
作者&投稿:旗璐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
总结初一到初二的英语单词全部词性 大约120个 紧急 ! 谢谢了。~



sing singer read reader own owner perform performer piano pianist tour tourist violin violinist travel traveler direct director direction discuss discussion visit visitor village villager terror terrorist law lawyer post poster wait waiter waitress behave behavior free freedom fly flight true truth learn learner golf golfer achieve achievement listen listener own owner interview interviewer program programming programmer busy business businessman high height king kingdom describe description gym gymnast head headache stomach stomachache ill illness safe safety 8.wake awake 9. end ending light lighting say saying think thought find finding build building mean meaning follow following 10.please pleased pleasure pleasant unpleasant 11.science scientist scientific 12. relax relaxing relaxed .embarrass embarrassing embarrassed exhaust exhausting exhausted tire tired tiring interest interesting interested bore bored boring surprise surprising surprised amaze amazed amazing frustrate frustrating frustrated scare scared scary disappoint disappointment disappointing disappointed 13.silence silent 14.thin thinner thinnest fat fatter fattest red redder reddest big bigger biggest wet wetter wettest hot hotter hottest 15.danger dangerous 16. adjust adjustable suit suitable comfortable uncomfortable 17.break broken speak spoken annoy annoyed lose lost terrify terrified worry worried 18.memory memorize 19.fair unfair friend friendly unfriendly friendship happy unhappy happily happiness familiar unfamiliar important

一 名词变复数
man-men businessman-businessmen
woman-women businesswoman-businesswomen
Englishman-Englishmen Frenchwoman-Frenchwomen
policeman-policemen fisherman-fishermen
human-humans walkman-walkmans
Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese
German-Germans month-months
sheep-sheep deer-deer
mouse-mice child-children
half-halves knife-knives
leaf-leaves photo-photos
tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes
hero-heroes mango-mangoes
stomach-stomachs (胃,肚子)bamboo-bamboos
brush-brushes boot-boots
tooth-teeth foot-feet
zoo piano radio photo bamboo yo-yo kilo 变为复数加s。
二 名词变形容词
south-southern north-northern
west-western east-eastern
nature-natural interest-interesting interested
beauty-beautiful surprise-surprised surprising
use-useful care-careful careless
harm-harmful wool-woolen/woollen
meaning-meaningful wood-wooden
thought-thoughtful gold-golden
home-homeless noise-noisy
power-powerful health-healthy
peace-peaceful luck-lucky
pain-painful colour-colourful
success-successful cheer-cheerful/cheerless
delight-delightful end-endless
safety-safe guilt-guilty
difficulty-difficult sun-sunny-sunnier
fog-foggy-foggier (有雾的) rain-rainy-rainier
snow-snowy-snowier wind-windy-windier
mud-muddy(泥的)-muddier cloud-cloudy-cloudier
mist-misty(有霜的) dirt-dirty-dirtier
fun-funny-funnier fame-famous
danger-dangerous poison-poisonous
pride-proud height-high
confidence-confident difference-different
importance-important music-musical
medicine-medical physics-physical
warmth-warm length-long
sadness-sad fitness-fit
heat-hot stress-stressed
energy-energetic week-weekly
day-daily talent-talented
crime-criminal experience-experienced
education-educational person-personal
will-willing wisdom-wise
三 动词变名词
teach-teacher print-printer
write-writer keep-keeper
own-owner win-winner
shop-shopper kidnap-kidnapper/kidnapping
steal-theft(n.盗窃)/thief rob-robbery/robber
shoplift-shoplifting/shoplifter murder-murderer/murder(n.凶杀案)
travel-traveller design-designer
conduct-conductor act-actor/actress
invent-inventor/invention operate-operation/operator
visit-visitor direct-director
train-training end-ending
build-building surf-surfing
warn-warning greet-greeting
begin-beginning cross-crossing
decide-decision discuss-discussion
describe-description donate-donation
introduce-introduction conclude-conclusion
prevent-prevention educate-education
pollute-pollution celebrate-celebration
suggest-suggestion attract-attraction
protect-protection invite-invitation
present-presentation organize-organizer/organization
perform-performance breathe-breath
affect-effect lose-loss
serve-service appear-appearance
arrive-arrival return-return
treat-treatment develop-development
advertise-advertisement achieve-achievement(完成,成绩)
move-movement improve-improvement
grow-growth mix-mixture
please-pleasure (with pleasure回答Can you help me```?
It’s my(one’s) pleasure回答Thank you . pleasant adj. :舒适的)
discover-discovery (发现) excuse-excuse
practice-practice know-knowledge
science-scientist art-artist
complain-complaint sick-sickness
四 动词变形容词
excite-excited/exciting amaze-amazing/amazed
frighten-frightened/frightening surprise-surprised/surprising
relax-relaxed/relaxing please-pleased/pleasing
live-alive-living miss-missing
lose-lost leave-left
go-gone be gone=be missing=be lost
worry-worried marry-married
imagine-imaginative create-creative
move-moving/moved/movable (令人感动的-感动的-可移动的)
wonder-wonderful thank-thankful
think-thoughtful cheer-cheerful
close-closed open-open
use-used(用过的)/useful/useless organize- organized
taste-tasty shine-shiny
die-dead/dying(死的/垂(要)死的) wake-awake
五 形容词变副词
slow-slowly wide-widely
especial-especially polite-politely
safe-safely (safe n.) wonderful-wonderfully
most-mostly sad-sadly
bad-badly loud-loudly
real-really straight-straightly
clear-clearly successful-successfully
true-truly possible-possibly
terrible-terribly simple-simply
comfortable-comfortably noisy-noisily
healthy-healthily lucky-luckily
gentle-gently free-freely
far-far 远 early-early早 close-close 靠近 deep-deep深 high-high高 late-late迟 near-near 靠近 hard-hard 困难的、硬的 wide-wide宽广的、张大的
deeply 深深地 highly 高度地 lately 最近 nearly 几乎 hardly几乎不 widely 广泛地
六 反义词
happy-unhappy(sad) true-untrue
like-unlike(prep.) usual-unusual
fair-unfair tidy-untidy
helpful-unhelpful-helpless comfortable-uncomfortable
necessary-unnecessary friendly-unfriendly
welcome-unwelcome able-unable-disabled
healthy-unhealthy kind-unkind
lucky-unlucky pleasant-unpleasant
known-unknown cover-discover
appear-disappear ever/always-never
like-dislike(verb.不喜欢)-unlike(prep.不像) honest-dishonest
agree-disagree pull-push
entrance-exit empty-full
hungry-full win/beat-lose
harmful-harmless with-without
die-live dead-living
life-death safe-dangerous
safety-danger polite-impolite
possible-impossible patient-impatient
modest-proud correct-incorrect
complete-incomplete active-inactive
regular-irregular noisy-quiet
七 基数词变序数词
four-fourth forty-fortieth
five-fifth fifteen-fifteenth fifty-fiftieth
eight-eighth twelve-twelfth
nine-ninth nineteen-nineteenth ninety-ninetieth
八 易混词
①medal 奖章 metal金属 mental 心理的、智力的
②worm 虫 warm adj.温暖的 v. 使······暖 warn n./v.警告
③expect 预期、料想 except 除了 expert 专家
④attract 吸引 attack 攻击
⑤effort n.努力 affect v.影响 effect n.影响(效果)
afford v.与can、could、be able to连用,表示有足够的时间或金钱去做某事,······得起 offer 提供
⑥stick v.贴 n.小树枝 strict 严格的 be strict with sb. in sth.
trick n. 恶作剧 play a trick on sb. sticker 贴纸
⑦connect v. 连接 connect A to B concert n. 音乐会
corner n. 角落 contact v. 联系 collect v.收集
⑧sense 感觉 scene 场面、布景
⑨image n.图标、图像 imagine v.想象
九 单词以辅元辅结尾且重读,双写辅音字母+ed,ing,er.
特别:lovely-more lovely tired-more tired
lively-livelier lonely-less(more) lonely

1. this(对应词)
2. that(对应词)
3. these(对应词)
4. those(对应词)
5. boy(对应词)
6. boy(复数)
7. thank(名词)
8. do not(缩写)
9. does not(缩写)
10. is not(缩写)
11. are not(缩写)
12. can not(缩写)
13. it is(缩写)
14. he is(缩写)
15. they are(缩写)
16. name is(缩写)
17. I am(缩写)
18. he’s(同音词)
19. Mrs(对应词)
20. number(缩写)
21. no(同义词)
22. no(同音词)
23. it (形容词性物主代词)
24. too(同音词)
25. box(复数)
26. watch(复数)
27. bus(复数)
28. brush(复数)
29. tooth(复数)
30. man(复数)
31. is(复数)
32. am(复数)
33. woman(复数)
34. I(形容词性物主代词)
35. no(反义词)
36. two(同音词)
37. your(人称代词)
38. he(复数)
39. hello(近义词)
40. know(同音异义词)
41. nice(近义词)
42. she(形容词性物主代词)
43. those(单数)
44. these(单数)
45. they(宾格)
46. we(宾格)
47. I(宾格)
48. she(宾格)
49. he(宾格)
50. it(宾格)
51. you(宾格)
52. man(反义词)
53. new(反义词)
54. my(主格)
55. black(反义词)
56. family(复数)
57. dictionary(复数)
58. boy(复数)
59. one(复数)
60. one(序数词)
61. two(序数词)
62. twelve(序数词)
63. twenty(序数词)
64. five(序数词)
65. nine(序数词)
66. eight(序数词)
67. China(形容词)
68. America(形容词)
69. American(表国家的名词)
70. Chinese(表国家的名词)
71. women(原形)
72. child(复数)
73. come(反义词)
74. sell(反义词)
75. Let us(缩写)
76. me(主格)
77. they(形容词性物主代词)
78. light(复数)
79. Chinese(复数)
80. American(复数)
81. this(复数)
82. blouse(复数)
83. my sister(名词所有格)
84. Mary(名词所有格)
85. he(形容词性物主代词)
86. white(反义词)
87. from(反义词)
88. ask(反义词)
89. yes(反义词)
90. big(反义词)
91. short(反义词)
92. wife(复数)
93. day(复数)
94. factory(复数)
95. people(复数)
96. photo(复数)
97. potato(复数)
98. tomato(复数)
99. hero(复数)
100. piano(复数)
101. photo(复数)
102. Negro(复数)
103. late(反义词)
104. fly(第三人称单数)
105. go(第三人称单数)
106. watch(第三人称单数)
107. like(第三人称单数)
108. have(第三人称单数)
109. do(第三人称单数)
110. play(第三人称单数)
111. our(主格)
112. are(单数)
113. them(主格)
114. eighty(十八)
115. is am are(原形)
116. chess(复数)
117. class(复数)
118. clothes(复数)
119. house(复数)
120. trousers(复数)
121. pants(复数)
122. shorts(复数)
123. baby(复数)
124. our(单数)
125. me(形容词性物主代词)
126. right(同音异词)
127. their(同音词)
128. here(反义词)
129. it(复数)
130. he(复数)
131. sit down(反义词)
132. teach( 单数第三人称)
133. meat(同音异形词)
134. get up(反义词)
135. sell(名词)
136. too(同音词)
137. shop(名词)
138. swim(名词)
139. run(名词)
140. work(表人的名词)
141. swim(表人的名词)
142. sing(表人的名词)
143. wash(单数第三人称)
144. four(同音异形词)
145. the United States of America(简称)
146. television(缩写)
147. friendly(名词)
148. farm(改为名词“农民”)
149. study(单数第三人称)
150. also(同义词)
151. young(反义词)
152. little(反义词)
153. friend(形容词)
154. teach(名词)
155. much(反义词)
156. Englishman(复数)
157. knife(复数)
158. foot(复数)
159. picture(同义词)
160. Japanese(国名)
161. up(反义词)
162. teachers(名词所有格)
163. English(名词)
164. dad(对应词)
165. city(复数)
166. physical education(缩写)
167. good(最高级)
168. hour(同音词)
169. be(同音词)
170. real(副词)
171. fun(形容词)
172. comedy(复数)
173. sad(反义词)
174. party(复数)
175. May(同音词)
176. you(反身代词)
177. I(反身代词)
178. our(反身代词)
179. store(同义词)
180. big(反义词)
181. shoe(复数)
182. health(形容词)
183. every(同义词)
184. relax(形容词)
185. interest(形容词)
186. good(副词)
187. take(反义词)
188. under(反义词)
189. aren’t(同音词)
190. sun(同音词)
191. sister(对应词)
192. mother(对应词)
193. parent(复数)
194. first(反义词)
195. lost(反义词)
196. key(复数)
197. phone(同义词)
198. boy(对应词)
199. uncle(对应词)
200. people(复数)
201. before(反义词)
202. because(反义词)
203. job(同义词)
204. table(同义词)
205. student(对应词)

英语单词不仅可以通过加前缀构成新词,也可加后缀构成新词。后缀通常会改变单词的词性,构成意义相近的其他词性;少数后缀还会改变词义,变为与原来词义相反的新词。(1)构成名词的后缀常用的有-ence,-(e)r\/ -or (从事某事的人),-ese (某地人),-ess (雌性),-ful (一……),-ian (精通……的...

初中英语词性转换三 10道题 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路...
22. difference --用what提问东西,一般用名词回答,所以用different的名词形式。23. embarrassed --被动语态,动词用过去分词的形式。24. heroes --名词单复数的变换。单词以字母o结尾,变成复数时要在词尾加es。25. 这题得看上下文,才能确定主动、被动关系。不然有两个答案。如果“because he ...

he is interesting in collecting stamps he used to play basketball 1.easily 2.hard 3.truly 4.heavily 5.carefully 6happyily 7.fast 8.luckily 9.gently 10.possibly 11.angrily 12.sadly 13.well 14.badly 15.nearly 16.high 17.terribly 18.quickly 希望采纳,词性转换肯定对的 句子我觉得...

英语词性转换七大规则如下所示。1、动词转化为名词,post-postage,mail-mail,weigh-weight,advise-advice。2、动词转化成名词-形容词act-actor \/ actress-active,change-change-changeable。3、动词转化成形容词,副词,名词fill-full,need-necessary-necessarily,interest-interested \/interesting。4、名词...

英语单词的词性转换如下: 一、名词变形容词 (n.- adj.) 1. 在名词后面加-y可以变成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关的名词)。 例如:rain—rainy, cloud—cloudy, wind—windy, snow—snowy等。 1)如果名词以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母,这时应双写词尾的辅音 字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny, fun—fun...

英语词性转换七大规则:(1)动词转化为名词, post-postage、mail-mail、weigh-weight、advise-advice。(2)动词转化成名词-形容词,act-actor \/ actress-active、change-change-changeable。(3)动词转化成形容词,副词,名词 fill-full,need-necessary-necessarily interest(v. \/ n.) 。(4)名词转化为...

在英语中,有些词既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,如early, much, fast, little, wide, loud等。 由于这类词词性虽不同,但词形却一样,这就需要大家学会在特定语境中判断它们各自的词性。例句:Thank you very much. (adv.) 多谢。There is much water in the river. (adj.) 河里有很多水。The ...

英语词性转换包括:动词转化为名词;动词转化成名词-形容词;动词转化成形容词,副词,名词;名词转化为形容词;名词转化为名词复数;形容词转化为副词;形容词转化为副词,名词。(1)动词转化为名词, post-postage mail-mail weigh-weight advise-advice (2)动词转化成名词-形容词 act-actor \/ ...

词性转换是指一般的名词、动词、形容词、副词可以在添加或减去一些前或后缀后得到新的单词。名词转译成动词,一些由动词词根派生的名词以及含有动作意味的名词常可转译为汉语的动词,英语中介词的使用频率相对于汉语来说要高得多,实际上英语中很多介词在语境中可带有明显的动作意味。英语词性转换类型 (1)v...

你好:57 Simon's parents gave him a Chinese 【painting】as a birthday present .【解析】:1、gave 是动词,后面接名词或名词性短语,而Chinese 是形容词作定语,所以它后面必定是一个 名词。2、painting 意思是“图画;画” ;Chinese painting 意思是“中国画” 。3、前面有冠词 a ,所以...

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张家界市19190818057: 初中英语,词形变换1到10题
进温普西: 1. politely2. heard3. calling4. falling5. visitors6. millions7. salty8. feel9. pleasant10. useful

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进温普西:[答案] 1.friendly 2.fun 3.leaves 4.relaxing,relaxed 5.giraffes 6.zoos

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进温普西: 1. healthy (健康的),形容词修饰名词.2. tomatoes (西红柿),名词复数,注意复数需加es.3. has (吃),主语为单数,所以谓语动词使用第三人称单数.4. is(系动词),主语为不可数名词,所以谓语动词单数.5. running(跑步),动...

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张家界市19190818057: 几个英语词形转换题目1.serious(副词) 2.sure(副词) 3.worry(形容词) 4.diffent(名词) -
进温普西:[答案] 1.serious(副词) seriously 2.sure(副词) surely 3.worry(形容词) worrisome 4.different(名词) difference 欢迎追问』

张家界市19190818057: 求初一五道词性转换
进温普西: 词形转换 1. We are in _____ 3 middle School. (number) 2. Where _____ your mother? (be) 3. Tom and Tim like _____ football (play) 4. Everyone _____ a member of this society (社会) (be) 5.How many _____ are there in your mouth (嘴\口) ? (tooth)

张家界市19190818057: 英语词形转换8题.求助.在线等.急! -
进温普西: 1. going 2. to miss3. had written 4. interesting 5. envious (形容词,嫉妒的)6. inefficiency (无效率,低效率)7. employment8. accept

张家界市19190818057: 求20个七上英语词形变换题
进温普西: 1.The girl with a pair of _____ (glass) is Sandy. 2._____ (walk) is good for health. 3.Millie is very polite and _____ (help). 4.Different _____ (country) have different languages(语言). 5.Look! The man _____ (talk) with a woman. 6.What _____ she ...

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