
作者&投稿:局妹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


3 officell=office+cell
4 一对父母共有7个女儿,每个女儿都有一个兄弟,那么这个家庭共多少人?——7+1+2=10

there is a restaurant on the top of the mountain. I never saw anything like that. The food in the restaurant is delicious. My family and i always come and grab something to eat.To the east of the mountain, there is a zoo. In the zoo there are different kinds of animals: there are birds; fish and monkeys. I like to feed the birds. Follow the path which is north to the zoo there will be a hill full of green grass. There are many couples walking amount the hills. Last time i saw a couple is having a picnic there. There are many other interesting places in the nature park. But i think the tings that i listed above is the most interesting places to me.

单词不需要全用吧 介于你要六年级的,里面有包含语法和部分单词错误。
作业还是自己写得好, 你老师有可能也在看这个问题呢。 还有欧美再怎么跌,瘦死的骆驼比马大,将来英语还是有用的。

From climbing mountains,I see so many beautiful flowers,birds are singing happily ,trees are so green ,we can also enjoy the green grass,then we feel a little tired ,so we decide to eat in a restaurant ,we order some fish ,they taste nice.After that ,we see some small hills,forests and so on.I like the nature park!





六上英语课堂作业本全册答案 Unit1 1. B C D A E 2. 1) by bus 2) by train 3) on foot by bike 1. C A B F D E 3. on foot by bus by bike 3 1. on foot by bike by bus by train \/ by car…2. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) B 4 3. traffic lights traffic rules...

初一的第一个学期就这样结束了.迎来了盼望已久的寒假. 时光飞逝,斗转星移。转眼成为XX一员已半年多了。回首这半年的点点滴滴,朝朝暮暮,心中顿生了许多感触。这半年中经历的每一天,都已在我心中留下了永久的印记,因为这些印记见证我这样一个新生的成长。在过去半年的内,通过不断地学习,我收获...

那么, 如何利用英语课堂作业本, 让作业本成为激励学生的学习平台, 笔者认为可从以下几个方面着手: 1. 改变传统的批改符号作业是学生学习效果与态度的综合反映,传统的作业批改符号是打“× ”“√”。然而, 当学生看到“×”太多时, 可能影响订正的心情和对英语学习的兴趣。于是, 在作业批改符号上, ...





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