
作者&投稿:牟鱼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A lot of tourists from all over the world come to visit Taishang Mountain every year.

quantities of
a large number of
a lot of

How do you say mount tai every year attracts tourists from all over the world to admire the beauty of it?

2018年12月大学英语六级翻译试题:泰山(1) 泰山称东岳,以“五岳独尊”的盛名享誉古今。按照“五行学说”,东方属木,主生发,有生命之源、万物之本的含义。这就是古代帝王通常在自己登基或晚年时到泰山封禅祭拜的原因。泰山拔地通天,气势磅礴,汉语又有“稳如泰山”、“重于泰山”之说。1987年,...

[Huangshan mountains] 中国名山,在安徽省东南部,主峰1841米,风景秀丽,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉闻名于世,为重要风景旅游胜地 [Mount Taishan]∶东岳,中国五岳之首,中国名山,海拔1524米,位于山东泰安境内。古代帝王多在此封禅、祭告天地,多古迹和文人墨迹,为旅游胜地 Bijia mountains ...

climb Mount Tai

泰山是国家重点名胜景区之一,它以五岳独尊名扬天下,为中国十大名山之首。From September 6 to 9 every year, Mount Tai International mountaineering Festival gathers tourists from all over the world to climb Mount Tai, which shows that Mount Tai has great charm.每年9月6日到9日是泰山国际...

泰山的景物 用英语怎么说?
2015-02-11 泰山用英语怎么说 3 2014-01-24 我想要介绍泰山的英文及翻译 32 2013-07-31 形容关于泰山风景优美的英文句子,2--3句话 急需 3 2010-09-01 泰山用英语怎么说 2 2014-09-14 欢迎你来到泰山,用英语怎么说 1 2010-12-17 泰山的风景很好用英语怎么说 4 2015-06-24 泰山英语怎么说 ...

这句话可以这样翻译:In ancient times, Mount Tai had been a shrine for about 300 years.Shrine 名词,朝拜圣地的意思。

Taishan Wilderness Outdoors 泰山原野户外,这一短语蕴含着对大自然的探索与亲近。泰山,作为中国的五岳之首,象征着自然的威严与壮丽。而“原野”则代表着广袤无垠的自然环境,是户外探险和休闲的理想之地。当这两者结合时,我们便能感受到一种与自然和谐共处的氛围。在英语中,“泰山原野...

Shandong is famous for Mount Tai.如果您认可我的答案,请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!

你好!我和我的同学上周去泰山旅游 My classmates and I took a trip to mount tai last week

At the Taishan Mountain we can see the sun rising from the east 我查过了,泰山英语是Taishan Mountain 另外不好意思我不确定开头是On 还是In还是at

顺义区14767076095: 泰山是如此的美丽每年都吸引了大量的游客.翻译 -
衅叛氨磷: Tarzan is so beautiful attracts a large number of visitors every year.

顺义区14767076095: 英文翻译:泰山因它迷人的风景(尤其是日出)和历史悠久的文化古迹而吸引国内外众多的游客来此游玩. -
衅叛氨磷: Sunrise taishan because of its charming scenery (especially) and has a long history of cultural relics and attracts numerous tourists both at home and abroad to visit here.希望采纳

顺义区14767076095: 每年都吸引众多世界各地游客,翻译 -
衅叛氨磷:[答案] Many visitors/travellers around the world are attracted here every year. 楼主没有给出主语,所以主动句不好翻译,

顺义区14767076095: 每年都吸引来自世界各地的游客的翻译是:什么意思 -
衅叛氨磷: 每年都吸引来自世界各地的游客 Every year attracts tourists from all over the world

顺义区14767076095: 帮我用英语整理一下1.简介:泰山位于山东中部,还把1,55米,中国名山之一,1987年被列为世界文化遗产.2.每年吸引来自国内外的游客,适宜徒步登山.2.... -
衅叛氨磷:[答案] Taishan ,of which the altitude is 1XXX55 meters,is one of the most famous mountains in China located in middle Shandong, Taishan is listed as the World Culture Relics and attracts hundreds of thousands of vistors from all over the world every year. The ...

顺义区14767076095: 泰山用英语怎么说?前面要加the吗?Mount Tai后面Tai要加一点吗?--Mount Tai. -
衅叛氨磷:[答案] Mount Taishan 原来也有用过Mount Tai

顺义区14767076095: 泰山的资料 英文加中文翻译(拜托少一点,300字即可!) -
衅叛氨磷: 泰山古称岱山,又称岱宗.位于山东省中部,为中国五岳(泰山、华山、衡山、嵩山、恒山)之一.因地处东部,故称东岳.泰山总面积426平方公里,主峰玉皇顶海拔1532.8米,雄伟壮丽,气势磅礴,名胜古迹众多,有'五岳独尊'之誉....

顺义区14767076095: 英语翻译举世闻名的泰山 泰山---五岳独尊之首 是中国的著名高山 坐落于山东 泰安.泰山高1514米泰山人文历史悠久,文化遗产丰厚.山上有许多古老的景点.... -
衅叛氨磷:[答案] Taishan famous Taishan and culture - Only the first is China's famous mountains located in Tai'an of Shandong.Taishan 1,...there are many ancient attractions .1987 was included in the World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.Taishan ancient life,would ...

顺义区14767076095: 用英语怎么形容泰山很雄伟 -
衅叛氨磷: Taishan, usually refers to the Five Sacred Mountains in China first, also known as Dongyue, Mount Taishan in Shandong Province is located in the middle of the tall magnificent natural landscape, the infiltration of thousands of years of spiritual ...

顺义区14767076095: 英语翻译1.每张票可供两人入场参加聚会(admit)2.长城每年吸引来自世界各地的游客(attract) -
衅叛氨磷:[答案] Every ticket can admit two people to the party. The Great Wall attracts tourists from all over the world every year.

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