端午节传统文化的一分钟英语演讲 初一的

作者&投稿:苌栋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Yesterday was Dragon Boat Festival. I and my father went to YongZhou. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“bob, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

Good morning everyone! I am LinBo,from Putian. We have known each other for some time, I' m very pleased to make frieds with every boy and girl.I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I haven’t been to other countries. What a pity!
Of my presentation today is entitled Dragon Boat Festival in May had five. Fifth lunar month, known as Dragon Boat Festival, client is the beginning, early means. Fifth Five-side can be called. Dragon Boat Festival will be called in some places in May Festival, Ai Festival, summer festivals. Chinas Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people. Began in the Spring and Autumn Period, more than 2,000 years of history has been. Dragon Boat Festival and the origin of many legends, there are: to commemorate Qu Yuan, said that the Memorial and Memorial said Caoe; According to Mr. Wen Yiduo the test of Dragon Boat Festival and Dragon Boat Festival the history of education cited research, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, China South Wuyue ancient totem national festival held in the festival, earlier than the Yuan. But thousands of years, Qu Yuans patriotism and his touching poem, it has been widely popular. In the field of folk culture, the Chinese people in the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat races and eating rice dumplings, are linked with the commemoration of Qu Yuan.

Today, I gave the students tell us about Qu Yuan said: Qu Yuan, is the minister of the Spring and Autumn Period . Ju-yin, he advocated empowerment, strongly linked Qi met with strong opposition from the aristocracy, Qu Yuan was greedy removal, were exiled. In exile, wrote a care for the Li Sao, Heaven, Nine Songs and other immortal poems, far-reaching (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as a poet). 278 BC, the Qin Chu Kyoto break. Quyuan see their country invaded, , but still can not bear to give up their own motherland, in the May 5, in the pen to write the way for after the death of Miluo River bouldering vote to their own lives wrote a magnificent piece of patriotism. Legend of Qu Yuans death, Chu abnormal grief people have rushed to pay tribute to Qu Yuan Miluo River. Fisherman from the vessel are designated in the river to salvage his round. A fisherman out of rice ready for Qu Yuan, eggs and other food, thump, thump, and thrown into the River, the said fish is to eat a lobster crab, it would not have bent a doctors physical. See below follow the example of people one after another. An old doctor was brought into a scene hsiunghuang wine-ri, said that the water dragon drunk beast collapsed, the doctor would not hurt the enemy. Later, for the dragon balls in order to avoid the food, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, developed into a .

Which is essential for the activities of the day evolved as follows: eating dumplings, dragon-boat race, hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, Angelica dahurica, hsiunghuang wine to drink. It is said that eating rice dumplings and dragon-boat race is in memory of Qu Yuan, so after the liberation of the Dragon Boat Festival had to be called the Poets Day to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, Angelica dahurica, hsiunghuang wine to drink, it is said to be evil in order to pressure.

Dragon Boat Festival in addition to known people eat rice dumplings, the rich have around. Monopterus eat egg noodles tea fan Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, the Dragon Boat Festival tea eggs and salt to eat eggs. Eggs are eggs, duck, goose. Eggshell painted red net bags with colorful, and hung on the neck of a child means a child wishes , safe and sound. Eat rice cake to eat fried dumplings and so on. I like to eat rice dumplings, and the North and the South throughout the different customs, dumplings of various sizes, there are salty sweet, have reached a large, three catties giant dumpling pocket, and there are small and small, passport-size longer than the sweet dumpling. . I have eaten Leshan we produced the best son to eat meat, the rice holding in meat, fat and not greasy, eating up a pepper and the fresh bamboo leaves, articulate Liuxiang, long taste. The most valuable is cheap, there are 82 of each weight, only two of five cents.

Today, Dragon Boat Festival is the Chinese people is still a very popular in the grand festival. Starting in 2008, China for the promotion of national culture, national traditions reservations will be classified as statutory holidays in May Fifth

今天我演讲的题目是《五月五过端午》。 农历五月初五,俗称“端午节”,端是“开端”、“初”的意思。初五可以称为端五。一些地方又将端午节称之为五月节、艾节、夏节。端午节是我国汉族人民的传统节日。始于春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。端午节的由来与传说很多,主要有:纪念屈原说、纪念伍子胥说和纪念曹娥说;据闻一多先生的《端午考》和《端午的历史教育》列举考证,端午的起源,是中国古代南方吴越民族举行图腾祭的节日,比屈原更早。但千百年来,屈原的爱国精神和感人诗辞,已广泛深入人心。在民俗文化领域,中国民众把端午节的赛龙舟和吃粽子,都与纪念屈原联系在一起。





  Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It falls on the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar. A day before this festival, my mother and grandmother began to make zongzi. Of course, I would act as assistant. But it turned out that I was more of a hindrance than a help. When they finished, they started to cook them. This process needed a long time, because I could have them in the next day. Zongzi was very delicious. On the day of dragon boat festival, our family prepared for dinner after having breakfast. Everyone of my family will come back home for the solid diet. Chicken is indispensable on the dinner desk in Chinese traditional festival. There were many delicious foods, which made me watering. I ate lots of them. It is a wonderful festival.

1、系五彩绳 在古代,人们迷信端午节这天是一年中最不吉利、毒气最重的日子。所以,端午节时,人们要用青、白、红、黑和黄五种彩线编成的线绳,在孩子手腕上带上五彩绳,以辟邪驱瘟、逢凶化吉。2、挂艾草 端午的时候,是入夏的第一个节日,气温上升,也正是疾病多发的时期,所以很早之前人们通...


1.吃粽子 吃粽子,这是中国人民的又一传统习俗。粽子,又叫“角黍”、“筒粽”。其由来已久,花样繁多。从春秋时期一直到今天,每年五月初,中国百姓家家都要浸糯米、洗粽叶、包粽子,其花色品种更为繁多。从馅料看,北方多包小枣的北京枣粽;南方则有豆沙、鲜肉、火腿、蛋黄等多种馅料,其中以浙江...

农历五月初五,端午节。按照传统习俗,在这一天,人们要赛龙舟、插艾草、喝雄黄酒,进行多种多样的纪念活动。但对于大多数人而言,这些习俗和“老礼儿”正渐行渐远,这个节日所留下的仅仅是吃粽子这样简单的意味。端午节传统文化的精髓不该忘!不能丢!让我们一起来看看正宗的端午节是怎样过的~ 1、吃粽子 端午佳节,...

悬于钗头,或系于小儿之背。”其中唐宋时,更有宫廷赐大臣此种节物之事。史载唐代宗兴元元年端节,宫廷曾赐百索一轴。又《宋史·礼志十五》:“前一日,以金缕延寿带、彩丝续命缕分赐百官。节日戴以入。”端午节传统文化习俗:荷包 戴香包,香包又叫香袋、香囊、荷包等,有用五色丝线缠成的,...

端午节风俗以祈福纳祥、压邪攘灾等形式展开,内容丰富多彩,热闹喜庆。 端午节的习俗 1、吃粽子 全国人民都有一个共同的习俗,就是要在端午节吃粽子,这个习俗也有几百年的历史了,已经成为中国传统文化的一部分。古代粽子又叫角黍、筒粽。角黍是因粽子的形状有棱有角,内包有糯米而得名;筒粽是因最初的粽子用竹筒贮...

端午节,是拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节,它不仅清晰地记录着先民丰富而多彩的社会生活文化内容,也积淀着博大精深的历史文化内涵。端午节习俗众多,比如吃粽子、赛龙舟、拴五色丝线、饮蒲酒、雄黄酒、朱砂酒以及打午时水等。1、吃粽子 粽子,又叫“角黍”、"粽籺"、“筒粽”。

2009年,端午节成为我国首个入选世界非物质文化遗产目录的传统节日。几千年来,源远流长的端午节一直是我国全民避瘟驱邪、祈求健康长寿的民俗节日,习俗形式多样,内容丰富多彩,下面我们来说几个端午习俗。 1、扒龙舟 扒龙舟是多人集体划桨竞赛,是端午节的一项重要活动,是古代龙图腾祭祀的节仪,乃遗俗也。是端午节...


中国传统文化中,象征五方五行的五种颜色"青、红、白、黑、黄"被视为吉祥色。端午以五色丝线系臂,曾是很流行的节俗。传到后世,即发展成如长命缕、长命锁、香包等许多种漂亮饰物,制作也日趋精致,成为端午节特有的民间艺品。 在端午节这天,孩子们要在手腕脚腕上系上五色丝线以驱邪。传统之俗,用红绿黄白黑色粗...

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进彪星伯: Dragon Boat Festival 端午节This day is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, People often get together to watch the wonderful “Dragon Boat Race”(龙舟大赛),Rice Dumpling(粽子) is a must on Dragon Boat Festival. People eat Rice Dumpling in memory of the famous poet-屈原who died on this day many years ago.

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进彪星伯: 中秋: Mid-autumn Day falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month(农历). On that night the moon is brighter and fuller than any other night. In China, Mid-autumn Day is a time for family reunions (团圆). 端午: The Dragon Boat Festival, ...

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进彪星伯: The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year. ...

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