艺人表演用的道具,也叫“醒木”。 但闻:只听见。但:只。闻:听见。 坐:通座 然:...的样子。 满坐寂然:全场静悄悄的。坐,通“座”座位。 犬吠:狗叫(声) 惊觉欠伸:惊醒后打哈欠,伸懒腰。欠伸:打哈欠,伸懒腰。 呓语:说梦话。 乳:喂奶。 呜:指轻声哼唱着哄小孩入睡。 絮絮:连续不断地说话 一时:同时 众妙毕备:各种妙处都具备,意思是各种声音都模仿得极像。毕:全、都。 侧目:偏着头看,形容听得入神。 默叹:默默地赞叹。 未几:不久。 齁(hōu):打鼾。 作作索索:老鼠活动的声音。 倾侧:翻倒倾侧。 意少舒:心情稍微放松了些。少:稍微。舒:伸展、松弛。 稍稍:时间副词,据《词源》释为“随即”,这里是渐渐。 俄而:一会儿。 中间(jiàn):其中夹杂着。 力拉崩倒:劈里啪啦,房屋倒塌。力拉:拟声词。 曳屋许许(hǔhǔ)声:(众人)拉塌(燃烧着的)房屋时一齐用力的呼喊声。曳:拉。许许:拟声词。 凡所应有,无所不有:应有尽有。形容声音之杂。 虽:即使。 名:说出。 股:大腿。 走:逃跑。 绝:消失。 稍稍:渐渐。 一词多义 1.坐:众宾团坐(坐下) 满坐寂然(同“座”,座位) 2.乳:妇抚儿乳(喂奶) 儿含乳啼(乳头) 3.而:既而儿醒(表时间副词的词尾,不译) 妇拍而呜之(连词,表并列) 4.妙:众妙毕备(妙处) 以为妙绝(好) 5.指:手有百指(手指) 不能指其一端(指出) 6.绝:以为妙绝(极) 群响毕绝(停止) 时间量词 少顷 既而 是时 一时 未几 忽 俄而 忽然 1.表示突然发生:忽 忽然 2.表示同时发生:一时 3.表示相继发生:既而 4.表示在特定的时间内发生:是时 5.表示过了很短时间就发生:俄而 少顷 未几

Shen Xiang far to hear dogs barking inside, there is a woman was awakened, yawned, Shenzhelanyao, her husband, talking gibberish. Moment, when children wake up, crying out loud. Her husband was awakened. Woman, patting the child feeding, or crying children his mouth nipples, woman side patting children on the one hand gently coax him to sleep humming. There a boy woke up, whining that all night. At this time, the woman slapped the child's voice, mouth to coax the child's hum, the voices of children crying nipple his mouth, the voice of the older children had just woke up, her husband yelled at the voices of older children, while all hair out
Answer: the capital where people have a good ventriloquist. There is a big day just in time feast, entertain guests, in the northeast corner of the living room, placed a curtain around a eight feet high, beatbox artist sitting inside the curtain, which only put a table, a chair , a fan, a piece of wood Bale. Guests sitting together in front of the curtain. After a child, only to hear the curtain to wake up inside a wood shot, the audience quiet, did not dare speak aloud.
Shen Xiang far to hear dogs barking inside, there is a woman was awakened, yawned, Shenzhelanyao, her husband, talking gibberish. Moment, when children wake up, crying out loud. Her husband was awakened. Woman, patting the child feeding, or crying children his mouth nipples, woman side patting children on the one hand gently coax him to sleep humming. There a boy woke up, whining that all night. At this time, the woman slapped the child's voice, mouth to coax the child's hum, the voices of children crying nipple his mouth, the voice of the older children had just woke up, her husband yelled at the voices of older children, while all hair out
Not too long before her husband snoring sound rang and the woman slowly making kids shoot and slowly stopped. Faintly heard the sound of rats Xixisuosuo, pot and other appliances tilt overturned the voice of the woman in the dream in the cough. Guests heard here, and I feel a little more relaxed, and gradually the body is sitting some.
Voices are performing too lifelike. Not an audience of guests craned his neck, oblique squint, smiled, and secretly admire, that shows extremely well.
Suddenly a man shouted: "fire do that," her husband up and crying, the woman is also up and cry. Two children together and cried. Moment, there are hundreds of people crying, hundreds of children crying, hundreds of dogs yelping. Mingled with the sound Pilipala houses collapsed, the fire burning issue burst of sound, whirring sound of the wind, amid the myriad voices rang together; and mixed with the voices of hundreds of thousands of people for help, people pulled down the fire burning housing together cries of force, save the sound of things, splashing water sounds. Those who in this case should have sound
Not the same as no. Even if a person has hundreds of hand, there are hundreds of fingers on each hand, one can not point out which of voice; even if a person has hundreds of mouths, each mouth has hundreds of tongue can not say One place to ah. In this case, the guests did not not scared face downcast, leaving seat, stroked the sleeves from exposing arms, thighs shaking shaking beat, almost like the first to run away.

Shen Xiang far to hear dogs barking inside, there is a woman was awakened, yawned, Shenzhelanyao, her husband, talking gibberish. Moment, when children wake up, crying out loud. Her husband was awakened. Woman, patting the child feeding, or crying children his mouth nipples, woman side patting children on the one hand gently coax him to sleep humming. There a boy woke up, whining that all night. At this time, the woman slapped the child's voice, mouth to coax the child's hum, the voices of children crying nipple his mouth, the voice of the older children had just woke up, her husband yelled at the voices of older children, while all hair out
Answer: the capital where people have a good ventriloquist. There is a big day just in time feast, entertain guests, in the northeast corner of the living room, placed a curtain around a eight feet high, beatbox artist sitting inside the curtain, which only put a table, a chair , a fan, a piece of wood Bale. Guests sitting together in front of the curtain. After a child, only to hear the curtain to wake up inside a wood shot, the audience quiet, did not dare speak aloud.
Shen Xiang far to hear dogs barking inside, there is a woman was awakened, yawned, Shenzhelanyao, her husband, talking gibberish. Moment, when children wake up, crying out loud. Her husband was awakened. Woman, patting the child feeding, or crying children his mouth nipples, woman side patting children on the one hand gently coax him to sleep humming. There a boy woke up, whining that all night. At this time, the woman slapped the child's voice, mouth to coax the child's hum, the voices of children crying nipple his mouth, the voice of the older children had just woke up, her husband yelled at the voices of older children, while all hair out
Not too long before her husband snoring sound rang and the woman slowly making kids shoot and slowly stopped. Faintly heard the sound of rats Xixisuosuo, pot and other appliances tilt overturned the voice of the woman in the dream in the cough. Guests heard here, and I feel a little more relaxed, and gradually the body is sitting some.
Voices are performing too lifelike. Not an audience of guests craned his neck, oblique squint, smiled, and secretly admire, that shows extremely well.
Suddenly a man shouted: "fire do that," her husband up and crying, the woman is also up and cry. Two children together and cried. Moment, there are hundreds of people crying, hundreds of children crying, hundreds of dogs yelping. Mingled with the sound Pilipala houses collapsed, the fire burning issue burst of sound, whirring sound of the wind, amid the myriad voices rang together; and mixed with the voices of hundreds of thousands of people for help, people pulled down the fire burning housing together cries of force, save the sound of things, splashing water sounds. Those who in this case should have sound
Not the same as no. Even if a person has hundreds of hand, there are hundreds of fingers on each hand, one can not point out which of voice; even if a person has hundreds of mouths, each mouth has hundreds of tongue can not say One place to ah. In this case, the guests did not not scared face downcast, leaving seat, stroked the sleeves from exposing arms, thighs shaking shaking beat, almost like the first to run away.

Beijing has good vocals. Large banquet guests will TingShi in the northeast, and eight feet barrier, sit barrier, launched a desk, a chair, a stroke, a ruler. All the guest group sits. ShaoQing, but the smell of a ruler, touch screen full sit; without dare ack. Yao smell fall, barking, the woman QianShen fixed Cardiff. Then, big cry. ' Steve is awake. Women with breast stroke son, milk, son of bitch and ca-caw. And a son, pour more awake. When the woman be clap son, sound, um, son contain milk crow, big son early, sound rather awake, a big son qi, the wonderful BiBei. With all the guests sit out neck, smiling, vision, and good thought. Matter staining, sound, women also gradually took son clap gradually. Micro smell have rat as cable, basin, the woman is heeling dream cough. Soldiers, slightly less comfortable guest meaning is sitting. Suddenly a people called "fire", a great shout, women also a great shout. Two son's crying. People call EEr turns, crying, turns turns son bark. Pull down the middle forces collapses. Hot wind, shout together; turns, Again, turns clip for house, drag a spoiled, water spilt. All that, omniscient. Although people with hand and have 100 refers to the end, not to, People have, have 100 million, can't name one also. Then all the guests leave discoloration, courageously sleeve, two arms out several trembled to go first. Suddenly a touch of ring tomorrow, ruler. Removed, screen, one desk, one chair, one stroke, a ruler.

Beijing has had a ventriloquist who specializes. There is a big day just in time feast, entertain guests, in the northeast corner of the living room, placed a curtain around a eight feet high, beatbox artist sitting inside the curtain, which only put a table, a chair , a fan, a piece of wood Bale. Guests sitting together in front of the curtain. After a child, only to hear the curtain to wake up inside a wood shot, the audience quiet, did not dare speak aloud.
Shen Xiang far to hear dogs barking inside, there is a woman was awakened, yawned, Shenzhelanyao, her husband, talking gibberish. Moment, when children wake up, crying out loud. Her husband was awakened. Woman, patting the child feeding, or crying children his mouth nipples, woman side patting children on the one hand gently coax him to sleep humming. There a boy woke up, whining that all night. At this time, the voice of the woman slapped the child, the child hum coax his mouth, his mouth nipple children crying voice, the voice of big kids just wake up, her husband yelled at the voices of older children, and have issued out a variety of voice acting was lifelike. Not an audience of guests craned his neck, oblique squint, smiled, and secretly admire, that shows extremely well.
Not too long before her husband snoring sound rang and the woman slowly making kids shoot and slowly stopped. Faintly heard the sound of rats Xixisuosuo, pot and other appliances tilt overturned the voice of the woman in the dream in the cough. Guests heard here, and I feel a little more relaxed, and gradually the body is sitting some.
Suddenly a man shouted: "fire do that," her husband up and crying, the woman is also up and cry. Two children together and cried. Moment, there are hundreds of people crying, hundreds of children crying, hundreds of dogs yelping. Mingled with the sound Pilipala houses collapsed, the fire burning issue burst of sound, whirring sound of the wind, amid the myriad voices rang together; and mixed with the voices of hundreds of thousands of people for help, people pulled down the fire burning housing together cries of force, save the sound of things, splashing sound. Those who in this case should have sound, not the same as no. Even if a person has hundreds of hand, there are hundreds of fingers on each hand, one can not point out which of voice; even if a person has hundreds of mouths, each mouth has hundreds of tongue can not say One place to ah. In this case, the guests did not not scared face downcast, leaving seat, stroked the sleeves from exposing arms, thighs shaking shaking beat, almost like the first to run away.
Suddenly wake up wood for a shot, a variety of sounds all disappeared. Dropping the curtain for a look inside a person, a table, a fan, a piece of wood Bale.

邵武市18526739948: 有谁知道课文“口技”的翻译请速速回答,急需!!!
毕肯盐酸: 口 技 作者:林嗣环 Translated Text 译 文 原 文 Original Text 京城里有个擅长口技的人.一天正赶上有一家大摆酒席,宴请宾客,在客厅的东北角,安放了一座八尺高的围...

邵武市18526739948: 口技翻译! -
毕肯盐酸: 不知道你要“口技”的英文翻译还是文言文翻译,所以都给了:(1)口技的英文是 ventriloquism,口技表演者的英文是 ventriloquist (2)《口技》文言文翻译: 京城里有个擅长表演口技的人.一天正赶上有一家人宴请宾客,在客厅的东北角...

邵武市18526739948: 口技英文翻译 -
毕肯盐酸: vocal mimicry 清代的时候,京城有个人口技表演特别高超.Qing Dynasty, Beijing is especially superb individual vocal mimicry performances. 一天,有一家人请来许多客人,听他表演口技.One day, a number of guests were invited to hear him ...

邵武市18526739948: 口技翻译 -
毕肯盐酸: 译文 京城里有个擅长口技的人.一天正赶上有一家大摆酒席,宴请宾客,在客厅的东北角,安放了一座八尺高的围幕,表演口技的艺人坐在围幕里面,里面只放了一张桌子、一把椅子、一把扇子、一块醒木罢了.客...

邵武市18526739948: 《口技》未被删改原文和翻译? -
毕肯盐酸: 口技朝代:清代作者:林嗣环原文: 京中有善口技者.会宾客大宴,于厅事之东北角,施八尺屏障,口技人坐屏障中,一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已.众宾团坐.少顷,但闻屏障中抚尺一下,满坐寂然,无敢哗者. 遥闻深巷中犬吠,便有妇...

邵武市18526739948: 《口技》的翻译
毕肯盐酸: 1、座位上所有的宾客没有一个不伸长脖子,偏着头看,微笑,默默地赞叹着,认为妙极了. 2、宾客的心情稍微放松了些,渐渐坐正了身子. 3、凡是应该有的声音,没有一样没有的. 4、中间夹杂着劈里啪啦房屋倒塌的声音 5、一会儿,成百上千的人大喊,成百上千的孩子哭,成百上千只狗叫. 6、人有一百张口,每张口上有百条舌头,也不能说出其中的一个地方. 7、在这种情况下,所有座位上的宾客没有不变了脸色离开席位,捋起袖子,露出手臂,两腿发抖,几乎想先逃跑.

邵武市18526739948: 请教《口技》的翻译 -
毕肯盐酸: 译文 京城里有个擅长表演口技的人.一天,正赶上一家摆酒席大请宾客,在厅堂的东北角安放了八尺宽的屏风,让表演口技的人坐在屏风中,只有一张桌子、一把椅子、一把扇子、一块醒木罢了.各位的宾客相聚而坐.一会儿,只听见屏风中...

邵武市18526739948: 《口技》翻译
毕肯盐酸: (客人们)远远地听见深深的小巷中有狗叫声,接着就有妇女惊醒后打呵欠和伸懒腰的声音,她的丈夫说着梦话.过了一会儿,孩子醒了,大声哭着.丈夫也醒了.妻子轻拍孩子喂奶,孩子含着奶头哭,妇女又哼着唱着哄他睡觉.床上另一个大孩子醒了,大声唠叨个没完.在这时候,妇女用手拍孩子的声音,口里哼着哄孩子的声音,孩子含着奶头的哭声,大孩子刚醒过来的声音,丈夫责骂大孩子的声音,同时响起,各种绝妙的效果都有了.满座的宾客没有一个不伸长脖子,斜着眼睛,微微笑着,默默赞叹,认为奇妙极了.

邵武市18526739948: 《口技》的翻译? -
毕肯盐酸: 课文译文 京城里有一个善于表演口技的人.(一天)正好碰上有一家大摆酒席请客,在客厅的东北角上安放了一个八尺宽的屏风,这位表演口技的艺人坐在屏风内,里面只放了一张桌子、一把椅子、一副扇子、一块醒木罢了.客人们围坐在一起...

邵武市18526739948: 【口技】的翻译以及全文解析 -
毕肯盐酸: 『原文』 京中有善口技者.会宾客大宴,于厅事之东北角,施八尺屏障,口技人坐屏障中,一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已.众宾团坐.少顷,但闻屏障中抚尺一下,满坐寂然,无敢哗者. 遥闻深巷中犬吠,便有妇人惊觉欠伸,其夫呓语....

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