我心中的白马王子 作文:100字英文 3个半小时之内解决

作者&投稿:逯纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ He is medium build and tall,he has short straight biack hair and blue eyes.He should be clean-shaven,good-looking .He is good at school-working,so he is popular in the school.And he does well in basketball and tennis.So many girls send lettles and gifts to him.But he always refuses them.Because he only loves me,nobody can change his heart.When I am in trouble,he can help me do it.When he stays with me,I never feel alone.Only because he is staying with me.Every time he sees me with his blue eyes,I knows I already own happiness.

舞阳县13026041918: 我心中的白马王子作文:100字英文 3个半小时之内解决 -
弘虹复方:[答案] He is medium build and tall,he has short straight biack hair and blue eyes.He should be clean-shaven,good-looking .He is good at school-working,so he is popular in the school.And he does well in basketball and tennis.So many girls send lettles and gifts...

舞阳县13026041918: 我心中的白马王子 -
弘虹复方: He is medium build and tall,he has short straight biack hair and blue eyes.He should be clean-shaven, good-looking .He is good at school-working,so he is popular in the school.And he does well in basketball and tennis.So many girls send lettles ...

舞阳县13026041918: 我理想中的白马王子 英语作文 -
弘虹复方: In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer. Some ...

舞阳县13026041918: 你心中的白马王子是什么样子的? 请翻译. -
弘虹复方: 你心中的白马王子是什么样子的? 请翻译.How is the Mr.Right in your mind? 或What is the Mr.Right like in you mind? 因为how = what....like

舞阳县13026041918: 你心中的白马王子是怎样的? -
弘虹复方: 我希望我心目中的白马王子对我很好,不抽烟,一般不喝酒,两个人能够和睦相处,偶尔有些打打闹闹都是可以的

舞阳县13026041918: 我心目中的白马王子是什么样子的? -
弘虹复方: 每个女孩都憧憬她们内心的白马王子,但所谓的白马王子也只能是在童话里出现,没有哪个男孩能够像真正的白马王子那么完美无缺.所以聪明的女孩们知道,当她们找到她们最爱的那个男孩的时候,那就是她们心目中最理想的王子.

舞阳县13026041918: 谁能用英语翻译下这句话:我心目中的白马王子是这样的 -
弘虹复方: the Prince Charming in my mind is like this

舞阳县13026041918: 女生心目中的白马王子是什么样? -
弘虹复方: “白马王子”大都是世袭或简单的继承,而非靠自己的努力.而真正的亚瑟王决非如此,全靠自己拼杀出来.不过传说中亚瑟王的确无比神勇、睿智、坚毅、大度和富有远见.

舞阳县13026041918: 你心中的白马王子是什么样子的?请翻译. -
弘虹复方:[答案] 你心中的白马王子是什么样子的?请翻译. How is the Mr.Right in your mind? 或What is the Mr.Right like in you mind? 因为how = what.like

舞阳县13026041918: 您心目中的白马王子是什么样的?
弘虹复方: 你若爱他,他的缺点你都能接受;你不爱他,优点也能变缺点 我曾幻想我的王子一定要白白净净,有着温柔的性格和眼神,身材挺拔,气宇轩昂,有着良好的教养,对我疼爱有加,有着稳定的工作不错的收入,孝敬父母... 但现实和理想是有区别的,我遇到了他,可我偏偏想不到,他应该有坚定的信念能和我走下去,不是顾虑重重,不是只想事业舍弃我... 现实和理想是有差别的,所以找一个爱你的人最重要,有了对你的爱,就会有责任心,钱也自然会有的,只要两人在一起开心.努力的话都会有的 愿天下有情人终成眷属

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