put sth on hold是什么意思

作者&投稿:鄢毅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
put sth on hold是什么意思~

put sth on hold

I'll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee.
The numbers she put on the chart were 98.4, 64, and 105.
The army was put on full alert as the peace talks began to fail.

on hold词组的本身含义就是"把什么什么搁浅,放一边"等等

一:片语put something on hold意思是“暂缓某事”。Hold 有支撑,维持的意思,支撑一下,等一下,把什么东西放在一边,暂缓一下,所以这个片语也好理解的吧!看个例子:

We’ll have to put this project on hold. We don’t have enough money for it now.


My old sister has to put marriage on hold because of her heavy workload.


二:在电话对话中put someone on hold的意思是要对方「在电话上等一下」


put 英[pʊt] 美[pʊt]
vt. 放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态);
vt. 使感觉到; 使受到…的影响;
vi. 说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接;
[例句]Leaphorn put the photograph on the desk

on hold 英[ɔn həuld] 美[ɑn hold]
[词典] 搁置; 等着通电话; 暂缓; 推迟;
[例句]He put his retirement on hold until he had found a solution.

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: put的所有短语搭配及其中文意思 -
福宇橘红: 我用-隔开单词的,可不理.有:put-away;放好,把…收拾起来.put-down;写下;把…放下;扑灭.put-forward;向前移动;建议;推荐;提出.put-in;插入.put-off;推迟.put-though;接通(电话).put-on;穿上;戴上.put-out;伸出,灭火,灭灯.put-up;挂起,抬起,建造.put-up-with忍受

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold. -
福宇橘红: 没有语义重复, 主要是翻译的原因 你查英文释义的话, on hold 指的是 in a state or period of indefinite suspension; 虽然大多数语境下都是暂缓、暂停; 但实际上被延缓时,到底是暂时的还是永久的, 完全可以加副词来形容的

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: 关于put的动词短语 -
福宇橘红:[答案] put a premium on 高度评价,重视 put another way 换句话说 put across 解释清楚、使被理解 put aside 保留;暂不考虑 put an end to 停止 put away 放好,收好 put back 恢复正常;把…放回原处 put down 记下 put forward 提出(要求、事实等) put in ...

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: put+++on+hold是什么意思 -
福宇橘红: put on hold [英][put ɔn həuld][美][pʊt ɑn hold] 搁置; 暂停; 延期; 双语例句1 Plans for rolling out remote dining rooms in other branches across the country also have been put on hold.而在全国更大范围内推广这个视频聚餐套间的计划也处于搁...

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: hold on to sth意思与什么相同? -
福宇橘红: [hold on to sb/sth] to keep something rather than losing it, selling it, or giving it to someone else The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days. I think I'll hold on to these old records for now.

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: 暂时停止做某事, 英语怎么说? 可以用hold on或hold吗? -
福宇橘红: 可以用stop doing sth hold on有坚持,继续的意思 而hold的意思有很多 vt. 1. 握着;抓住;夹住 2. 托住;支承 3. 使保持某种姿态等[O] 4. 拘留,扣留 5.... vi. 1. 持续,保持 2. 顶住,支持 3. 有效,适用 n. 1. 抓住,握住;握法[(+of/on)] 2. 可手攀(或脚踏)的东西,支撑点 3. 掌握;支撑 都不是很贴切

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: 通话中电话突然响音乐,屏幕显示PUT ON HOLD,是什么原因? -
福宇橘红: 待机,就是电话转线接听等待,或者是有别的电话进来了 再者,是不是你摁错哪个健子了?

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: put sth in加地方或 put sth on 什么意思 -
福宇橘红: put sth in somewhere 把某物放在某地 put sth on sth 把某物放在某物上

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: put sth on sth, put up sth on sth 有什么区别吗? -
福宇橘红: put sth on sth 把某物放在某物上 , put up sth on sth 搭建某物在某物上

关岭布依族苗族自治县19687556542: put them on什么意思?是把他们收起来还是穿上? -
福宇橘红: put on sth 意思是穿上... 如Put on the clothes. 穿上这件衣服.而sth是代词的时候,则一定要把sth放在中间,即Put them on 这种结构,把它们放在哪里,且没有put on them 这个组合Don't bother to wipe up the dishes, just put them on the ...

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