
作者&投稿:柞言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



icecream, cream,tea, apple,biscuit ,egg, hotdog, fish, milk, meat, cake, pear, rice, water, lenmon,bread,

1.拜访我的外公外婆, 爬山,打扫我的房间, 洗衣服, 看电视, 跑步, 打乒乓球, 骑车, 帮助我的妈妈
2.是你自己把1.中的词组填进去,但是从星期三之后又要你自己填日期: thursday, friday, saterday,sunday

1: History sometimes seems to repeat itself. We could learn from the past to refrain from any rash actions or unnecessary mistakes right now or in the future.Murderous and dark periods of our history have resulted in lessons being learned. Look for example, at our modern society. In the past, genocide, theocratic governance, slavery, attacking civilians during war, and unfair trials all at some point were acceptable. If people had not documented these horrific events, ranging from the Holocaust, to the Armenian Genocide, to the Nagasaki and Hiroshima bombings, to the practice of burning "witches" in the Middle Ages, we would be bound to repeat them. Realize that these events came about because the general population stood idle while the few people consolidated their power in order to carry out these atrocities.

2.Mistakes can help us change deeply embedded norms. It was discovered in aviation, for example, that accidents sometimes occurred because junior pilots were afraid to correct more senior pilots when they mishandled problems; the same is true in fields such as medicine. By examining why those accidents happened, experts figured out ways to develop more flexible hierarchies, which creates better work environments overall.
Mistakes keep us humble. And that's important. When we think we're above making mistakes -- or that others are -- we stop questioning and challenging. That can lead to complacency, and really bad decisions. To quote Bill Gates: "Success makes a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." Overconfidence leads us to be blind to the limits of our expertise.
As the old saw goes, "to err is human," how do we work toward accepting mistakes and learn from them, rather than avoiding and denying them? Well, the good news is that there are upsides to making mistakes:
One of the definitions of "to err" is "to wander or stray." Often we make mistakes because we try new things -- we stray from accepted paths. Teflon, penicillin -- these are examples of great discoveries made by mistake. Take a page from Albert Einstein, who said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
We don't move out of our comfort zone if we're afraid of mistakes. Experiments with schoolchildren who did well on a given test show that those who were praised for being smart and then offered a more challenging or less challenging task afterward usually chose the easier one. On the other hand, children praised for trying hard -- rather than being smart -- far more often selected the more difficult task.

3. All human beings need to feel as if they have control over themselves and their lives. We cannot expect children to be totally independent, of course, since they are small and incapable of many things adults can do. Erikson (1950) believed that at the second level of psychosocial development, beginning soon after one year of age, young
children must resolve the conflict between autonomy and shame and doubt. Children who do not develop autonomy are liable to remain dependent on adults or to be overly influenced by peers. Gartrell (1995) called this phenomenon “mistaken behaviors”. Children who fall into “mistaken behaviors” may feel doubtful of their abilities, and be unable to take the risks that lead to real learning (Fordham & Anderson, 1992; Maxim, 1997) or challenge themselves to achieve at ever higher levels. In addition, they may feel hostility toward adults who allow them little freedom to choose (Edwards, 1993). Learning to be autonomous and self-reliant takes time and practice. When we offer children choices, we are allowing them to practice the skills of independence and responsibility, while we guard their health and safety by controlling and monitoring the options (Maxim, 1997).

4. Agree.
Childern aged from 5-18 are at the most importuned stage of intelligence development, so
they should get the better educators. According to a latest research result reported by
China Children Health Fund (CCHF), a child’s intelligence develops mostly from five to
eighteen, so, educators are required in people’s early ages. Besides, the training and
educating of a well-qualified teacher in primary school or high school are often quite
expensive, and they need to be paid a relatively high salary, for example, over
1000 dollars per month. As the number of teachers in primary school and high school increases, young children education becomes unaffordable for most parents and as a result,
government should pay more to subsidize the early education.



这是专业英语吧 参考翻译:像尿液收集瓶、造口术袋、伤口引流收集瓶和失禁垫之类都是用来收集不可能回流的体液的设备。


日语高手请进 请把短语翻译成中文
头が下かる 令人佩服 头がしい 错了吧~~因该是头がいい,是聪明的意思 目が届く 注意到 鼻の下が长い 色迷迷~~好色女 舌が长い 话多 骨が折れる 骨折 腹八分医者要らず 医生要求吃八分饱 手が早い处理事情果断~~~马上使用暴力 腕を买う 受重用 足が軽い 办事快 ...

译文]有个宋国人嫌自己的庄稼长得慢,就将禾苗一棵棵拔高。他疲惫不堪地回到家里,对家人说:“今天累坏了,我帮助庄稼长高啦!”他儿子赶忙到地里去看,禾苗都已枯萎了。认为没有好处就舍弃它,是不种苗的人;帮助苗长高,是揠苗的人。不但没有好处,反而害它。成语故事·揠苗助长 揠(yà)这...

不好意思。我是俄罗斯人。我的汉语不太好!希望你能明白我的翻译!http:\/\/i5.beon.ru\/97\/89\/178997\/44\/13514944\/GimnAnimeshnikov.mp3 Оу (оу) Оу (оу)Оу (оу) Оу (оу)Ня (ня) ня (ня)Ня (ня) ня (ня)Забей на еду! (оу!) ...

日语高手请进!几句句子的翻译 高分悬赏
あなただって、死ぬということがどういうことなのか分からない。死ぬは死ぬでも 即便是死 = 死ぬといっても 彼は好きな物ほど肌身离さず傍に置く。越喜欢的东西他约放在身边=彼は好きな物ほど身近に置いておく そう出来るだけ力があるにも関わらず、これは力を持った人の义务で...

Good Morning everybody!Today, I’d like to share some interesting knowledge what I’ve been acquiring in English study.As you may know, the meaning of few English words in idioms will not stand for its original meanings, such as “apple” and “water”.For example:Apple. The ...

1.赶头赶命=催命似的cūi mìng sì de 2.勒勒卡卡=断断续续 duan4 duan4 xu4 xu4 3.唔声唔盛= ? 4.口疏=嘴快 zŭi kuài 5.口爽=信口开河 xin4 kou3 kai1 he2 6.加把口=插嘴 cha1 zui3 7.喷晒口水=? 8.黑口黑面=板着脸 ban4 zhe1 lian4 其他果d五肯定。。识住...

People often say that money talks.人们常说金钱是万能的 They mean that a person with a lot of money can say how he or she wants things done. But it is not easy to earn enough money to gain this kind of power.也就是说一个有钱人可以随心所欲。但是去赚取足够多的金钱来实现...

就是分离的开始 kam kong su liam e i gi tsiu si hun li e khai si 害我害我对你放袂离 hai gua hai gua tui li pang bue li 但愿离别是暂时 不是遗憾的开始 tan guan li pet si tsiam si m si ui ham e khai si 小雨请你转达伊 sio hor tshia~ li tsuan tat i ...

悠君:悠君、こんにちは、お元気ですか 是啊,我叫李昊,所以你可以叫我昊君。そうですね、私は李昊と申します、だから昊って呼んでもいいです。现在开始,你就是我的日语老师了。これから悠君は私の日本语の先生になるよ 悠老师,以后请多多关照了。悠先生、これからよろしくお愿いし...

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进 -
庄薇清热: 1.folded up,折叠 2.efficient,高效的3.primary ,主要的4.on ,固定搭配on the corner;在街角 ;在转角处 ;在角落上(外角)5.occasions,on... occasions,在...的场合下,6.did the boy begin ,...

安次区18074665064: 英语高手,请进 -
庄薇清热: We often for our foreign friends prepare some Chinese food

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进 -
庄薇清热: where 是表示地点状语的.这里visit后面直接加地点,表示的是参观的这件事,因此用what提问.如果句子改成they visited museum in the centre.对centre部分的划线提问,就可以用where表示询问参观的地点.

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进~~~ -
庄薇清热: 哦As time passes ,a bright star will lose his brightness? maybe再闪亮的星星也会因...

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进
庄薇清热: 1.Read English aloud every morning. 2.Listen to the English cassettes. 3.Do the English listening exercise more. 4.In your free time, go to the coffee shop such as stubacks and find foreigners to talk. 5.Listening to the teacher carefully in class. 6....

安次区18074665064: 英文高手请进 -
庄薇清热: You are never too young to die. 死神永远不会嫌你小(又译:凡事无绝对) 这个可不能做广告语哦 找了半天呢哈哈. Nothing is absolute.(凡事无绝对) There should always be exceptions to the rule.(凡事总有例外.)

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进!翻译一句话
庄薇清热: 出自>,上帝用尘土造就人类始祖亚当,后因亚当偷吃禁果,上帝将其罚出伊甸园,使其失去永恒生命,并对他说 你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进 -
庄薇清热: 小学课本上的吧?苏海和苏洋是一对双胞胎姐妹.Su Hai looks the same with Su Yang.

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进!!! -
庄薇清热: be used to doing,习惯于 object to, 反对 devote oneself to, 致力于 stick to, 坚持 pay attention to,注意 respond to, 回答 look forward to,期盼 see to, 照料 contribute to,帮助 submit to...

安次区18074665064: 英语高手请进! -
庄薇清热: once在这里做副词,用这个来修饰后面的动词were没有错.(副词一般就是用来修饰动词的)其实吧..英国人也是很节省的..他们通常用非谓语形式作为一篇文章的题目.就例如shopping made easy,这就省略了B动词i

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