
作者&投稿:戏初 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Singleton female college students with the only-child children in the comparative study of marriage - in shenzhen university
Objective: to compare the only-child of shenzhen university students and the only-child children the differences and similarities between love and marriage. Methods: many college students has carried on the questionnaire survey and interviews, will only children and not the singleton female test results were compared. Results: the only-child children only children and college students in some projects and marriage differences. Conclusion: the university students taking a cautious about marriage attitude; One-child in marriage issue value personal feeling; Singleton female college student on premarital cohabitation and sexual concept more open.
Keywords: one-child the singleton female college students' marriage comparative study

In this paper, starting from the analysis of the development environment of virtual currency, and combined with the development status of current domestic and foreign virtual currency, the documentary study, comparative study, summarizing method are employed to analyze their potential impact on the real financial system, and on this basis, the problems existed in the network virtual current market are explored, and some proposals are proposed for solving the problems related to the development of virtual currency.

Simple Analysis of Actuality and Countermeasure for Tourism Experiential Marketing

KEY WORDS:旅游业体验营销:Tourism Experiential Marketing;对策:Countermeasure ; 体验:Customer Experience (应该意译为客户体验)

ABSTRACT:Customer Experience is the core of modern tourism,it's also the core of tourism experiential marketing.
Because of the special experiential properties of tourism,the tourism experiential marketing becomes becoming focus of study.At the same time,the life stlye,cosumption conception,consume demand is changing greatly.
People are more likely to choose the products that can touch their deep feeling,and obtain satisfiction via the way of participation.Experiential Marketing is born to the demand of experiential properties for tourism.Experiential Marketing application in modern enterprises is just right to accommodate such transformation.

This essay is simply analysed the actuality of tourism experiential marketing in China,including the experiential marketing characteristics and connotation, and the necessity of its development to China's tourism.Based on these points,it aroused the problems in China's tourism experiential marketing,and discussed how to improve customer's experiential properties,offered related solutions to solve and improve these problems and issues,and try to satisfy customer's experiential demand to realize the intention of attracting and preserving clients,making profit.

终于翻译完啦,我妹妹也是学旅游的哦 可以直接拿去打印了

Experience is the core of modern tourism, tourist experience marketing core. Travel, tour of experiential marketing experience in agro-scientific research. Meanwhile, people's way of life, consumption idea, consumer demand also substantially transformed. Tourists can stimulate consumption of pay more attention to their heart and sense of products, and through the personality and get involved. Tourism experience marketing is adapted to the demand of tourist experience. The use of experiential marketing is traveling in the enterprise of a kind of adaptation.
Based on the analysis of the present situation of tourist experience marketing, including travel experience marketing characteristics and connotation and necessity of development of tourism on the basis of our tourist experience, and puts forward the problems in the process of marketing, further on how to improve the tourist consumer experience is discussed, and puts forward the relative countermeasures to improve and implement solutions to these problems. Tries to satisfy consumers' needs and achieve the experience of customer, attract and retain a profit objective

Analysis of the Tourism Experience Marketing and Countermeasures
Abstract: The experience is the core of modern tourism, is the core of tourism marketing experience. Travel outstanding experience, making the travel experience marketing has become one of the focus. At the same time, people's lifestyle, consumer attitudes, consumer demand has also undergone major changes. Tourists pay more attention to spending to stimulate their senses and mind of the products obtained through personal involvement and satisfaction. Travel experience of marketing is to adapt to the needs of tourism experience generated. Precisely the use of experiential marketing tourism enterprises to adapt to such a change.
This paper analyzes the status of tourism marketing experience, including experience of marketing content and characteristics of tourism and its development of tourism based on the need to put forward the process of tourism experience marketing problems, and further on how to improve tourism consumption experience of those who had discussed the implementation of measures proposed to improve the relative and resolve these issues. Experience by trying to meet consumer needs to attract and retain customers, the purpose of profit
Key words: Experience Travel Experience Marketing Strategy

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