
作者&投稿:江脉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1) 系动词/助动词/情态动词的否定式的缩写
is not - isn't
do not - don't
does not - doesn't
did not - didn't
have not - haven't
has not - hasn't
had not - hadn't
must not - mustn't
should not - shouldn't

shall not - shan't
will not - won't

2) 主语与系动词/助动词/情态动词的缩写
I am - I'm
You are - You're
He is - He's
She is - She's
We are - We're
They are - They're
It is - It's

3) 一些代词/介词/名词的缩写
something - sth.
somebody - sb.
without - w/o

telephone - tel.
please - pls.
quantity - q'ty
piece - pc
company - co.
limited - ltd.
on behalf of - o/b

it is=it's,I am=I'm,he has=he's,loving=lovin',be going to=gonner,want to=wanner,I have=I've,

USA 美国: United States of America

UK 英国: United Kingdom

PRC 中国: People's Republic of China


UN 联合国: United Nations

UNESCO 联合国教科文组织: United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural


WTO 世贸组织: World Trade Organization

WHO 世界卫生组织: World Health Organization

CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China

OPEC 石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


SARS 非典: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

AIDS 爱滋病: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

BSE 疯牛病: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy


NMET 全国普通高等学校入学考试: National Matriculation Entrance Test

CET 大学英语等级考试: College English Test

PETS 全国公共英语等级考试: The Public English Test System

TOEFL 托福: Test of English as a Foreign Language

IELTS 雅思: International English Language Testing System


IT 信息技术: Information Technology

VCD 激光视盘: Video Compact Disc

GPS 全球定位系统: Global Positioning System

GSM 全球移动通讯系统: Global System for Mobile Communications

EMS 特快专递: Express Mail Service

WWW 万维网: World Wide Web


UFO 不名飞行物: Unidentified Flying Object

DNA 脱氧核糖核酸: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

It is =It's
What is =what's
do not =don't
does not=doesn't
did not =didn't
were not=weren'T


英语当中词性的缩写,词性是背单词一个很重要的概念,那么我们通常词性的英语就叫 part of speech。接下来我们看一下最常见的几个词性,缩写是什么?平时我们在记单词的时候一定要看重这些缩写,必须得带着这些缩写才是一个好的词汇学习。名词英语叫做noun,所以就n.来表示名词。(noun,n.) 形容词叫...

如下:1、sum 和。2、difference 差。3、product 积。4、quotient 商。另外再给你补充几个也是常用的:surface area 表面积、volume体积、the length of the side边长、lateral area 侧面积、altitude 高、rectangle 长方形、square 正方形、circular cylinder 圆柱体。英语翻译技巧:第一、省略翻译法 这...

国家:USA 美国: United States of America UK 英国: United Kingdom PRC 中国: People's Republic of China 国际组织、机构、公司:UN 联合国: United Nations UNESCO 联合国教科文组织: United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization WTO 世贸组织: World Trade Organization WHO...

K,ok. Gj,good\/great job. Nvm, never mind. Bty, by the way. Cy, see you. 这种缩写都是非正式得,只要别人能看懂,怎么写都可以

以下是一些常见的英语单词首字母缩写:ASAP: As Soon As Possible(尽快)DIY: Do It Yourself(自己动手做)FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题解答)CEO: Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)NGO: Non-Governmental Organization(非政府组织)UFO: Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物)RSVP:...

---其他简写--- 1,FU=f uck you=*你;滚 2,STFU=Shut the f uck up!=***给我闭嘴!3,k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩 4,sux=s uck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥 5,gimme=give me=给我 6,xfer=transfer=传输 7,em=them=他们的宾格 8,thx=thanks=谢谢 9,happy bday=...

Ac 【Alternating current】交流电 a\/c 【Account】帐户 AD 【anno Domini】公元 am 【ante merldiem】上午 ASCII 【American National Standard Code for Information Interchange】美国国家信息交换标准代码。ATM【Automatic Teller Machine 】ASAP【As Soon As Possible 】尽快,越快越好 BA 【Bachelor of...

词汇解析:acronyms 首字母缩略词(如Aids系由acquired immune deficiency syndrome的首字母组成)发音:英 [ˈækrənɪmz] 美 [ˈækrənɪmz]例:One appendix interprets acronyms used in the book.译:附录解释了书中用到的缩写。initialism 首...

Let me see=let me c.See you.=c u.Please= Plz.或者Pls.How are you=How r u?your=yr thanks=thx 我常用的是这些了,老外其实不是很喜欢这样的缩写的

常见英语词性缩写有:prep、n.、adj.、V.、pron、vi.、vt.。全写:1、prep-preposition 介词,音标是[,prepə'zɪʃ(ə)n]2、n.-noun 名词,音标是[naʊn]3、V.-verb 动词,音标是[vɜːb]4、pron-pronoun 代名词,音标是 ['prəʊna...

花山区13799365213: 谁能给告诉我英语中的英文缩写都是什么? -
吕娣克林: prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写 n = 名词,noun的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写 conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 vi = 不及物...

花山区13799365213: 英语单词缩写 -
吕娣克林: you are =you're he is =he's she is=she's it is =it's They are =they're they were=they'er we are=we're we were=we'er I would=I'd you would=you'd He had=He'd I have=I've He has=He's must not =mustn't need not=needn't should not=shouldn't would not ...

花山区13799365213: 英语单词有哪些是可以缩写的,比如you=u,最好是全一点的 -
吕娣克林:[答案] Let me see=let me c. See you.=c u. Please= Plz.或者Pls. How are you=How r u? your=yr thanks=thx 我常用的是这些了,老外其实不是很喜欢这样的缩写的

花山区13799365213: 英语缩写单词有哪些? -
吕娣克林: 那我就列举一些常用的吧. 1) 系动词/助动词/情态动词的否定式的缩写 is not - isn't do not - don't does not - doesn't did not - didn't have not - haven't has not - hasn't had not - hadn't must not - mustn't should not - shouldn't shall not - shan't will not - ...

花山区13799365213: 英语里面有哪些单词是可以缩写的,比如是you=u,还有那些,全一点 -
吕娣克林: K,ok. Gj,good/great job. Nvm, never mind. Bty, by the way. Cy, see you. 这种缩写都是非正式得,只要别人能看懂,怎么写都可以

花山区13799365213: 常用英语单词缩写 -
吕娣克林: ads-advertisements lab-laboratory gym-体育 chem-chemistry psych-psychology lit-literater NO pro -no problem gonna-going to diff-difference memo-memorandium fab-fablous cuz-because see ya-see you gotcha-got you

花山区13799365213: 英语的缩写单词 -
吕娣克林: 首字母缩略词 VIP (very important person) 重要人物,有钱人或高层人士 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织 IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会 CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States ...

花山区13799365213: 英语缩写单词有哪些?我指的英语缩写单词是指can't、I'm、nothin'等加了缩写符号'的单词我要名词或动词的缩写额,助动词和系动词的知道了 -
吕娣克林:[答案] 那我就列举一些常用的吧. 1) 系动词/助动词/情态动词的否定式的缩写 is not - isn't do not - don't does not - doesn't did not - didn't have not - haven't has not - hasn't had not - hadn't must not - mustn't should not - shouldn't shall not - shan't will not - won't ...

花山区13799365213: 都有哪些单词是英文的缩写 -
吕娣克林: 1ce once 2 to 26y4u too sexy for you 2day today 2mor tomorrow 2moro tomorrow 2morrowtomorrow 2nite tonight 3sum threesome 4 for 911emergency - call me addaddress afaik as far as i know agreemtagreement akaalso ...

花山区13799365213: 英语单词词性的缩写都是什么? -
吕娣克林: adj形容词 adv 副词n名词 prep介词 conj连词 v 动词 art冠词

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